Chapter 4 (1/2)
Only chapter for our good doctor this week.
”You look so much better these days. Before the surgery, you really didn't talk to any of your patients. But now you are getting along with them so well. It's like you… changed.”
”Of course, I've changed.”
”I got a change here.”
He pointed to his left chest and came back to the room.
After old patients left, there are only two patients left. Yoobin in his thirties and Giseok.
”Is there anything you want to watch?”
Yoobin picked up the remote control.
”Yeah? Then I'm choosing what I want to watch.”
Yoobin scrolled through the channel.
It stopped at Music channel and on screen 4-member girl groups were dancing on the rhythm.
”Now begins our time. You don't know how much I have waited.”
Bubbly melodies caught their ears.
Giseok was gazing into the TV without realizing.
Suddenly he lost a word.
The person at the middle of the group looked familiar.
Searching through his memory, he realized how he knew of her.
It was Eunha, whose dream was to be a celebrity.
The patient of him from Jinseong University Hospital became a TV star.
He was amazed by Eunha, dancing in the screen.
”Hey, What's the name of that group?”
”You don't know Super Venus?”
Yoonbin continued explanation, tutting.
Super Venus is the hottest girl group among newer groups. Their debut song, 'Beyond Love' became a hot hit and they shoot many advertis.e.m.e.nts.
”I like Eunha the best. She is the most elegant.”
Yoobin cracked with smile.
It is celebratory now that she became the TV star.
But why didn't she look happy?
She sure did say she is the happiest when dancing and singing.
Even it is through the screen, he can notice the odd energy.
Moonjae took over the remote control.
Giseok kept looking at the screen, even after the channel changed.
He still could see Eunha, dancing on the stage.
The room was peaceful.
Patients were laughing at the TV, Giseok was in the pleasant conversation.
Door opened, the girl in school uniform entered.
She vowed to other patients and went to Moonjae.
Her name is Dahye Yoon, Moonjae's daughter.
”You came, Dahye?”
She replied. Very short.
”You haven't met him yet, have you? His name is Giseok and he is my favourite brother in this room.”
”Nice to meet you.”
Giseok exchanged h.e.l.lo with Dahye.
Despite hard impression from Moonjae, Dahye's impression was quiet and elegant.
It seems she is more like her mom.
”How's your study?”
”It's okay.”
The conversation between daughter and dad continued.
Moonjae asked her what he's wondering and Dahye answered with one word.
Certainly the conversation didn't last long.
”I am craving orange juice. Dahye, would you go to the convenience store and get a box of orange juice?”
”Why don't you go? I'm grade 12 and I have to go back and study.”
”It's only a minute…”
Moonjae handed 10,000 won bill.
Dahye took the money with s.n.a.t.c.h and left the room. Moonjae scratched his head with awkward smile on his face.
”She's usually really kind. I guess she's stressed these days.”
Moonjae spoke, as if wanting other patients to hear. But his face couldn't hide his disappointment.
Watching Moonjae, Giseok went outside the room.
Loitering around the convenience store, he spotted Dahye, carrying the orange juice pack.
Physical: 5/10
Chief concern: Acne
Area: Skin
Current status : non-urgent
Progress: Normal
[Due to low level of pa.s.sive skill, you can't examine further]
[Caution! This patient is experiencing ident.i.ty crisis]
After studying Dahye with status window, Giseok let small smile out.
Ident.i.ty crisis…
”Want to go to ward together?”
Dahye answered, unapprovingly.
Giseok tried to start conversation, like weather or school. Like everyday topic.
Then he went to the meat of the conversation.
”Wasn't it so harsh to your dad, at the ward?”
”Why do you care?”
Dahye's look became sharp.
”You are right. It is none of my business. But would you like to hear what I have to say?”
Giseok continued, nonchalantly.
”Sometimes, think about your parents before yourself. They are human, too. They can get hurt by your behaviour.”
”Do you know how he was hurt when you left like that?”
Dahye stayed silent by Giseok's advice.
As if her mouth was locked up.
They arrived at the ward while talking to each other.
Giseok sat on his bed and Dahye was handing out the juice around the room.
”Here you go.”
Dahye opened the juice bottle, handed to Moonjae.
”Wow, what a service. By my daughter!”
”You… You said you wanted it.”
”Thank you.”
Moonjae smiled brightly and Giseok couldn't help but smiling with them together.
”See? My daughter is kind by nature. She handed out juice around and opened the bottle for me, without me asking.”
After Dahye left, Moonjae kept complimenting his daughter, not being able to stop.
Some time has past.
”Giseok. Your mom is here.”