Part 32 (2/2)
”Yes, yes,” Marlin agreed hastily. ”Yes, I'll do that-uh, those things.”
Nodding, Lothrae was abruptly gone, leaving nothing but dark and empty air above Marlin's...o...b..
Cursing softly, the heir of House Stormserpent restored things to their rightful places, took up his lantern, and hastened back to his own chambers.
Lothrae had spoken of the best tactic, but those bold words did nothing at all to lessen the danger. Someone who'd sat around his table plotting treason-or even a cabal of several of them, grinning at him behind their masklike faces-wanted him dead.
Taking to his bed was easy enough, but finding slumber proved harder. Fear was in him, his mind whispering peril after betrayal after knife in the dark.
Marlin tossed and turned, hissing curses through cold sweat after drenching cold sweat, fear never leaving him. He was so agitated that Thirsty took to flitting back and forth across the bedchamber, flapping from post to post of Marlin's great four-poster bed.
It was no use. He could not not sleep. Not when there could be a dozen hired slayers prowling Stormserpent Towers at that moment, blades in hand and gentle smiles on faces, drawing nearer...and sleep. Not when there could be a dozen hired slayers prowling Stormserpent Towers at that moment, blades in hand and gentle smiles on faces, drawing nearer...and nearer nearer...
”Farruking,”,” he snarled, thrusting himself up from the bedclothes in a fresh fury. he snarled, thrusting himself up from the bedclothes in a fresh fury.
He staggered as his bare feet hit the floor, but yawningly steadied himself against the nearest bedpost, then made for the chalice and the Flying Blade.
When Langral and Halonter of the Nine were standing coldly facing him once more, blue flames raging endlessly about them, Marlin commanded the two ghosts to watch over him as he slept and guard his person from all intruders.
Thirsty the stirge hastily flew from the bedpost up to the loftiest corner of his highest window to perch well out of their reach.
Langral and Halonter nodded silently at those orders. Silently flaming, they took up positions over Marlin as he settled himself on his pillow once more.
He'd feared he might not be able to sleep with the blueflame ghosts looming so close and menacing, but before he could so much as fully remember that fear, dark and falling oblivion claimed him.
And so never saw the thief and the fighter of the Nine, standing there in their flames, turn to regard each other over Marlin's faintly snoring form-and then in unison look down at him, open contempt on their faces.
”Saving the world or not,” Amarune mumbled, finding her nose perilously close to the tabletop for about the tenth time, ”I can't can't stop yawning.” stop yawning.”
”Of course, la.s.s. Ye need rest. We'll talk more on this later.”
Elminster produced a pouch from somewhere under his robes, and from it poured a generous stream of coins into his empty tallgla.s.s in the center of the table.
Then he rose and offered Amarune his arm. She was very thoughtful but also stumbling weary, and almost fell as she found her feet and took that proferred arm.
”I'm escorting ye back to thy rooms, where I'll part from thee and let ye enjoy a good long sleep. As long as ye need, mind; I'll settle things with thine employer so ye'll not be greeted by swords when ye come next to dance. The Dragonriders' should be reminded that drunken wizards can and do accuse any innocent la.s.s of being almost anyone. I'll play a sober wizard who knows better.”
Amarune nodded and let the old man lead her out through the deserted halls of The Willing Smile. Not the way they'd come in, she noticed; some discreet side exit, then.
So it proved to be, when Elminster ducked behind a narrow ascending stair, pushed on a panel, and they were in the outside air.
And almost falling over someone who was leaving the same establishment by another door that faced their own-a hasty departure of a robed man who was bent over as he scuttled forward, still fastening his clothing.
The collision was a mild one but parted Amarune and El and left them hopping for balance. They turned in unison-and found themselves looking into the glare of Wizard of War Rorskryn Mreldrake.
Who flushed a deep crimson and started to stride forward, snapping threats and orders at ”Two miscreants who should both both be in our dungeons, before-” be in our dungeons, before-”
Elminster turned his head in the teeth of this tirade and quietly asked Amarune, ”Trip him for me, will ye, la.s.s?”
Unhesitatingly she obeyed, toppling the war wizard abruptly on his face onto the cobbles, sprawled and senseless.
After staring down at the unconscious Mreldrake in sleepy astonishment for a moment, Amarune shook her head as if to clear away bewilderment and gave Elminster an almost accusative look.
”You...did you use a spell on me?”
”No,” Elminster told her truthfully. ”Nor did ye obey me because I gave an order. Ye just did the right thing when I pointed it out to ye. We of the blood of Aumar can't help ourselves, la.s.s. Doing the right thing is what we do.” do.”
He patted her arm. ”Oh, the Realms will be fine fine in thy hands. Just fine.” in thy hands. Just fine.”
Those words left Amarune standing white-faced and slack-jawed in the street as she stared at him, at a complete loss for words.
Gently he took her arm again and started towing her home.
Amarune awakened in darkness, lying amid her bedclothes. They were twisted and clammy, as if she'd spent the day wrestling with them rather than sleeping. She blinked up at the ceiling.
G.o.ds, she felt exhausted. Ruthgul was dead, dead dead...and she might well be, too, the moment Talane or that Windstag n.o.ble or his bullyblades found her.
She dare not stay there.
But where could she go?
What should she do? Not just for the moment for the moment, but with her life?
She was a very public target at the Dragonriders'...but she'd need coins coming in, to live anywhere.
Redoubling her career as the Silent Shadow only under a new name might might be very profitable at that time, with Suzail full of wealthy n.o.bles, but was stone-cold sure to be one thing. Very dangerous. be very profitable at that time, with Suzail full of wealthy n.o.bles, but was stone-cold sure to be one thing. Very dangerous.
Even if there were no laws nor wizards or Purple Dragons to enforce them, and even if n.o.bles were all careless-of-coin idiots with blunt swords who lacked House wizards or hired bodyguards, she wasn't sure if she wanted to make her living by thievery anymore.
And what did the crazy old mage who thought she was his granddaughter want with her? To ”save the Realms,” yes, but what did that mean? And just what would he put her through next?