Part 16 (1/2)

The younger Lord Delcastle raised an eyebrow. ”Has heir-hunting season begun, Trezmur?”

”Orders,” came the curt reply. ”Sons have murdered mothers before.”

”And will again, I fear,” Arclath replied, strolling away down the pa.s.sage with his tallgla.s.s in hand. ”Yet not this son. Such a deed would be entirely too...n.o.ble. I seek other delights in life.”

It was a good thing one of those delights wasn't sleeping, he thought to himself, knowing just how soon he'd be up again and out of the bed that was waiting for him.

Two pa.s.sages later, when he arrived at his own chambers, he handed the now-empty tallgla.s.s to the doorjack waiting there, went inside, and firmly closed the door.

Only after the inner door beyond that first one had closed behind him did he add aloud to what he'd told Trezmur, ”And when at last I discover the delights I should be seeking, life can truly begin.”

Bright early morning was flooding through windows that thankfully weren't framed in sculpted roses. Not that Arclath was lounging and enjoying the view.

He was at his usual desk, looking over doc.u.ments, deeds, and an ever-rising pile of cross-strapped-between-boards parchments; the endless scrip of family investments and business dealings.

Around him, the front chambers of Delcastle Manor were bustling, as various family factors, clerks, scribes, and coin-stewards hastened up to him to receive their directions among his crisp stream of orders.

They might have been concealing yawns, but their smiles were genuine; the sooner they were done, the sooner their time was theirs, and once Lord Delcastle left his chair, their days were ordered for them, their tasks clear.

As he spoke, the factors bowed and bustled out, one by one; trade agents get about early, or inevitably find themselves picking over leavings spurned by others.

Soon enough, Arclath followed them, spiking his quill and deeming his day's work done.

Catching up his favorite gem-handled cane, he gave the clerks an airy wave and swaggered out into the streets, twirling his spike-ended stick like a carefree child.

These days, success meant departing Delcastle Manor before his mother, exhausted by her parade of hired lovers, awakened and began her daily tyranny. And today, if the G.o.ds smiled, would be a string of successes.

With deft skill, Arclath speared a warm bun from a baker's tray being rushed past, and before the runner could even start to snarl a curse, tossed the man a lion-enough to pay for four such trays, buns and all.

The bun was hot and greasy, the spiced meat inside it splendid on his tongue but threatening to leave his chin glistening.

”Ravenous, Lord?” a hot-nuts vendor called.

”Not at all!” Arclath replied heartily, not slowing. ”Merely keeping in training! And how is the trade in roasted jawcrackers this fine morn?”

”Hot, Lord-hot! Get them hot while I have 'em!”

”Words my mother lives by!” He sauntered on, already hailing the next vendor to indulge in more silly repartee as he tossed a coin to a dirty barefoot child, danced a little flounce-and-flair with her as if she'd been a highborn lady, then with a wave left her and went on, very much the n.o.ble dandy at play.

He was heading for The Eel Revealed, an eatery specializing in cheese-and-eel pies, fiery fortified wines, and oiled young who served them both. A welcoming refuge for the famished stomach in the dear dawn hours...

She was the sleekest and swiftest of the serving maids, and his favorite. Wherefore she added a wink to her most ardent smile and twirled in front of him to make her skirt swirl fetchnignly to reveal her thigh-garter as she set down his platter in front of him.

”Ah, thank thank you, Emsra!” Lord Arclath Delcastle was at his whimsical airiest. ”You know how to make a man's insides roil in delicious pleasure! Just as I-a time or two, when at my you, Emsra!” Lord Arclath Delcastle was at his whimsical airiest. ”You know how to make a man's insides roil in delicious pleasure! Just as I-a time or two, when at my most most heroic-can claim to know how to do the same to the right maid!” heroic-can claim to know how to do the same to the right maid!”

Emsra t.i.ttered as she removed the dome from the steaming platter with a deft flourish, revealing a heap of succulent eels and morels in sardragon sauce. Or so the menu claimed.

She'd heard all of his lords.h.i.+p's favorite lines before, but it was the playful-as-a-child way he delivered them that still smote her into mirth. There were n.o.bles she hid in the kitchens from and n.o.bles she served with stiff, silent care-but if there'd been more n.o.bles like him, she'd have rushed eagerly forward to greet all n.o.bles and cheerfully would have seen to their every little want.

Around them, The Eel Revealed was growing quiet. The rush of early diners who were departing the city on business or had to get to their shops or to market or to meet and make deals at the docks or in various offices was done, and those who struck work early for highsunfeast hadn't yet done so.

Wherefore all the serving maids lounged around Lord Delcastle's table, sharing in the laughter. Not out of greedy desire to get a coin or two for their troubles-for they knew from experience they'd get those, regardless-but because this man had a way about him that lifted hearts and set folk to laughter and made the day brighter.

”Sausages,” Varimbra purred in Arclath's ear then, setting a small side platter down at his elbow. ”Compliments of Laethla, who desires your opinion of this new spicing she's trying.”

He looked up with a smile to find the women ringing his table all beaming at him, resplendent in their glow-painted suns and high-heeled boots as they struck poses-out of sheer habit.

”Would any of you care to join me?” he asked, and he meant it. ”Surely you've worked up hunger? I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble, but-”

But the smiles fell right off their faces, leaving only concern behind, and it had nothing to do with his offer. All of the maids stared over his shoulder at the same cause.

A cause that approached him rapidly.

Arclath could move swiftly when he had to, and sprang from his chair, s.n.a.t.c.hing up a hot sausage just in case, even before he turned.

To behold, striding toward his table with their eyes fixed on him, a frightened palace messenger and a suspicious-faced veteran lady war wizard he'd seen about the palace once or twice.

”Sausage?” he offered politely, holding it out to her with a bow-and receiving only silence in return.

From the messenger it was the silence of open-mouthed bafflement; from the war wizard it looked more like cold scorn.

Arclath shrugged, put the end of the spurned sausage into his own mouth, bit down, and started to chew.

He had plenty of time to study the stocky, aging war wizard as she bore down on him, and did not fail to notice she had a wand out and ready. She also had a cold-eyed, thin-lipped face like a horse, and a body that seemed to bulge with more muscles than one of your larger palace guards.

”Lord Arclath Delcastle, I will have words with you,” she announced.

Hmm. A cold voice, too, and probably very keen wits.

Arclath sensed the serving maids melting away from around him and turned in smooth haste to tell Varimbra, ”Please convey my compliments to Laethla. Peppery, and therefore should result in many drinks being bought and downed. I like it and would be pleased to pay her for this platter and the same again at my next visit.”

When he turned back to face the wizard of war, she was standing right in front of him. And contriving somehow, though she was a head shorter than he was, to seem to loom loom over him. over him.

He sketched the briefest of bows. ”Well met, Lady-?”

She snorted. ”Glathra by name. No lady. Spare me your honey-tongued flatteries.”

She turned her head and gave the messenger beside her a stern look-and he silently stretched out his hand and proffered a parchment note, holding it up and open for Arclath to read but drawing it back and away when, out of sheer habit, he reached to take it.

Arclath demonstrated that not just lady war wizards could dispense dirty looks, and the messenger blanched, swallowed, and advanced the note again. Arclath didn't reach for it this time, but merely applied himself to silently reading it.