Volume Ii Part 87 (1/2)

Queechy Elizabeth Wetherell 39920K 2022-07-22

The quick smile and colour that answered this, both very bright, wrought in Mrs. Carleton an instant recollection that her son was very apt to be right in his judgments, and that probably the present case might prove him so. The hand which had played with Fleda's hair was put round her waist, very affectionately, and Mrs. Carleton drew near her.

”I am sure we shall love each other, Fleda,” she said.

It was said like Fleda, not like Mrs. Carleton, and answered as simply. Fleda had gained her place. Her head was in Mrs.

Carleton's neck, and welcomed there.

”At least I am sure I shall love you,” said the lady, kissing her; ”and I don't despair on my own account for somebody else's sake.”

”No,” said Fleda, but she was not fluent to-day. She sat up and repeated, ”I have not forgotten old times either, Mrs.


”I don't want to think of the old time ? I want to think of the new,” ? she seemed to have a great fancy for stroking back those curls of hair; ”I want to tell you how happy I am, dear Fleda.”

Fleda did not say whether she was happy or unhappy, and her look might have been taken for dubious. She kept her eyes on the ground, while Mrs. Carleton drew the hair off from her flus.h.i.+ng cheeks, and considered the face laid bare to her view; and thought it was a fair face ? a very presentable face ? delicate and lovely ? a face that she would have no reason to be ashamed of, even by her son's side. Her speech was not precisely to that effect.

”You know now why I have come upon you at such a time. I need not ask pardon. I felt that I should be hardly discharging my commission if I did not see you till you arrived in New York.

My wishes I could have made to wait, but not my trust. So I came.”

”I am very glad you did.”

She could fain have persuaded the lady to disregard circ.u.mstances, and stay with her, at least till the next day, but Mrs. Carleton was unpersuadable. She would return immediately to Montepoole.

”And how long shall you be here now?” she said.

”A few days ? it will not be more than a week.”

”Do you know how soon Mr. Rossitur intends to sail for Jamaica?”

”As soon as possible ? he will make his stay in New York very short ? not more than a fortnight, perhaps; ? as short as he can.”

”And then, my dear Fleda, I am to have the charge of you ? for a little while ? am I not?”

Fleda hesitated, and began to say, ”Thank you,” but it was finished with a burst of very hearty tears.

Mrs. Carleton knew immediately the tender spot she had touched. She put her arms about Fleda, and caressed her as gently as her own mother might have done.

”Forgive me, dear Fleda! ? I forgot that so much that is sad to you must come before what is so much pleasure to me. Look up and tell me that you forgive me.”

Fleda soon looked up, but she looked very sorrowful, and said nothing. Mrs. Carleton watched her face for a little while, really pained.

”Have you heard from Guy since he went away?” she whispered.

”No, Ma'am.”

”I have.”

And therewith she put into Fleda's hand a letter ? not Mrs.

Carleton's letter, as Fleda's first thought was. It had her own name and the seal was unbroken. But it moved Mrs.

Carleton's wonder to see Fleda cry again, and longer than before. She did not understand it. She tried soothing, but she ventured no attempt at consoling, for she did not know what was the matter.