Volume Ii Part 9 (2/2)
”Views of what?”
”Of life, Sir.”
”As how?” said the doctor.
”How near the end is to the beginning, and how short the s.p.a.ce between, and how little the ups and downs of it will matter if we take the right road and get home.”
”Pshaw!” said the doctor.
But Fleda knew him too well to take his interjection otherwise than most kindly. And, indeed, though he whirled round and ate his toast at the fire discontentedly, his look came back to her after a little, with even more than its usual gentle appreciation.
”What do you suppose you have come to New York for?” said he.
”To see you, Sir, in the first place, and the Evelyns in the second.”
”And who in the third?”
”I am afraid the third place is vacant,” said Fleda, smiling.
”You are, eh? Well ? I don't know ? but I know that I have been inquired of by two several and distinct people as to your coming. Ah! you needn't open your bright eyes at me, because I shall not tell you. Only let me ask ? you have no notion of fencing off, my Queechy rose, with a hedge of blackthorn, or anything of that kind, have you?”
”I have no notion of any fences at all, except invisible ones, Sir,” said Fleda, laughing, and colouring very prettily.
”Well, those are not American fences,” said the doctor; ”so, I suppose, I am safe enough. Whom did I see you out riding with yesterday?”
”I was with Mrs. Evelyn,” said Fleda. ”I didn't want to go, but I couldn't very well help myself.”
”Mrs. Evelyn! Mrs. Evelyn wasn't driving, was she?”
”No, Sir; Mr. Thorn was driving.”
”I thought so. Have you seen your old friend, Mr. Carleton, yet?”
”Do you know him, uncle Orrin?”
”Why shouldn't I? What's the difficulty of knowing people?
Have you seen him?”
”But how did you know that he was an old friend of mine?”
”Question!” said the doctor. ”Hum ? well, I won't tell you; so there's the answer. Now, will you answer me?”
”I have not seen him, Sir.”
”Haven't met him, in all the times you have been to Mrs.