Volume Ii Part 2 (2/2)
”I dare say I have seen somebody as good,” said Fleda, quietly.
”My dear Fleda!” said Constance, a little scornfully this time; ”you haven't the least idea what you are talking about!
I tell you, he is an Englishman; he's of one of the best families in England: not such as you ever see here but once in an age; he's rich enough to count Mr. Thorn over, I don't know how many times.”
”I don't like anybody the better for being an Englishman,”
said Fleda; ”and it must be a small man whose purse will hold his measure.”
Constance made an impatient gesture.
”But I tell you it isn't! We knew him when we were abroad; and we know what he is; and we know his mother very well. When we were in England, we were a week with them down at their beautiful place in ? s.h.i.+re ? the loveliest time! You see, she was over here with Mr. Carleton once before, a good while ago; and mamma and papa were polite to them, and so they showed us a great deal of attention when we were in England. We had the loveliest time down there you can possibly conceive. And, my dear Fleda, he wears such a fur cloak! ? lined with the most exquisite black fox.”
”But, Constance!” said Fleda, a little vexed, though laughing ? ”any man may wear a fur cloak; the thing is, what is inside of it.”
”It is perfectly indifferent to me what is inside of it,” said Constance, ecstatically. ”I can see nothing but the edges of the black fox, especially when it is worn so very gracefully.”
”But, in some cases, there might be a white fox within.”
”There is nothing of the fox about Mr. Carleton,” said Constance, impatiently. ”If it had been anybody else, I should have said he was a bear two or three times; but he wears everything as he does his cloak, and makes you take what he pleases from him ? what I wouldn't take from any- body else, I know.”
”With a fox lining,” said Fleda, laughing.
”Then foxes haven't got their true character, that's all. Now I'll just tell you an instance ? it was at a party somewhere ?
it was at that tiresome Mrs. Swinburne's, where the evenings are always so stupid, and there was nothing worth going or staying for but the supper ? except Mr. Carleton ? and he never stays five minutes, except at two or three places; and it drives me crazy, because they are places I don't go to very often ?”
”Suppose you keep your wits, and tell me your story.”
”Well ? don't interrupt me ? he was there, and he had taken me into the supper-room, when mamma came along, and took it into her head to tell me not to take something ? I forget what ?
punch, I believe ? because I had not been well in the morning.
Now, you know, it was absurd. I was perfectly well then, and I told her I shouldn't mind her; but do you believe, Mr.
Carleton wouldn't give it to me? ? absolutely told me he wouldn't, and told me why, as coolly as possible, and gave me a gla.s.s of water, and made me drink it; and if it had been anybody else, I do a.s.sure you I would have flung it in his face, and never spoken to him again; and I have been in love with him ever since. Now, is that tea going to be ready?”
”Presently. How long have you been here?”
”Oh, a day or two ? and it has poured with rain every single day since we came, till this one; and just think,” said Constance with a ludicrously scared face ? ”I must make haste, and be back again. You see, I came away on principle, that I may strike with the effect of novelty when I appear again; but if I stay _too_ long, you know ? there is a point ?”
”On the principle of the ice-boats,” said Fleda, ”that back a little to give a better blow to the ice, where they find it tough?”
”Tough!” said Constance.
”Does Florence like this paragon of yours as well as you do?”
”I don't know ? she don't talk so much about him, but that proves nothing; she's too happy to talk _to_ him. I expect our family concord will be shattered by and by,” said Constance, shaking her head.
”You seem to take the prospect philosophically,” said Fleda, looking amused. ”How long are you going to stay at the Pool?”
Constance gave an expressive shrug, intimating that the deciding of that question did not rest with her.