Volume I Part 79 (2/2)
To her simple spirit of enjoyment the weeks ran fast; and all manner of novelties and kindnesses helped them on. It was a time of cloudless pleasure. But those she had left thought it long. She wrote them how delightfully she kept house for the old doctor, whose wife had long been dead, and how joyously she and the Evelyns made time fly And every pleasure she felt awoke almost as strong a throb in the hearts at home. But they missed her, as Barby said, ”dreadfully;” and she was most dearly welcomed when she came back. It was just before New Year.
For half an hour there was most gladsome use of eyes and tongues. Fleda had a great deal to tell them.
”How well ? how well you are looking, dear Fleda!” said her aunt, for the third or fourth time.
”That's more than I can say for you and Hugh, aunt Lucy. What have you been doing to yourselves?”
”Nothing new,” they said, as her eye went from one to the other.
”I guess you have wanted me!” said Fleda, shaking her head, as she kissed them both again.
”I guess we have,” said Hugh, ”but don't fancy we have grown thin upon the want.”
”But where's uncle Rolf? you didn't tell me.”
”He is gone to look after those lands in Michigan.”
”In Michigan! ? When did he go?”
”Very soon after you.”
”And you didn't let me know! ? Oh, why didn't you? How lonely you must have been!”
”Let you know, indeed!” said Mrs. Rossitur, wrapping her in her arms again; ? ”Hugh and I counted every week that you stayed, with more pleasure each one.”
”I understand!” said Fleda, laughing under her aunt's kisses.
”Well, I am glad I am at home again to take care of you. I see you can't get along without me.”
”People have been very kind, Fleda,” said Hugh.
”Have they?”
”Yes ? thinking we were desolate, I suppose. There has been no end to aunt Miriam's goodness and pleasantness.”
”Oh, aunt Miriam, always!” said Fleda. ”And Seth.”
”Catherine Dougla.s.s has been up twice to ask if her mother could do anything for us; and Mrs. Dougla.s.s sent us once a rabbit, and once a quant.i.ty of wild pigeons that Earl had shot. Mother and I lived upon pigeons for I don't know how long. Barby wouldn't eat 'em ? she said she liked pork better; but I believe she did it on purpose.”
”Like enough,” said Fleda, smiling, from her aunt's arms where she still lay.
”And Seth has sent you plenty of your favourite hickory nuts, very fine ones; and I gathered b.u.t.ternuts enough for you near home.”
”Everything is for me,” said Fleda. ”Well, the first thing I do shall be to make some b.u.t.ternut candy for _you_. You wont despise that Mr. Hugh?”
Hugh smiled at her, and went on.