Part 23 (1/2)
”Yet we manage to disagree fairly often.”
”That's because we like making up so much.”
”I love love making up,” she said. making up,” she said.
”You and me both, sister.”
”You think we woke her?”
I went to the door that separated our bedrooms and opened it, watched my daughter sleep. She didn't sleep on her stomach so much as on her upper chest, head turned to the right, b.u.t.t sticking up in the air. If I looked in two hours from now, she'd be on her side, but pre-midnight, she slept like a penitent.
I shut the door and came back to bed. ”She's out.”
”I'm going to send her.”
”What? Where?”
”To see my mom. If Bubba will take her.”
”Call him. You know exactly what he'll say.”
She nodded. It was barely a question, really. Angie could tell Bubba she needed him yesterday in Katmandu and he'd remind her that he was already there. ”How's he going to get weapons on a plane?”
”It's Savannah. I'm quite sure he has connections there.”
”Gabby'll love to see her nonnie, that's for sure. She's been talking about it nonstop since the summer. Well, that and trees.” She looked over at me. ”You good with that?”
I looked at her. ”These are bad f.u.c.king people I'm going to take on. And, like you said, they know where we live. I'd put her on a plane tonight, if I could. But what about you? You're going to put the spurs on again, join me on the wagon trail?”
”Yeah. Might speed the process up.”
”Sure. But what's the longest you've been away from Gabby since we had her?”
”Three days.”
”Right. When we went to Maine and you whined about missing her the whole friggin' time.”
”I didn't whine whine. I stated the obvious a few times.”
”And then restated it. That's called whining.”
She slapped my head with a pillow. ”Whatever. Anyway, that was last year. I've matured. And she's going to love this-going on an adventure to see her nonnie with Uncle Bubba? If we told her tonight, she'd never have fallen asleep.” She rolled on top of me. ”So what's your immediate plan?”
”Find Amanda.”
”Again. Trade the cross she stole for Sophie. Everyone goes home.”
”Who says Amanda's going to give it up?”
”Sophie's her friend.”
”The way I've heard it, Sophie's her Robert Ford.”
”I don't know if it's that bad.” I scratched my head. ”I don't know a lot, though. Which is why I've gotta find her.”
”How, though?”
”Question of the month.”
She reached across my body and grabbed my laptop bag off the floor. She opened it, pulled out the file marked A. MCCREADY and opened it on the pillow to the right of my head. ”These are the shots you took of her room?” and opened it on the pillow to the right of my head. ”These are the shots you took of her room?”
”Yeah. No, not those-those are of Sophie's room. Keep going. Those there.”
”Looks like a hotel room.”
”Pretty impersonal, yeah.”
”Except for the Sox jersey.”
I nodded. ”Know what's weird? She isn't a fan. She never talked about the team or went to Fenway or wondered aloud what Theo was thinking when he made the Julio Lugo deal or traded Kason Gabbard for Going Going Gagne.”
”Maybe it's just Beckett.”
”Maybe she's just got a crush on Josh Beckett.”
”Why do you say that?”
”Well, that's his jersey, right? Number 19. Why are you whiter than usual suddenly?”
”It's not the Red Sox she's obsessed with.”