2 Chapter 2 (1/2)

”hahaha no no no ahahahah” I can't contain my laughter at her expense while she is looking at me whit a really angry face, probably I shouldn't provoke her too much ”it's not that kind of favor” l took a deep breath ”I was just trying to ask you to tell me a joke” I laugh again at her expense while I look at her dumbfounded expression ”here, this one goes for free”

”Do you really expect that after all this, I am going to sit down just like nothing has happened?”

” mmm, no you are right” I put my hand in my chin faking a thinking pose until I snap my fingers ” I know! I will tell you a joke!”

”what? are you serious?”

”yeah! why not?”

”Sigh ok, go on”

”There were four nuns in the courtyard of a church. One of the bored nuns tells the rest ”And if we go to the town? today there is a party, we have already finished everything we had to do for today

'okay' says the rest of them, they took the priest car and go to the party of the town

They come back in the next morning driving slightly off the road in time in time. All their clothes were a mess, one of the nuns have a bottle of alcohol in her hand. When they arrive at the entrance of the church the priest was waiting for them.

'Now, sisters follow me' he leads them to a courtyard whit a little fountain 'now sisters, you will form in a line and wash the part of the body with which you committed a sin with holy water'

'ok' says the nuns

the first nun comes to the fountain and said 'I am going to wash this finger' she shows her index finger 'because I committed a sin whit it' and washes it

the second nun comes 'I am going this hand because I committed a sin whit it' she washes her right hand

when the priest saw the third and fourth fighting for who is washing first he says 'take it, easy sisters, there is enough holy water for both of you'

the fourth nun stops fighting and looks to the priest 'that's not the problem father, the problem is that I wanna wash my mouth before she washes her asshole' ”

”ahahahahaha my God it's so bad that is good” her laughter sounds so nice.

Wait, why I even doing this? oh yeah, the booty. I don't even think that I have a chance with her, but who knows, the no I already have it.

”oh okay let me tell you a good one...”

We spend a good time talking about nothing in particular, she told me a good joke too. Surprising enough, she is a kinda good company to hang out, when she's not bein a b*tch

We talked about a little of everything, my life studying, working and trying to make some money. Her life working for her father, that she has almost no liberty in her life, I tried to ask in what she works in her father company, but she changes the subject every time I try asking, no big deal thou.

”Hey, do you dance?” she suddenly asked me, expecting and hoping about my answer, that beautiful smile and if you look carefully, one could see how happy she is right now. One starts asking oneself how could such a beautiful lady its so happy whit me?



”Heyy are you there?!”

'ah, she had to ruin it' sigh 'dance? well, I am not the best, but I am at least decent enough to not embarrass myself, too much...'

”Ah, mm Y-yes!” 'smooth really smooth'

”Perfect!” she takes me by the hand and leads me to the dance floor

Do you know these people that look that can do anything? She is one these people.

She dances like a pro and she was kind enough to lead me when we were dancing in the dance floor, so I don't make a fool of myself

'wait, the alcohol is affecting me, maybe she too... mmm don't let this chance go'

I made the effort to dance like the best drunk and if she is still whit me after four songs I think that worked, but I get a little tired after all that dance, I look to the side a moment and I see my friends all together, scheming like school girls while they are looking at me.

'Oh f*ck! those motherf*ckers! quick think something'

”hey wanna go somewhere else?” I ask her

”like where? you aren't planning anything stupid, right?”

”what? no, I just wanna know you a little better its ok if you don't”

”????....” she thinks about it a moment ” ok let's go, but if you try to do something funny on your on” She suddenly takes a teaser from nowhere ”I am gonna f*cking use this on you, capiche?”

”Yeah, yeah let's go” 'damn, this girl doesn't tolerate any bullshit'

”where to?” she hides the teaser again who knows where and look at me waiting for an answer