Part 15 (1/2)

=The Ministry of Women.= Fcap. 8vo (2/6 Cloth, 1/9 Paper). =Rev. H. A.


Postage 2d.

Addresses suitable for Lent and Holy Week, also Mothers' Meetings.

=Grounds of Christian Belief.= Crown 8vo (3/- Cloth, 2/-Paper). =Rev.

F. W. Butler=

Postage 3d.

Presents in an interesting manner the truths of the Christian Faith in the light of present-day thought; by a writer of ability and distinction.

=The Holy Catholic Church and Her Sacraments= (1/3 net) =Rev. F. T.


Invaluable as a manual of simple instruction regarding ”The Faith once delivered to the Saints.” A book every candidate for Confirmation and every thinking member of the Church of England should possess.

=The Fellows.h.i.+p of the Saints= (In 2 vols., 4/6 net each) =Rev. G. Lacey May=

A course of addresses for the year.

=What's Wrong with the Church of England?= Crown 8vo, boards 2/6; paper 2/- =Rev. H. Ernest Crofts=

A very excellent work and one that ought to prove very popular. The writer puts his case well and makes an attempt to correct every abuse which he exposes. The Publishers can heartily recommend it.

=The Solace of the Soul= (3/6 Cloth, 2/9 Paper) =Rev. L. W. Key= Vicar of All Saints, Ipswich