Chapter 457 - She Will Light Up Nami (1/2)
The flying sword dashes with a strong force, cutting down towards the stars.h.i.+p.
All the lights scattered in the universe seem to be attracted at this moment. Kant once said this. Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.
While the strong civilization in the s.p.a.ce rubs the weak ones, morality has become a synonym for hypocrisy in the n.o.ble’s eyes.
When their technology sends them to the stars, the sky above that has witnessed countless beautiful wishes doesn’t seem to be precious anymore, does it? Seen closely, asteroids are full of craters and rocks. How can you regard it as beautiful?
But the Nami Alliance who witnesses this scene will remember this moment for a lifetime.
All the lights are concentrated on Lin Luoran’s sword. White Fairy even raised her chin slightly in the s.p.a.ce. The surprising move Lin Luoran does is from Ethereal Palace. Although Ethereal Palace has been forgotten on earth, it is destined to be back on stage stunningly in the distant s.p.a.ce.
Even in slow motion, the sword will still stroke accurately.
How can a cultivator who is still in the phase of Gathering Vitality destroy a stars.h.i.+p?
What’s more, it is created by the Nami Alliance, one of the Galaxy’s top five alliances. Other cultivators may fail, but Lin Luoran is different.
White lights are splas.h.i.+ng. The Bright Sword slashes on top of the enemy stars.h.i.+p.
Three seconds after the white lights disappear, everything remains the same. There is not even an explosion. People on the Edward stars.h.i.+p are anxious. Windsor and the pirates on “Friend” feel sorry for Lin. All the enemies now set their hearts at rest.
They burst into laughter. The stars.h.i.+p’s beam flickers with frequency, sending out a navigation signal representing “sneer”.
Only those in the s.p.a.ce cheer up.
“I won. Bring me the mango!”
“The dealer has to pay me four rabbits… You don’t have any? I don’t care. Go catch it.”
White Fairy smiles. “My bet is the closest. Don’t forget about the spirit stones you two owe me. I will ask for them someday in the future.”
Fire phoenix and wood wolf look at her with shared anger. The human race is the most cunning race of all!
” Aunt Lin …failed?”
Ma Yiming blushes out of fury. Xiaozhi can be really dumb sometimes. He translates the signal from the enemy stars.h.i.+p. Now Ma Yiming knows how they laugh at Edward and Lin Luoran. He is going to explode.
Ma Shuangshuang and Han Weiya don’t understand what has happened. They can’t answer Ma Yiming. Colin Weir’s eyes are twinkling. His double pupil separates and overlaps. That move Lin Luoran just did was amazing. He now feels from the bottom of his heart that it is the correct thing to follow Lin Luoran wandering in the s.p.a.ce and to leave his family ident.i.ty behind.
“Be confident in our lady!”
Colin doesn’t believe that Lin failed. That’s not her style.
One second, two seconds… On the eighteenth second, something happens. While the enemies are still cheering, the top of the stars.h.i.+p suddenly begins to crack.
When does the sh.e.l.l of the stars.h.i.+p become as weak as an eggsh.e.l.l?!
No one answers their question. The deputy commander only has time to get to the nearest rescue capsule himself. The broken alloy wall above the stars.h.i.+p brings in a devastating airflow.
The big hole above does not directly kill anyone in the Nami Alliance. Due to the pressure generated by the vacuum on the stars.h.i.+p, air inside the stars.h.i.+p swarms out the moment the alloy wall collapsed. The powerful airflow throws people out. They are not Lin Luoran who can walk in the s.p.a.ce without a s.p.a.cesuit.
In fact, when the surrounding air pressure drops below 47 millimeters of mercury, moisture in the tissues starts to vaporize. The evaporation can cause cell failure on the surface of the body and loss of body heat. After 6 seconds, the failure process extends to the heart and lungs, causing interruption of blood circulation. Then there is acute hypoxia, convulsions, and visceral muscle relaxation.
Only a few people escape into the airs.h.i.+p. The flamboyant commander is obviously not among them.
The deputy commander sheds tears in the rescue capsule. His companions who were swept out of the stars.h.i.+p by the airflow would have no way to survive—and their corpses look terrifying.
“Don’t look at that…” Ma Yiming covers his sister’s eyes. He knows what human bodies in a vacuum would look like. He doesn’t want to traumatize his sister.
Han Weiya comes to the stars.h.i.+p alone. Looked at the girl’s pale face, Ma Yiming’s heart hurts. He covers Han Weiya’s eyes at the same time with the other hand.