Chapter 109 - Bats (1/2)
In the deep narrow path, Lin Luoran is walking quietly.
Since her connection with the Sword of Bright Snow is interfered around the peak, Lin Luoran has no choice but to guard herself with spells. It is a common sense that fire and light will upset bats, so Lin doesn’t light the path.
The problem is that she thought this was just a normal bat cave. Going deeper into the cave, she is also going down. Lin Luoran starts to question herself that maybe she forgot to search the bottom of the mountain before and the entrance on the top of the mountain actually leads to the bottom by the path.
However, it’s already too late to regret. The lower she goes, the path becomes wider. The thing is that she hasn’t seen any bat along the way. They are resting, or something has happened to them?
Strange things are mostly monstrous. As she goes deeper inside, Lin Luoran raises her vigilance.
The cave gets bigger. Lin Luoran smiles bitterly. It appears that the bat cave locates at the foot of the mountain, and she actually has spent twice of the time to get here. Nevertheless… Why so quiet?
Lin Luoran looks forward with her cleared eyes. The winding path spirals down to the bottom of the mountain. Lin Luoran is surrounded by the creepy darkness, and what scares her is that the path is too tidy to be natural.
What is waiting for her at the bottom of the cave?
Going downhill is even harder than going up. Lin Luoran has spent twice of the time she took to climb to the peak in the spiral path because she has to be on guard. Lin Luoran frowns — she has been in the peak for three hours, and she still hasn’t seen any bat. This can’t be a good omen!
The sound of running water!
Lin Luoran stops walking and listens. After confirming the sound, she instinctively walks faster.
Lin makes another two turns and finally arrives at an open area — she is in a huge karst cave full of stalact.i.tes. The stalact.i.tes in the monkey’s cave house were beautiful and dreamy, but those in the bat cave are dark and creepy.
The running water Lin Luoran heard just now is there. It is a not-so-rapid underground river.
The river is running inside from a hole, which must be another exit of the cave. However, Lin Luoran now is in no mood of exploring it — two people are lying on a huge and smooth stone table in the center of the karst cave, and Lin can’t tell whether they are dead or alive!
By contrast, the skeletons scattered on the side of the stone table are more frightening… Some of the bones even look like human skulls!
Lin Luoran gasps. What kind of bat cave is it? It is clearly a den of monsters!
A few bats are hanging head down on the stalact.i.tes far from the stone table. It seems that the bats have not noticed that Lin Luoran is here, and they are just resting with eyes closed.
A thick layer of Luminous Sand lies on the ground under the bats. In fact, generally speaking, Luminous Sand is the feces of bats.
There is such a huge amount of Luminous Sand in the cave which clearly is not produced by these bats. Have the other bats gone out to hunt for food?
Lin Luoran clenches her fists. She can’t decide whether she should check on the two people on the stone table first or just take some Luminous Sand and leave.
Bats which have gone out may return any time. Lin Luoran thinks fast and casts a glance at the two people on the stone table. One of them has brown hair and the other has blond hair, and both of them look pale. The two people are not from the State of Huaxia. Though they do look familiar, Lin Luoran is not nice enough to save them first. She plans to wait and see.
Lin Luoran is relieved and decides to collect some Luminous Sand first!
Bats can’t see, and they locate things with sound wave. Lin Luoran never relaxes her guard because the bats are sleeping with their eyes closed. Instead, she walks closer very carefully to the bats. Lin takes out a little jar she made before and uses the Sword of Bright Snow to dig into the feces.
The feces of bat reeks. Over ten inches deeper, the feces have become black crystals which can be used as medicine. The black crystals are the bat feces stored for around 100 years.
Lin Luoran is glad and she keeps digging carefully. Then she finds some white crystals which look like white sugar. It takes the bat feces a hundred years to become crystal and a thousand years to turn white. This is the Luminous Sand she is looking for!