Chapter 38 (1/2)
Chapter 38 Dreamlike Purple“What? Are you ok, Brother Cui?” Lin Luoran is shocked. She thought that Fatty Cui accidentally hurt himself while speaking. How can she explain to Sister w.a.n.g about this?
Fatty Cui’s lips are quivering. He stares at the raw jade in his shaking hands with his eyes wide open. Looking at his contorted face, Lin Luoran affirms that he has hurt his hands. She hurries to him.
“So sorry, Brother Cui, I shouldn’t have asked you to help me cut the stone…”
Fatty Cui comes to his sense and looks at Lin Luoran with fever in his eyes, “Look…Look at it!” He hands over the stone to her.
The stone is still covered in dust. Under the lamp light in the bas.e.m.e.nt, Lin Luoran casts a glance at it and sees the breathtaking purple in the center of the green jade— She knows it must be a jade of high quality, but she has never imagined it to be purple!
“It’s violet!” Lin Luoran is surprised, too. She can explore jade with Reiki, but she is not able to see the color. People usually call stones in the color of yellow, red and green jade, but purple jade is indeed rarely seen.
Fatty Cui stamps his feet, “What violet! This is called “Purple-green Mix” in professional words!” Saying this, he grabs the stone in disdain.
Lin Luoran smiles and decides not to argue with Fatty Cui, who is really an expert.
Fatty Cui is in mad love with jade. His plump hands become extremely dexterous now, which are rubbing the stone like crazy. He only stops to wipe away the sweat on his forehead after putting the stone in a basin filled with clean water.
It is convenient and quiet to cut stone in the bas.e.m.e.nt. Lin Luoran figures she can also buy a full set of tools and cut stones herself after buying Master Jia’s house.
When Fatty Cui holds the jade in both hands and walks out of the bas.e.m.e.nt, the housekeepers cry, “The Purple-green Mix is so beautiful! Mr. Cui is about to make a fortune!”
Fatty Cui looks back at Lin Luoran jauntily. Hearing that even the housekeepers know the name of this jade, Lin Luoran blushes and bursts into a dry cough to avoid the embarra.s.sment.
Fatty Cui stops messing with her and says to one of the housekeepers, “Call my wife. Tell her to come home and have a look at the great jade!”
The housekeeper goes to make the call but comes back right away, “Mrs. Cui has already been home.”
w.a.n.g Miao’e knows that Lin Luoran has brought a stone here to cut, in the hope of selling it. She couldn’t stop thinking about this when she was at the company, so she rushed back home the minute she got things done. She arrives just in time.
“Ha, I am just in time!” w.a.n.g Miao’e immediately sees the jade on the tray.
“Of Course! My wife is always…” Fatty Cui is such a bootlicker in front of his wife, but Lin Luoran can’t even bear to listen to the words he says. Finally, Fatty Cui stops sucking up to w.a.n.g Miao’e and presents the jade to her, “Darling, look at this. You didn’t just recognize a sworn sister. Luoran is almost like the G.o.ddess of fortune who can spit money!”
w.a.n.g Miao’e laughs, “Certainly, don’t you see whose sister is she! The sister of mine must—” Her words stops abruptly. w.a.n.g Miao’e stares at the jade then to Lin Luoran, which makes Lin Luoran blush. w.a.n.g Miao’e opens her mouth, “A Purple-green Mix? Sister, you are not only a G.o.ddess of fortune. The money you can spit is the US dollars!”
“Sister w.a.n.g, don’t you joke on me along with Brother Cui!” Lin Luoran finally starts to understand the feeling of the Cantonese at the stone-cutting plant who left in disgrace. This couple does like to act in collusion.
w.a.n.g Miao’e stops making jokes, takes off her coat and hands it to the housekeeper.