Chapter 30 (1/2)

Chapter 30 Liu Zheng is Here?“What? The commander in chief of the military subarea?” In front of the two-story house, Lin Luoran lowers her voice and says in surprise.

Knowing Lin Luoran so well, Baojia smiles, “I didn’t mean to hide this from you. You never asked so I didn’t have the chance to tell you…” Baojia doesn’t believe that Lin Luoran’s surprise is out of happiness. She must be angry.

Lin Luoran’s anger is about to break out, however, she has no choice but to forgive her best friend because Baojia is looking at her in a poor face and bowing for her forgiveness.

It’s true that Lin Luoran never asked about this. Besides, she is so sensitive and self-abased. If Baojia did tell Lin Luoran about what kind of family she came from, Lin Luoran must have estranged from her best friend because of inferiority. Thinking in this way, Lin Luoran feels relieved, but she pretends to be mad, “I won’t forget about this! You have to make it up to me later!”

Baojia instantly changes from a begging little girl to a queen in high heels. She runs to the front door and knocks hard, “Commander, your dear granddaughter is here! Open the door! Hurry!”

Before anyone in the house makes any response, the neighboring households all at once shut their doors and windows. Lin Luoran wonders whether they are annoyed by Baojia’s “demonic voice”, or “the dear granddaughter of the commander” is a scary existence…

Lin Luoran nearly falls over. She already knows that Baojia is vigorous, still, it is her first time to see Baojia being so “masculine”! Lin Luoran laughs. It seems that Baojia is close to her grandpa!

Lin Luoran tries the best to hold her laughter back while Baojia keeps knocking at the door. Suddenly, the door opens. Lin Luoran stands up straight at once in order to show her respect to the elder.

Standing by the door is a handsome man with gold-rimmed—Why is Liu Zheng here?

Yet, Baojia pats him on his shoulder, “Master Liu is here. I will take a rain check if I knew you had come!”

Baojia is quite straightforward and Lin Luoran notices that Liu Zheng is a little embarra.s.sed by Baojia’s words. However, why is Baojia not surprised by Liu Zheng’s presence in her grandpa’s house? When do they become so intimate?

Lin Luoran seems to be happy for Baojia and Liu Zheng to be together. She calls Liu Zheng “boss” with a smile and is dragged into the house by Baojia.

“Baojia, I’m cooking. The meal will be ready in a minute!” An old man’s energetic voice comes from the kitchen.

Lin Luoran is amazed. Baojia’s grandpa has to cook by himself? She looks at Liu Zheng who is now sitting in the hall. Liu Zheng gives her a helpless smile, which means that Baojia’s grandpa has insisted to cook.

Baojia tosses her handbag on the couch and shouts with her hands on her waist, “Come out! Commander! I bring Luoran here today!”

“Oh, Lin Luoran? I must have a look.” An old man comes out of the kitchen with a spatula in his hand.

Lin Luoran is shocked by Baojia and her grandpa. She finally realizes where does Baojia get her dignity and humor—What a commander in chief shall look like?

It must include a determined face, military uniform and straight back. Right?

How about Baojia’s grandpa? He has a ruddy complexion and walks vigorously. Wearing an ap.r.o.n and holding a spatula, he looks like a grandpa who stays at home every day and takes care of his grandson! The most important thing is that a cute monkey is printed on the ap.r.o.n…

“h.e.l.lo, Grandpa Qin!” Lin Luoran comes to herself and greets.

Liu Zheng has got used to the appearance of Commander Qin, and he is looking up at the chandelier calmly.

Baojia blushes, but Commander Qin is not embarra.s.sed at all, “Don’t call me Grandpa Qin! Grandpa is all right!”

Lin Luoran is afraid that she may be accidentally injured by his waving spatula so she instantly corrects herself to call him “grandpa”. Commander Qin is satisfied. He nods and says, “Good girl. The vegetable you sent is nice. Of course, my cooking skill is better! Ha-ha… Oh my G.o.d! My braised eggplant is still in the pan!”

Commander Qin is advertising his cooking skill when he remembers that he has left the eggplant in a hot pan. He bursts into a sigh and rushes back to the kitchen.

Liu Zheng is having a hard time holding his laughter. Baojia feels that her face is burning up, but Lin Luoran pats her on the shoulder and says,

“Your grandpa is indeed the treasure in this house. Commander Qin does have a good personality.”

Baojia is so embarra.s.sed. Lin Luoran now understands her best friend. No wonder Baojia never takes her here. If Lin Luoran’s grandpa is like this, she may feel stressful as well.

During the meal, Commander Qin takes off the ap.r.o.n and doesn’t talk while eating, which finally add some qualities of commander to himself.