Part 45 (1/2)

It reminds me of the journal I opened with the New Year, once, when I was a boy and a confiding and a willing prey to those impossible schemes of reform which well-meaning old maids and grandmothers set for the feet of unwary youths at that season of the year--setting oversized tasks for them, which, necessarily failing, as infallibly weaken the boy's strength of will, diminish his confidence in himself and injure his chances of success in life. Please accept of an extract:

”Monday--Got up, washed, went to bed.

”Tuesday--Got up, washed, went to bed.

”Wednesday--Got up, washed, went to bed.

”Thursday--Got up, washed, went to bed.

”Friday--Got up, washed, went to bed.

”Next Friday--Got up, washed, went to bed.

”Friday fortnight--Got up, washed, went to bed.

”Following month--Got up, washed, went to bed.”

I stopped, then, discouraged. Startling events appeared to be too rare, in my career, to render a diary necessary. I still reflect with pride, however, that even at that early age I washed when I got up. That journal finished me. I never have had the nerve to keep one since. My loss of confidence in myself in that line was permanent.

The s.h.i.+p had to stay a week or more at Gibraltar to take in coal for the home voyage.

It would be very tiresome staying here, and so four of us ran the quarantine blockade and spent seven delightful days in Seville, Cordova, Cadiz, and wandering through the pleasant rural scenery of Andalusia, the garden of Old Spain. The experiences of that cheery week were too varied and numerous for a short chapter and I have not room for a long one.

Therefore I shall leave them all out.


Ten or eleven o'clock found us coming down to breakfast one morning in Cadiz. They told us the s.h.i.+p had been lying at anchor in the harbor two or three hours. It was time for us to bestir ourselves. The s.h.i.+p could wait only a little while because of the quarantine. We were soon on board, and within the hour the white city and the pleasant of Spain sank down behind the waves and pa.s.sed out of sight. We had seen no land fade from view so regretfully.

It had long ago been decided in a noisy public meeting in the main cabin that we could not go to Lisbon, because we must surely be quarantined there. We did every thing by ma.s.s-meeting, in the good old national way, from swapping off one empire for another on the programme of the voyage down to complaining of the cookery and the scarcity of napkins. I am reminded, now, of one of these complaints of the cookery made by a pa.s.senger. The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the s.p.a.ce of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had a.s.sumed the nature of mere discolored water--so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge--by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain's table over the other tables in the s.h.i.+p. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

”Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it--tasted it--smiled benignantly--then said:

”It is inferior--for coffee--but it is pretty fair tea.”

The humbled mutineer smelt it, tasted it, and returned to his seat. He had made an egregious a.s.s of himself before the whole s.h.i.+p. He did it no more. After that he took things as they came. That was me.

The old-fas.h.i.+oned s.h.i.+p-life had returned, now that we were no longer in sight of land. For days and days it continued just the same, one day being exactly like another, and, to me, every one of them pleasant. At last we anch.o.r.ed in the open roadstead of Funchal, in the beautiful islands we call the Madeiras.

The mountains looked surpa.s.singly lovely, clad as they were in living, green; ribbed with lava ridges; flecked with white cottages; riven by deep chasms purple with shade; the great slopes dashed with suns.h.i.+ne and mottled with shadows flung from the drifting squadrons of the sky, and the superb picture fitly crowned by towering peaks whose fronts were swept by the trailing fringes of the clouds.

But we could not land. We staid all day and looked, we abused the man who invented quarantine, we held half a dozen ma.s.s-meetings and crammed them full of interrupted speeches, motions that fell still-born, amendments that came to nought and resolutions that died from sheer exhaustion in trying to get before the house. At night we set sail.

We averaged four ma.s.s-meetings a week for the voyage--we seemed always in labor in this way, and yet so often fallaciously that whenever at long intervals we were safely delivered of a resolution, it was cause for public rejoicing, and we hoisted the flag and fired a salute.

Days pa.s.sed--and nights; and then the beautiful Bermudas rose out of the sea, we entered the tortuous channel, steamed hither and thither among the bright summer islands, and rested at last under the flag of England and were welcome. We were not a nightmare here, where were civilization and intelligence in place of Spanish and Italian superst.i.tion, dirt and dread of cholera. A few days among the breezy groves, the flower gardens, the coral caves, and the lovely vistas of blue water that went curving in and out, disappearing and anon again appearing through jungle walls of brilliant foliage, restored the energies dulled by long drowsing on the ocean, and fitted us for our final cruise--our little run of a thousand miles to New York--America--HOME.

We bade good-bye to ”our friends the Bermudians,” as our programme hath it--the majority of those we were most intimate with were negroes--and courted the great deep again. I said the majority. We knew more negroes than white people, because we had a deal of was.h.i.+ng to be done, but we made some most excellent friends among the whites, whom it will be a pleasant duty to hold long in grateful remembrance.

We sailed, and from that hour all idling ceased. Such another system of overhauling, general littering of cabins and packing of trunks we had not seen since we let go the anchor in the harbor of Beirout. Every body was busy. Lists of all purchases had to be made out, and values attached, to facilitate matters at the custom-house. Purchases bought by bulk in partners.h.i.+p had to be equitably divided, outstanding debts canceled, accounts compared, and trunks, boxes and packages labeled. All day long the bustle and confusion continued.

And now came our first accident. A pa.s.senger was running through a gangway, between decks, one stormy night, when he caught his foot in the iron staple of a door that had been heedlessly left off a hatchway, and the bones of his leg broke at the ancle. It was our first serious misfortune. We had traveled much more than twenty thousand miles, by land and sea, in many trying climates, without a single hurt, without a serious case of sickness and without a death among five and sixty pa.s.sengers. Our good fortune had been wonderful. A sailor had jumped overboard at Constantinople one night, and was seen no more, but it was suspected that his object was to desert, and there was a slim chance, at least, that he reached the sh.o.r.e. But the pa.s.senger list was complete.

There was no name missing from the register.