Part 27 (1/2)
She s.h.i.+vered for effect.
”All I saw was your rear end,” April said. ”And then that lizard darted across the wall right next to us. He stopped and stared me right in the eye. Sorry I dropped you.”
”Forgiven,” Nina chirped. Their friends.h.i.+p had come a long way. A few weeks ago, Nina would have held a grudge against April much, much longer. This one was over within minutes.
The safest thing to do was to get them back on task before one of them had a chance to say the wrong thing and start another disagreement.
”The ICU staff wouldn't give me any details about Ryan's condition,” Gretchen said. ”They gave me the patient privacy protection speech. All they'll say is that he's on that hospital floor.”
April shook her head. ”You'll never get inside.”
”We'll never get inside,” Nina corrected her. ”We are a t-e-a-m.” never get inside,” Nina corrected her. ”We are a t-e-a-m.”
Gretchen visualized all three of them and the dogs attempting to sneak into the hospital. The Three Stooges, that's what they would be. They could stuff the canines inside their purses, even Tutu, who was a bit large for a handbag. She chuckled in spite of herself.
”How are we going to get into Intensive Care, boss lady?” April asked from her usual position of authority in the front pa.s.senger seat.
”Boss lady? Are you talking to me?” Gretchen asked. Starting tomorrow, Gretchen was absolutely, definitely driving her own car. No more of this backseat-with-theanimals traveling.
”You're the woman.”
”I think one of us should go in,” she said. ”One will stand a better chance,”
”You're the one, boss,” April said. ”You've established a bond with the kid.”
”You have to be kidding. He thought I was a cop! He decked me. The next time, on his porch, he wasn't much friendlier.”
”See, he's warming up, boss.”
”If I'm the boss, why am I in the backseat?”
”We're your chauffeurs.”
Gretchen looked around at her luxury ride. Goo dripping from the back windows and dog hair coating the seats and her clothes. Nimrod climbed up her chest and licked her face. Tutu sat as far away from Gretchen as possible, pretending she didn't exist. Enrico was getting used to her. He only growled now when she s.h.i.+fted her legs or made sudden movements.
”How come I'm the boss every time you don't want to do something?” Gretchen wanted to know.
”I'd go in,” her aunt said. ”I'd do it myself, but I'm recovering from my tramatic fall to the ground.”
Nina pulled into the visitors' parking lot. ”We'll keep the getaway car running.”
”Thanks, t-e-a-m.” How bad could it be? It wasn't like she was trying to break into a gated senior community. Or like she'd disguised herself as a nurse. She couldn't get busted for impersonating medical personnel. Was that illegal? ”Anyone have a nurse's uniform?” she asked. ”I could sail right through with the proper attire.”
”Getoutadacar,” April said.
The gangsta doll appraiser was starting to get on Gretchen's nerves. She got out, strolled casually into the hospital, requested the directions to ICU at the information counter, and took the elevator to the second floor. So far, so good.
The roadblock came when she dead-ended at an imposing set of doors with a sign that said Restricted Area. A nurse pa.s.sed her and pushed a b.u.t.ton on the wall. The door swung out. The nurse walked inside.
Gretchen peered through the ma.s.sive doors, studying the layout. The door swung shut. Easy enough.
”May I help you?” a different nurse said the instant Gretchen stepped over the threshold into intensive care. No tiptoeing past the guards, after all.
”I'm here to see Ryan Maize,” Gretchen said.
”One minute, please.” The nurse did something in a computer. ”Are you family?”
”I'm his aunt.”
”He's in room 220. It's down this hall.”
Gretchen grinned all the way down the corridor. DetectiveAlbright should take a few lessons from her. He He hadn't managed to get past the nurses' station with his impressive credentials and flashy badge. All she had to do was walk in and ask to see Ryan. hadn't managed to get past the nurses' station with his impressive credentials and flashy badge. All she had to do was walk in and ask to see Ryan.
The patient looked like something out of a bad sci-fi movie. Tentacles jutted from the sheets on both sides of the bed, carrying colored fluids, some flowing in, some flowing out. Monitors hummed and beeped, displaying information Gretchen couldn't read. His eyes were open.
”How are you feeling?” She stopped at the foot of the bed.
”Not so good.”
”You're lucky to be alive.”
”I'm not so sure.” Ryan didn't appear to be delusional, certainly not catatonic. Then, ”Where's the carnival man?”
he said, crus.h.i.+ng her optimistic outlook for him. Gretchen realized he might mean the doctor. She wasn't very good at street slang. ”Do you need something for pain? I can call the nurse.”
”Talk to me first.”
He looked at her without recognition, his eyes gla.s.sed over from either inner demons or the effects of medication, or both.
”What happened to you?” she asked.
”A little friendly connection gone bad.”
”What does that mean?”
Ryan didn't answer. He closed his eyes.
”Did someone do this to you?”
He nodded and squinted up at her. ”Fruit of the G.o.ds. The end is unclear. It's what happens when you buy in. Trust is elusive.”
This was hopeless. Gretchen wasn't going to learnanything useful from Charlie's son. He was too busy a.s.sociating with G.o.ddesses and G.o.ds. A nurse came in and adjusted a few tubes.
”He says he's in pain,” Gretchen said to her.