Part 16 (1/2)

It seemed to Jack as if she had but left the house before she returned with the desired herb, and the boy said in surprise,--

”Is that what you call catnip? I saw plenty of it, but didn't think the leaves were big enough to do any good.”

”In this world it isn't the big things which are capable of working the most benefit, Jack.”

”If I hadn't known that before, I should after seeing you, Aunt Nancy.

You're small, but there couldn't be anybody gooder.”

Although the little woman said nothing, it could readily be seen that the compliment pleased her.

She bustled around much like a busy sparrow, putting the herbs in the kettle, making sundry mysterious decoctions, and otherwise preparing such things as she thought might be of benefit to the baby.

Jack held Louis meanwhile, and before Aunt Nancy was ready to take him again he asked in a low tone,--

”Do you think there is any chance he would die?”

”I don't believe he is in any danger now, Jack dear; but all of us should think of death as something which will come sooner or later.”

The boy was silent for a moment, and then he asked abruptly,--

”You pray for everything you want, why don't you do it now so he'll be sure to live?”

”It wouldn't be right to ask G.o.d simply for the child's life.”

”Why not?”

”Because He doeth all things well, and we do not know what His purpose may be.”

”But there can't be any good come of takin' Louis away from me, when he's all I've got.”

”That is something you don't know, Jack dear. What G.o.d does is right, and we must bow to His will.”

Aunt Nancy spoke in such a solemn tone, or, as Jack afterward expressed it, ”like as if she was in meetin',” that the boy could say no more, but watched intently every move the little woman made until she was ready to take the baby in her arms once more.

This night was a long one to both, for neither thought of going to sleep.

Once Aunt Nancy insisted Jack should lie down; but he pleaded so hard to be allowed to remain awake, that she said no more, and the two sat with Louis until daybreak.

During this long time neither spoke until the baby had fallen asleep, and Jack was on the point of going out to milk the cow, when the little woman said in a tone very like that of fear,--

”Wouldn't it be a dreadful thing if I should be punished for telling a lie to Mr. Pratt, by losing Louis just now when we are living so comfortably?”

”But you didn't tell a lie,” Jack replied just a trifle impatiently.

”Both you and I know I did, however much we may try to persuade ourselves that it isn't so, and I am certain some punishment will follow.”

Jack shook his head incredulously.

He began to understand that it would be useless to attempt to convince Aunt Nancy she had not committed a grievous sin, and was disposed to lose faith in a religion which would condemn so good a woman for having saved himself and the baby from much trouble.