Part 16 (1/2)
Since rowling Joe's tuck'd up with Moll, And Moll's tuck'd up with Joe.
[1: tramping; pick-pocket]
[2: pickpocket]
[3: paid for]
[4: woman, girl]
[5: jilted]
[6: man; woman]
[7: money]
[9: spirit; spend our guineas]
[10: drink; food]
[11: drinking-house]
[By GEORGE PARKER in _Life's Painter of Variegated Characters_].
Bess Tatter, of Hedge-lane, To ragman Joey's joy, The cull with whom she snooz'd [1]
Brought forth a chopping boy: Which was, as one might say, The moral of his dad, sir; And at the christ'ning oft, A merry bout they had, sir.
For, when 'twas four weeks old, Long Ned, and dust-cart Chloe, To give the kid a name, Invited were by Joey; With whom came muzzy Tom, [2]
And sneaking Snip, the boozer, [3]
Bag-picking, blear-ey'd Ciss, And squinting Jack, the bruiser. [4]
Likewise came bullying Sam, With cat's-and-dog's-meat Nelly, Young s.m.u.t, the chimney-sweep, And smiling snick-snack w.i.l.l.y; Peg Swig and Jenny Gog, The brims, with birdlime fingers, [5]
Brought warbling, seedy d.i.c.k, The prince of ballad-singers.
The guests now being met, The first thing that was done, sir, Was handling round the kid, That all might smack his muns, sir; [6]
A _flash of lightning_ next, [7]
Bess tipt each cull and frow, sir, [8]
Ere they to church did pad, [9]
To have it christen'd Joe, sir.
Away they then did trudge; But such a queer procession, Of seedy brims and kids, Is far beyond expression.
The christ'ning being o'er, They back again soon pik't it, [10]
To have a dish of lap, [11]