Part 2 (1/2)
A gage of ben Rom-bouse,[1]
In a bousing-ken of Rom-vile[2]
_Tearcat_. Is benar than a Caster,[3]
Peck, pennam, lap, or popler,[4]
Which we mill in deuse a vile.[5]
_Moll_. Oh, I wud lib all the lightmans,[6]
Oh, I woud lib all the darkemans,[7]
By the Salomon, under the Ruffemans[8]
By the Salomon in the Hartmans[9]
_Tearcat_. And scoure the queer cramp ring[10]
And couch till a palliard dock'd my dell,[11]
So my bousy nab might skew rome bouse well[12]
Avast to the pad, let us bing;[13]
Avast to the pad, let us bing.
[1 A pot of strong ale (or wine)]
[2 London ale-house]
[3 better than a cloak]
[4 meat, bread, drink, or porridge]
[5 steal on the country-side.]
[6 lie all day]
[7 night]
[8 By the ma.s.s! in the woods]
[9 stocks]
[10 in fetters]
[11 Notes]
[12 addle-pate may swill strong drink]
[13 Let us be off on the road.]
[From _O per se O_, by THOMAS DEKKER].
Bing out, bien Morts, and toure, and toure,[1]
bing out, bien Morts, and toure;[2]
For all your Duds are bingd awaste,[3]
the bien coue hath the loure.[4]
I met a Dell, I viewde her well,[5]