Part 27 (2/2)
(_a_) George Santayana, on _Work and Play_, sections 3 and following, in ”The Sense of Beauty,” Part I: 1. The distinction between working and playing. 2. The relation between the sense of beauty and the sense of pleasure. (_b_) William Hazlitt, _On Living to One's Self_, in ”Table Talk:” 1. The general method of enjoying life, which is developed here and ill.u.s.trated further in _On Going a Journey_ (page 116). (_c_) R.L.
Stevenson, _Walking Tours_, in ”Virginibus Puerisque;” and _Roads_, in ”Essays of Travel:” 1. The several ways in which these essays reflect Hazlitt's views; the points which are peculiar to Stevenson. 2. How far your own methods of securing outdoor enjoyment are in accord with Hazlitt's and Stevenson's. (_d_) W.H. Hudson, _Idle Days_, in ”Idle Days in Patagonia:” What the author's so-called idleness consisted in. (_e_) Francis Parkman, _Hunting Indians_, in ”The Oregon Trail:” The mental experiences of the writer himself in the course of the exploit he describes.
(_a_) R.W. Emerson, _Culture_, in ”The Conduct of Life:” The relation which the central thought bears to that of Behavior (page 154). (_b_) Matthew Arnold, _Sweetness and Light_, in ”Culture and Anarchy:” 1. The chief motives and characteristics of culture. 2. The relation between culture and bodily vigor. 3. The ”Social Idea.” 4. A comparison of Emerson's and Arnold's att.i.tude toward culture. (_c_) R.W. Emerson, _Manners_, in ”Essays, Second Series.” How Emerson's view of the relation between manners and fas.h.i.+on supplements Spencer's contention (page 172). (_d_) Henri Bergson, _the first part of Chapter I_ in ”Laughter:” The function of laughter in social life. (_g_) William Hazlitt, _On the Spirit of Obligations_, in ”The Plain Dealer:” The relation between good sense and good nature. (_f_) R.L. Stevenson, _The Truth of Intercourse_, in ”Virginibus Puerisque:” The complex meaning of truthfulness in social life. (_g_) W.M. Thackeray, _George II_, in ”The Four Georges:” The chief characteristics of Georgian society.
(_a_) Plato, _The Apology_, in the ”Dialogues,” translated by Jowett, and by others: 1. The part played by Socrates in the public life of Athens. 2. What function Socrates could fulfil in American public life.
(_b_) J.S. Mill, _Civilization_, in ”Dissertations and Discussions,”
Vol. I: The ill effects of civilization, and how they may be overcome.
(_c_) Henry George, _The Persistence of Poverty amid Advancing Wealth_, in Book V of ”Progress and Poverty:” George's exposition of the problem tested by your own experience. (_d_) J.S. Mill, _Of the Dangers to which Representative Government is Liable,_ in ”Considerations on Representative Government:” The extent to which Mill's contentions apply to the United States. (_e_) Josiah Royce, _Some American Problems_, in ”The Philosophy of Loyalty:” 1. The general solution proposed. 2. How this solution might be applied to some public or college problem you know of.
(_a_) Herbert Spencer, _The Genesis of Science_, in ”Ill.u.s.trations of Universal Progress:” The essential nature of science. (_b_) T.H. Huxley, _The Method of Scientific Investigation_, in ”Man's Place in Nature:”
The relation between scientific and everyday modes of thinking. (_c_) John Tyndall, _On the nature and function of the sun_, in Chapter XIV of ”Heat as a Mode of Motion:” The general relation between the facts presented by Tyndall and those presented in _The Physical Basis of Life_ (page 240). (_d_) A.R. Wallace, _Darwinism as Applied to Man_, in ”Darwinism”: A comparison of this piece, in respect to aim and method, with Darwin's _Mental Powers of Men and Animals_ (page 263). (_e_) Charles Darwin, _On the flower of the ladies' slipper_, in Chapter VIII of ”Fertilization of Orchids by Insects.” (_f_) T.H. Huxley, _On the Formation of Coal_, in ”Discourses Biological.”
(_a_) R.W. Emerson, _Nature_, in ”Essays, Second Series:” The effect of nature on the human mind. (_b_) H.D. Th.o.r.eau, _Spring_, in ”Walden:” 1.
The formative principle in nature. 2. A comparison of Th.o.r.eau's att.i.tude toward nature, as revealed here and in ”Walden Pond” (page 306), with that of Emerson. (_c_) John Burroughs, _The Pastoral Bees_ in ”Locusts and Wild Honey:” The communal life of the bees. (_d_) W.H. Hudson, _The Perfume of an Evening Primrose_, in ”Idle Days in Patagonia:” The a.s.sociation of phenomena of nature with events in one's life. (_e_) Leslie Stephen, _Sunset on Mont Blanc_, in ”The Playground of Europe:”
An a.n.a.lysis of the circ.u.mstances which combined to give this sunset its peculiar interest. (_f_) John Ruskin, descriptions of _water, sky, clouds, and foliage_ in ”Modern Painters,” Vol. I (look up pa.s.sages other than those selected for the present volume, page 325): in each case, distinguish the _chief_ beautiful effect which the author wishes to bring out.
(_a_) William James, _The Will to Believe_, in ”The Will to Believe, and other Essays:” The bearing of religious conviction on volition and conduct. (_b_) Josiah Royce, _Loyalty to Loyalty_, in ”The Philosophy of Loyalty:” 1. The exact meaning of the t.i.tle. 2. How the main thesis is fundamental for _Loyalty and Insight_ (page 365). (_c_) R.W. Emerson, _The Over-Soul_, in ”Essays, First Series:” 1. How the conception here developed appears again in other essays of Emerson which you have read.
2. How Emerson's att.i.tude toward spiritual truth differs from that of James; see (_a_), above. (_d_) Josiah Royce, _What is Vital_ in Christianity? in ”William James and Other Essays:” The central thought as compared with Seeley's (page 351). (_e_) George Santayana, _The Poetry of Christian Dogma_, in ”Poetry and Religion:” The full significance of the t.i.tle. (_f_) J.R. Seeley, _Christ's Royalty_, in ”Ecce h.o.m.o:” The significance of the term ”King” as applied to Christ.
(_g_) G.L. d.i.c.kinson, _The Greek View of Religion_, in ”The Greek View of Life:” 1. How the Greek differs from the Christian view. 2. The most admirable features of the Greek view. (_h_) Walter Pater, _A Study of Dionysus_, in ”Greek Studies:” What Dionysus was symbolic of. (_i_) William James, _Habit_, in ”Psychology,” Vol. I: The significance of habits, tested by your own experience. (_j_) W.E.H. Lecky, _The Management of Character_, in ”The Map of Life:” Specific methods by which one may mold one's own character.
(_a_) George Santayana, _Art and Happiness_, in ”The Life of Reason,”
Vol. IV: 1. What is Art? 2. The position of literature among the arts.
3. What art needs at the present day. (_b_) Walter Bagehot, On _Wordsworth_, in ”Essay on Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Browning:” The nature of pure art. (_c_) Matthew Arnold, _Wordsworth_, in ”Essays in Criticism:” A comparison of Arnold's main thesis in regard to Wordsworth with Bagehot's; see (_b_) above. (_d_) G.H. Lewes, _The Principle of Sincerity_, in ”The Principles of Success in Literature:” The relation between sincerity and success in literature. (_e_) Thomas Carlyle, _Dante_, in ”On Heroes and Hero-Wors.h.i.+p:” 1. The chief differences between Dante and Shakespeare (see page 423). 2. How the principle of sincerity (see (_d_) above) is ill.u.s.trated in the case of Dante. (_f_) P.B. Sh.e.l.ley, _Defence of Poetry_: A comparison of Sh.e.l.ley's att.i.tude toward poetry with Bradley's (page 389). (_g_) G.L. d.i.c.kinson, _Chapter IV_ in the ”Greek View of Life” (the part preceding the section reprinted in the present volume): How the principles determining the nature of Greek tragedy appear also in the other Greek arts. (_h_) S.H.
Butcher, _What we Owe to Greece_, in ”Some Aspects of Greek Genius:”
Ideals we have inherited from the Greeks. (_i_) A.C. Bradley, _The Substance of Shakespearean Tragedy_, in ”Shakespearean Tragedy:” The conception of the relations between good and evil which appears in Shakespeare's tragedies. (_j_) Sophocles, _Oedipus Rex_ (translated by Gilbert Murray): A comparison of the theme of this tragedy with the theme of Shakespeare's _Richard III, Macbeth, or Lear_.