Part 2 (1/2)
This Harbour is situated one Mile to the Westward of _Brewer's Hole_, before which are two Islands, one without the other; the outermost, which is the largest is of a tolerable Height, and lies in a Line with the Coast, and is not easy to be distinguished from the Main in sailing along the Sh.o.r.e. To sail into this Harbour, the best Pa.s.sage is on the West-side of the outer Island, and between the two; as soon as you begin to open the Harbour, you must keep the inner Island close on Board, in order to avoid some sunken Rocks that lay near a small Island, which you will discover between the NE. Point of the outer Island, and the opposite Point on the Main; and likewise another Rock under Water, which lays higher up on the Side of the Main; this Rock appears at Low Water. As soon as you are above these Dangers, you may steer up in the middle of the Channel, until you open a fine s.p.a.cious Bason, wherein you may Anchor in any Depth from 5 to 17 Fathom Water, shut up from all Winds, the Bottom is Sand and Mud. In to the Eastward of the outer Island, is a small Cove fit for small Vessels and Boats, and Conveniencies for the Fishery.
[Sidenote: Long Harbour.]
This Harbour lies 4 Miles to the Westward of Harbour _La Conte_, and N.E. by N. 5 Leagues from _Point Enragee_; it may be known by a small Island in the Mouth of it, called _Gull Island_; and half a Mile without this Island, is a Rock above Water, that hath the Appearance of a small Boat. There is a Pa.s.sage into the Harbour on each Side of the Island, but the broadest is the Westermost. Nearly in the middle of this Pa.s.sage, a little without the Island is a Ledge of Rocks, whereon is two Fathom Water; a little within the Island on the S.E.
Side are some sunken Rocks, about two Cables length from the Sh.o.r.e laying off two sandy Coves; some of these Rocks appear at Low-water.
On the N.W. Side of the Harbour, two Miles within the Island is _Morgan's Cove_, wherein you may Anchor in 15 Fathom Water, and the only Place you can Anchor, unless you run into, or above the _Narrows_, being every where else very deep Water. This Harbour runs five Leagues into the Country, at the Head of which is a Salmon Fishery.
[Sidenote: Bell Bay, and its contain'd Bays & Harbours.]
[Sidenote: Hare Harbours.]
A little to the Westward of _Long Harbour_, is _Bell Bay_, which extends three Leagues every Way, and contains several Bays and Harbours. On the East Point of this Bay, is _Hare Harbour_, which is fit only for small Vessels and Boats, before which are two small Islands, and some Rocks above and under Water.
[Sidenote: Mall Bay.]
Two Miles to the Northward of _Hare Harbour_, or the Point of _Bell Bay_, is _Mall Bay_, being a narrow Arm, laying in NE. by N. 5 Miles, wherein is deep Water, and no Anchorage until at the Head.
[Sidenote: Rencontre Islands.]
_Rencontre Islands_ lies to the Westward of _Mall Bay_, near the Sh.o.r.e; the Westermost, which is the largest, hath a Communication with the Main at low Water; in and about this Island are shelter for small Vessels and Boats.
[Sidenote: Bell Harbour]
_Bell Harbour_ lies one League to the Westward of _Rencontre_ Islands: The Pa.s.sage into the Harbour is on the West Side of the Island; in the Mouth of it, as soon as you are within the Island, you will open a small Cove on the E. Side, wherein small Vessels anchor, but large s.h.i.+ps must run up to the Head of the Harbour, and Anchor in 20 Fathom Water, there being most Room.
[Sidenote: Lally Cove.]
_Lally Cove_ lies a little to the Westward of _Bell Harbour_, it is a very snug Place for small Vessels, being covered from all Winds behind the Island in the Cove.
[Sidenote: Lally Cove. Back Cove.]
_Lally Head_ is the West Point of _Lally Cove_, it is a high bluff white Point; to the Northward of the Head is _Lally Cove back Cove_, wherein you may anchor in 16 Fathom Water.
[Sidenote: Bay of the East, and Bay of the North.]
Two Miles to the Northward of _Lally Cove Head_, is the Bay of the East, and Bay of the North, in both is deep Water, and no Anchorage, unless very near the Sh.o.r.e. At the Head of the North Bay is the largest River in _Fortune Bay_, and seems a good Place for a Salmon Fishery.
[Sidenote: Bay of Cinq Isles.]
The Bay of _Cinq Isles_ lies to the Southward of the North Bay, and opposite to _Lally Cove Head_ there is tolerable good Anchorage for large s.h.i.+ps on the S.W. Side of the Islands in the Bottom of the Bay.
The North Arm is a very snug Place for small Vessels; at the Head of this Arm is a Salmon River.
[Sidenote: Corben Bay.]
A little to the Southward of the Bay of _Cinq_ Isles is _Corben Bay_, wherein is good Anchorage for any s.h.i.+ps in 22 or 24 Fathom Water.
[Sidenote: Bell & Dog Islands.]
South East about two Miles from _Lally Cove Head_, are two Islands about a Mile from each other, the North Eastermost is called _Bell Island_, and the other _Dog Island_, they are of a tolerable Height, and bold too all round.
Between _Dogg Island_, and _Lord and Lady Island_, which lies off the S. Point of _Corben Bay_, is a sunken Rock, (somewhat nearer to _Lord and Lady_, than _Dogg-Island_) whereon the Sea breaks in very bad Weather, and every where round it very deep Water. About a quarter of a Mile to the Northward of the North-end of _Lord and Lady_ Island, is a Rock that appears at low Water.