Part 47 (1/2)
”But we can't live here always. If we make money we'll want to go back some day where there are people, and comforts and things going on.
We'll want friends, everybody has friends. You don't mean for us always to stay far away from everything in these wild, uncivilized places?”
”Why not?” he said, not looking at her, noting her rueful tone and resenting it.
”But we're not that kind of people. You're not a real mountain man.
You're not like Zavier or the men at Fort Laramie. You're Napoleon d.u.c.h.esney just as I'm Susan Gillespie. Your people in St. Louis and New Orleans were ladies and gentlemen. It was just a wild freak that made you run off into the mountains. You don't want to go on living that way. That part of your life's over. The rest will be with me.”
”And you'll want the cities and the parties?”
”I'll want to live the way Mrs. d.u.c.h.esney should live, and you'll want to, too.” He did not answer, and she gave his arm a little shake and said, ”Won't you?”
”I'm more Low Courant than I am Napoleon d.u.c.h.esney,” was his answer.
”Well, maybe so, but whichever you are, you've got a wife now and _that_ makes a great difference.”
She tried to infuse some of her old coquetry into the words, but the eyes, looking sideways at him, were troubled, for she did not yet see where she had erred.
”I guess it does,” he said low, more as if speaking to himself than her.
This time she said nothing, feeling dashed and repulsed. They continued to sit close together on the rock, the man lost in morose reverie, the girl afraid to move or touch him lest he should show further annoyance.
The voice of Daddy John calling them to supper came to both with relief. They walked to the camp side by side, Low with head drooped, the girl at his elbow stealing furtive looks at him. As they approached the fire she slid her hand inside his arm and, glancing down, he saw the timid questioning of her face and was immediately contrite. He laid his hand on hers and smiled, and she caught her breath in a deep sigh and felt happiness come rus.h.i.+ng back. Whatever it was she had said that displeased him she would be careful not to say it again, for she had already learned that the lion in love is still the lion.
Their claim was rich and they buckled down to work, the old man constructing a rocker after a model of his own, and Courant digging in the pits. Everything was with them, rivals were few, the ground uncrowded, the season dry. It was the American River before the Forty-niners swarmed along its edges, and there was gold in its sands, sunk in a sediment below its muddy deposit, caked in cracks through the rocks round which its currents had swept for undisturbed ages.
They worked feverishly, the threat of the winter rains urging them on.
The girl helped, leaving her kettle settled firm on a bed of embers while the water heated for dish was.h.i.+ng, to join them on the sh.o.r.e, heaped with their earth piles. She kept the rocker in motion while the old man dipped up the water in a tin ladle and sent it running over the sifting bed of sand and pebbles. The heavier labor of digging was Courant's. Before September was over the sh.o.r.e was honeycombed with his excavations, driven down to the rock bed. The diminis.h.i.+ng stream shrunk with each day and he stood in it knee high, the sun beating on his head, his clothes pasted to his skin by perspiration, and the thud of his pick falling with regular stroke on the monotonous rattle of the rocker.
Sometimes she was tired and they ordered her to leave them and rest in the shade of the camp. She loitered about under the spread of the pine boughs, cleaning and tidying up, and patching the ragged remnants of their clothes. Often, as she sat propped against the trunk, her sewing fell to her lap and she looked out with s.h.i.+ning, spell-bound eyes. The men were shapes of dark importance against the glancing veil of water, the soaked sands and the low brushwood yellowing in the autumn's soft, transforming breath. Far away the film of whitened summits dreamed against the blue. In the midwash of air, aloft and dreaming, too, the hawk's winged form poised, its shadow moving below it across the sea of tree tops.
She would sit thus, motionless and idle, as the long afternoon wore away, and deep-colored veils of twilight gathered in the canon. She told the men the continuous sounds of their toil made her drowsy. But her stillness was the outward sign of an inner concentration. If delight in rest had replaced her old bodily energy, her mind had gained a new activity. She wondered a little at it, not yet at the heart of her own mystery. Her thoughts reached forward into the future, busied themselves with details of the next twelve months, dwelt anxiously on questions of finance. The nest-building instinct was astir in her and she pondered on the house they were to build, how they must arrange something for a table, and maybe fas.h.i.+on armchairs of barrels and red flannel. Finally, in a last voluptuous flight of ecstasy, she saw herself riding into Sacramento with a sack of dust and abandoning herself to an orgie of bartering.
One afternoon three men, two Mexicans and an Australian sailor from a s.h.i.+p in San Francisco cove, stopped at the camp for food. The Australian was a loquacious fellow, with faculties sharpened by glimpses of life in many ports. He told them of the two emigrant convoys he had just seen arrive in Sacramento, worn and wasted by the last forced marches over the mountains. Susan, who had been busy over her cooking, according him scant attention, at his description of the trains, suddenly lifted intent eyes and leaned toward him:
”Did you see a man among them, a young man, tall and thin, with black hair and beard?”
”All the men were tall and thin, or any ways thin,” said the sailor, laughing. ”How tall was he?”
”Six feet,” she replied, her face devoid of any answering smile, ”with high shoulders and walking with a stoop. He had a fine, handsome face, and long black hair to his shoulders and gray eyes.”
”Have you lost your sweetheart?” said the man, who did not know the relations of the party.
”No,” she said gravely, ”my friend.”
Courant explained:
”She's my wife. The man she's speaking of was a member of our company that we lost on the desert. We thought Indians had got him and hoped he'd get away and join with a later westbound train. His name was David.”