Part 32 (1/2)
Without hesitation I went to him, and began my story.
”I wish to say a few words to you, captain.”
”Say on, Tretheway.”
”I have never told you the history of my life, now I wish to do so.”
He nodded his head as if ready to listen. Accordingly I began, and related in some detail the story of my life. He listened attentively; evidently, he was interested. Step by step he followed my narrative, until I came to the previous evening. Then as I told him of the dream and the call I had heard, his face became pale as death, and he clenched his hand nervously.
”It is the voice of G.o.d, or of the mother of G.o.d. You must go, Tretheway,” he said.
”Yes, I feel I must, and that soon,” I replied. ”But how?”
”Last night I told you that I was tired of this life,” he said. ”This morning I feel I must leave it. I have been a wild, lawless fellow, Tretheway; but I have been more sinned against than sinning, and I want to go home, where, by gifts to the Church, prayers, and penances I shall surely receive forgiveness.”
For an hour we talked together.
It was all settled at length. The vessel should sail under his direction with all speed to the coast of France, where we were to make over the whole cargo and s.h.i.+p to the crew, and then leave it for ever.
Accordingly we altered the course of the vessel, and after a few days'
fast sailing reached the desired position. Then the captain called the crew together and appointed officers to command, ordered a boat and provisions to be lowered, and told them he meant to leave them for ever.
At first the men demurred, they could never agree under another captain they declared, but when Salambo (the captain) told them that the vessel and all its belongings were theirs, and that he should make no claim upon it, they became pacified.
We were now a few miles from land, at the nearest point between France and Spain, and we could see the lights of St. Sebastian in the distance. It wanted but an hour to daybreak, and we wished, if possible, to land without attracting any attention. To me this seemed almost impossible; but the captain was confident, so I trusted him.
We left the pirate vessel at length, I feeling a great load lifted off my mind. All the time I had been with the crew I had seemed to breathe foul atmosphere, and when I was once rid of them a new life opened before me. We had drifted, perhaps, a mile from the vessel when Salambo hoisted a small sail, and the wind being favourable we were wafted quickly towards land. This being done, he opened a box, which he had taken care should be lowered into the boat, and took from it two complete suits of gentlemen's attire.
”I always like to be ready for emergencies,” he said, coolly. ”If we go on sh.o.r.e dressed as we are we shall be objects of suspicion immediately.”
He changed his clothes, which completely altered his appearance, after which he bade me follow his example.
”Now,” he said, when I had finished, ”you look more like a civilized man; but there is a pirate's fire in your eye even yet. I don't know that I should like having you for an enemy, for I think you would still make short work of the man you disliked.”
Involuntarily, I thought of my brother Wilfred, and clenched my hands nervously. Salambo watched me with a curious look on his face, and then continued:
”But we must get rid of these things, or they will not fit in with my story when we land.”
”Why, what are you going to say?”
”Say! Why, that I am a Spanish gentleman from Santiago, that you are an English friend of mine, and that we have for a freak come over here.
I speak the Spanish language perfectly, of course, while you speak it with an English accent. Leave all to me. I'll manage it.”
We landed at St. Sebastian in the early moming without difficulty. The change in Salambo's clothes had not only altered his appearance, but it had apparently made a different man of him. He was no longer the wild sea robber, but a refined, courteous gentleman. Instinctively the peasantry saluted him with respect, and we were soon installed in the best place of accommodation in the town.