Part 28 (1/2)

”Ah, my dear Count, I expect my luck will change,” laughed Trethowen good-humouredly.

And, placing a chair for Valerie by his side, he took the seat indicated. He was not a practised card-player, neither did any apprehension of dishonest dealing cross his mind.

The game, he thought, was one of mere chance, and his opponents were just as liable to lose as himself. So he commenced by making a bank, and shuffling and dealing the cards.

The first few hands were uninteresting. Adolphe had arrived presumably from Paris only a few days previously, and had been introduced by Valerie as a friend of the family. As he entered heartily into every proposal for enjoyment, Hugh considered him a genial and pleasant companion. Overflowing with mirth and good spirits, he proved a much appreciated addition to the party.

At first the stakes were not high, and the fortune of the players were about equally divided. Hugh's pile of coin increased now and then, only to diminish again, but never falling short of its original size.

After a time the count increased his stake, twenty louis being put upon the game. Neither player, however, could make the fatal _abbattage_, and Hugh continued to hold winning hands, and rake the coins into the bank.

The game was growing interesting, and so intensely were the thoughts of the players riveted upon it that time pa.s.sed unheeded. Two o'clock had struck, still the dealing and hazarding went on, while Nanette stood by quietly watching, and now and then replenis.h.i.+ng the of the men.

At length Hugh's good fortune forsook him, and a long run on the bank was made. For five hands his cards were useless, and each time he was compelled to pay, the result being that not a louis remained out of the pile of half an hour before.

Valerie expressed her regret at her lover's misfortune, and after some discussion it was decided to make a fresh bank, Hugh, as before, to be banker.

In order to obtain the necessary money he left the room, Valerie uttering some words of encouragement as he did so.

A few minutes later he returned with several crisp English notes in his hand. Having converted two of them into louis, play was resumed. Again the fates were against him. He was flushed with excitement, and played carelessly. A number of successive rounds he lost to Adolphe, whose pile of coin as rapidly increased as his diminished, while much good-humoured chaff was levelled at him by his companions.

Then, for the first time, he recognised the amount of his loss, and determined, if possible, to recoup himself.

Flinging his two remaining notes--each of the value of one hundred pounds--upon the table, he remarked rather bitterly--

”It seems I've been overtaken by a run of infernal bad luck. Will any one `play' me for the bank?”

”As you please,” a.s.sented the count.

”_Ma foi_! you've played pluckily, although it's been a losing game.”

”It's really too bad,” declared Valerie pouting. ”But I expect when Hugh has his revenge he will ruin us all.”

”Scarcely,” replied Trethowen, raising his gla.s.s to his lips.

”How much is in the bank?” asked Adolphe unconcernedly, as the cards were being dealt.

”Five thousand francs,” replied Hugh, after a moment's calculation.

”Very well, I'll `play' you,” the young man said calmly.

The announcement caused each of the quartette the most intense excitement, for it meant that Pierre had backed that amount against the banker's stake upon the result of his tableau.

Every one was silent. Hugh scarcely breathed. He dealt the cards, and each s.n.a.t.c.hed them up.

It was an exciting moment for all concerned, and there was a dead silence.

The adventuress exchanged glances with the count. Adolphe remained perfectly cool as he turned the faces of the cards upwards, a five and a four of diamonds, making a ”natural” against which Hugh's cards were useless.

With a grim smile Hugh pushed the two notes and some gold over to his adversary, and, rising from the table, exclaimed--