Chapter 403 - Legend of Chen Beixuan (1/2)

Chapter 403 Legend of Chen Beixuan

“Chen Beixuan!”

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

They had heard this name many times, and it was evident by now that there was a shocking secret behind this name. Even the Han Family was afraid of the power behind this name. It had scared off Han Juntu and forced Secretary Qu to plaster on a toady smile.

“Grandpa, Mom, and Pa, It is going to be a long story and things might not be what you think. So please let me finish before you ask any questions.” Chen Fan said calmly

w.a.n.g Xiaoyun and the others nodded.

An Ya batted her lashes at Chen Fan expectantly. It had been a year since they last saw each other and it would be the first time she could learn what he had been up to within that one year. Even Chen Gexin fixed a heavy gaze on his son. Chen Gexin always had a pretty good idea of what his son was like until Chen Fan returned from Chu Zhou City.

Chen Fan took the tea from Chen Ning’s hand and took a small sip and start filling in the details.

He omitted the fact that he was reborn to the earth thinking it would be too much for his audience so he only focused on what he had done after he was reborn.

Chen Fan first talked about what it meant to be an Internal Force User and a Grandmaster. He then started his tell story from when he first met Old Man Wei at the park.

“So Old Man Wei is also a Martial Artist!”

Chen Gexin and the other slapped their thighs as realization suddenly dawned upon them. They finally understood why Old Man Wei would suddenly take a liking to Chen Fan, so much so that he had come to visit him personally during last year’s family gathering.

“Indeed I have heard something about it. People told me that when Old Man Wei was young, he was a powerful fighter and most ordinary Joes were no match against him. I never thought those rumors would turn out to be real.” Old Man Wei nodded and said.

Everyone already knew of Chen Fan’s status as a Grandmaster, so they were not too surprised by the revelation.

Then Chen Fan told them about the underground Martial Arts Tournament where he killed Linhu with three punches and stunned the entire Jiang Bei.

“So that is how you got the name of the Master Chen of Jiang Bei!”

Chen Huaian exclaimed under his breath while w.a.n.g Xiaoyun gave her son a glance. Her son had claimed supremacy in Jiang Bei and brought powerful tyc.o.o.ns such as Xu Ao to heel using force. The thought scared her. Fortunately, her son was safe after so much violence.

“Linhu was called the Alaskan Tiger and was a force to be reckoned within Canada. No wonder Xu Ao and the other tyc.o.o.ns would treat you with so much respect after seeing you killing him with three punches.” Chen Gexin nodded, but a hint of concern surfaced on his face.

What Chen Fan said next had unnerved his listeners. He told everyone how he had become the Head Sergeant of Cang Dragon and that he went to the Martial arts conference and had to fight against Linhu’s teacher Lei Qianjue.

Everyone was stunned by what they heard.

That battle was the first time that the name “Chen Beixuan” came into the public’s ears.

Chen Fan and Lei Qianjue’s battle at the sh.o.r.e of the West Lake was called the Battle of The Decade. Lei Qianjue had used all the tricks up his sleeves to force Chen Fan to do the same. After this battle, Chen Fan became listed on the Heaven roll and officially rose to power.

Then he went on to tell them what happened in detail: that he had killed the underbosses of the Hong Sect, that he had carried a Tripod Cauldron into the Lu family, that he had done away with the disciple of Lei Qianjue called Romon that he had defeated Lei Qianjue with one hypersonic punch and became the most powerful Grandmaster in China.

This, and that; Chen Fan told them everything.

Despite the calm timbre in Chen Fan’s voice and his down-to-earth choice of words, w.a.n.g Xiaoyun was terrified by the details. An Ya squeezed his arm and looked to him with a great measure of concern. Even Chen Ning gave Chen Fan a shocked and fearful glance.

Chen Huaian was the only one who seemed to be lighthearted by what he heard. He slammed the table and let out a peal of laughter.

“Bravo! Atta boy!”

“You have risen to power after the fight at the West Lake Sh.o.r.e.”

“Grandmasters are indeed power. I finally understand why the Grandmasters could have so much power.”

Even as Chen Huaian said so, Chen Zhenxin looked to Chen Fan fearfully as the terrifying fight scene played out in his mind. Two warriors turning the West Lake upside down as they exchanged blows. Such divine powers should not have belonged to the mortal world. No wonder these Grandmasters were feared by even powerful nations.

“I wager that Li Wuchen had invited you to become the Head Sergeant of the Cang Dragon after your display of might at the West Lake.” Chen Gexin nodded and said.

Chen Fan’s father had a matter-of-fact mannerism and very rarely did he offer his approval to anyone, much less his own son. Therefore, Chen Gexin’s approving nod had caught w.a.n.g Xiaoyun’s attention and made her feel proud of her son.

She was confident that with her son on her side, she would once again walk into the w.a.n.g Family of Yan Jin with her chin up and chest out.

“I, w.a.n.g Xiaoyun am able to raise such a successful son, while none of you can.”

“However, I wager that your number one spot on the Heaven roll is not what deterred Han Family, is it? You must have done something else to have scared Han Juntu away.” Chen Huaian locked in his eyes onto Chen Fan and asked with all the seriousness he could muster.

Other people around the table also saw the sense in the old man’s words. The Han Family was the top family in China and it would not be deterred by a Grandmaster.

“You are right.” Chen Fan nodded and said: “From then on, I killed the King Blacksnake and Zhou Daoji of Hong Kong. But those are not what scared off Han Family, the real reason that they are afraid of me was that I am ranked number three on the Dark Roll.”