Chapter 347 - Susano Shrine (1/2)

Chapter 347: Susano Shrine

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Fuji Ninja Clan? Are they ninjas?”

Chen Fan studied the man trapped in the air with interest. This man had laid flat on the rock and camouflaged with his environment seamlessly. His heart pulse and breath were both faint enough to slip through most Grandmasters detection.

Chen Fan could also feel a pulse of Earth Elemental Energy that was not any weaker than that of Jason the Tree Herder. He was an Earth Elemental Extraordinary One, and therefore, he was able to hide in plain sight.

However, Chen Fan’s Divine Will was omnipresent, and any life form, whether concealed or not, shone like a bright torch in the night with his Divine Will. This Ninja would never avoid his detection.

“Those who stalked me on my way here are all your colleagues, aren’t they?” Chen Fan asked.

The little man didn’t reply. He glared at Chen Fan with the unswerving determination to hold on any information.

“Master, these Ninjas are all extremely loyal to their master, they wouldn’t disclose any information to you. They think their mission is more important than their life.” Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa put in.

“Is that right, I shall oblige then.” Chen Fan waved a hand and summoned an overwhelming force that crushed the little man into a pulp. His compact body exploded and turned into a blooming flower of blood. A gust of wind came up and blew the crimson flower away, leaving a thousand petals in the wind. The little man was gone, it was as if he had never existed in the world.

Even though this was not the first time Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa saw someone die, she was petrified by Chen Fan’s divine indifference toward life.

A question rang in her head. Was her master a mortal or a G.o.d? Why did he treat human life as that of an insect?

“Ninjas had long since been forgotten by ordinary people, but they were still around. The Fuji Ninja Clan was one of the biggest Ninja Clans in Kyushu. The leader of the clan was a woman of extraordinary beauty called Violet. Violet had the former CEO of the Mitsui Group and made a name for herself among other She was as deadly as any elite working for the Blood Skull.” Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa explained.

Chen Fan snorted derisively and didn’t say a word.

Even when he was at Ethereal Enlightenment level, he killed Blacksnake with ease, and now he had reached the Mid-stage of the Ethereal Enlightenment, it would be a stroll in the park for him to do away with Violet. Much to his disappointment, Violet had only sent her subject after him, and could not give him the satisfaction of killing her.

“Master, please don’t underestimate the power of Ninjas. They were quite a different lot than Samurais in the way that killing was their only goal. They could be quite soulless and would do anything to achieve their goal. Each and every Ninja was a master in the art of When combining their deadly art with modern technology, they would deploy deadly synthesized poison one drop of which could kill an elephant. The former CEO of the Mitsui Group was killed by them in that fas.h.i.+on.” Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa hesitated for a second before she gave Chen Fan her warning.

Even when she was the family lord of the Yukis.h.i.+ro family, she was wary of the Fuji Ninja Clan.


Chen Fan nodded, without taking the girl’s warning to his heart.

He should be careful with modern weapons, but not poison. After he had gained Azure Thearch Longevity Body, Chen Fan was technically no longer an ordinary human. His body was formed by Essence Qi of Life, instead of cells and molecules.

Therefore, no toxin would affect Chen Fan any longer.

Such was the progression of Cultivation, that the further Chen Fan got, the more advanced of a life form he became.

“Well, since they have already found us, we might as well go to them right now. Let’s go meet the Lord Susano.” Chen Fan Linked his hands behind his back and started up toward the peak of Mount Aso.

Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa followed closely behind Chen Fan.

Mount Aso was made out of five active volcanoes. Peaks big and small jutted around the edge of these volcanoes and formed the outline of Mount Aso. Susano Shrine was situated at the top of one of these mountain peaks.

The path to the mountain peak was busy. Many men and women would hike up to the mountain to pray at the Shrine.

“Although Lord Susano was a Demon G.o.d, he had treated the local residents well and therefore was wors.h.i.+ped by the villagers.” Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa said. The two of them were wearing cute outfits that matched each other, making them look like a young couple on their honeymoon.

Chen Fan looked up toward the peak.

In Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa’s eyes, what lay before them was an ordinary mountain peak that was surrounded by trees and bushes. However, Chen Fan could see a large plume of dark smoke that loomed over the top of the mountain where the shrine was at.

Harrowing howlings and ghastly screams drifted down from the mountain top in fits and starts.

The path to the Shrine felt like a corridor to the gate of h.e.l.l.

“Master, I have heard many scary stories about this place. They say many young and good looking girls had disappeared on their journey to the top. In hindsight, they must be kidnapped by Lord Susano. I thought those were just high tales, but now I believe them.” Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa spoke under her breath.

Lord Susano had used her body as a vessel and there were plenty of reasons for her to believe that Lord Susano was a malevolent Demon G.o.d.

“What? No way, the shrine looks pretty decent to me.” A man put in.

Yukis.h.i.+ro Sa was taken aback after realizing that the man was speaking Chinese. She tried to use as much Chinese as she could while speaking to Chen Fan. But even if she had to use j.a.panese, Chen Fan had no problem understanding her. What surprised her was the fact that there was another Chinese person on the path.

She looked up and saw a young couple making their way down the mountain.

The man was in his thirties and was wearing thin golden-rimmed, looking like a successful banker. The woman was tall in stature, and her long dark hair was flowing with the wind. Even the large on her face could not hide her beauty.

They were the couple Chen Fan had met on the airplane: Ai Jinqi and Ren Hao.