Chapter 275 - Mr. Chen? (1/2)
Chapter 275: Mr. Chen?
Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations
“One more word, I will kill you.”
Chen Fan uttered his threat with such nonchalance that it was as if he had asked the Young Lord how his day was.
However, the slap on Lu Zhengyu’s face was decisive and to the point, revealing his overbearing methods. The fact that it was the heir of the Hua Yi Entertainment on the receiving end of the threat made his threat even more stunning and unexpected.
Nie Shunchen was the chief of the Hua Yi Entertainment. As one of the biggest entertainment firms in China, its influences ran deep into every facet of society. Rumor had it that the Nie family’s influence reached as far as the mainland. Thanks to its connections to the rich and the powerful, the Nie family was able to pull the large enterprise together and rally a great number of tyc.o.o.ns and celebrities to attend the banquet.
That being said, despite the luxury venue on the world-cla.s.s cruise s.h.i.+p, this was far from the most high profile party. None of the top twenty richest were present. Those magnates of Hong Kong had long pa.s.sed the age of chasing after celebrities. At most, their grandsons might show up on their behalf.
A deadly silence fell over the room after Chen Fan uttered his warning.
Everyone in the room, including Nie Shunchen couldn’t believe what they just heard. How did anyone dare to openly threaten the heir of Hua Yi Entertainment? Chen Fan’s friends were beyond shock, they hoped Chen Fan’s bold if not reckless comment would not backfire on them.
Li Xinru suddenly let out a peal of laughter. She laughed so hard that her b.r.e.a.s.t.s jiggled as she struggled for air.
“Qianqian, your friend is so funny.”
Yun Qianqian s.h.i.+vered a little.
Of all the people here, she knew that Chen Fan really meant what he said. If he really got riled up, he could have killed Scorpion, the member of the Heavenly Kill with ease much less a defenseless young man.
Yun Qianqian didn’t care about the snickers from her former BFF turned rival. She grabbed hold of Chen Fan’s arm and said: “Please calm down, Mr. Chen.”
Little did she know that her action rubbed Nie Shunchen the wrong way. Nie Shunchen snorted and said: “My friend, you have not only crashed my party, injured my friend but also threatened to kill me. I can put you behind the bars for ten years for that.”
“Oh really?” Chen Fan said slowly “The last person who said the exact same time to me still had a bruised face from my slapping on his face. What was his name? Lawyer Hu? he said he will bring me to justice and make me sit in a jail. Well, look at me now.”
“What lawyer Hu?” Nie Shunchen was taken aback.
Boss Gu who was wearing a fancy suit flung back at Chen Fan.
“Young Lord Nie, why are we wasting time with a northern b.u.mpkin from the mainland. Call the security guards and kick him out.”
“Over my dead body!”
Qiu Yilun shouted out in a fit of anger.
“Insolence! This is my party and I have the right to decide who should stay and who should leave.” Nie Shunchen had gathered himself and said: “Not only I am the host of the banquet, but also the long term tenant of the cruise s.h.i.+p. I have the right to ask you to get off the s.h.i.+p.”
“And don’t worry, we will give each one of you a floaty so you can float back to Hong Kong.” Nie Shunchen jested with a shrug of the shoulder.
His joke invited laughter from everyone. Many tyc.o.o.ns and lesser well-known celebrities rubbed their bellies as they struggle for air.
“Young Lord Nie.. you are too funny.”
“Yes, yes! Let them swim back!”
“Hey dips.h.i.+t, it’s time to put your swimming skills to use. Don’t drown.”
Everyone hurled insults at Chen Fan and his friends. Most of the guests of the party were friends and employees of the young heir, therefore, they were all on Nie Shunchen’s side. Not only that, some of them would even view this as a golden opportunity to show Nie Shunchen their loyalty.
“How dare you!”
Qiu Yilun rounded his eyes in anger and disbelief. Even Qi w.a.n.gsun’s eyes started to grow cold and hard.
Nie Shunchen is planning to kill them all. The cruise s.h.i.+p by then had already sailed to the middle of the Victoria Bay and despite the mild temperature in Hong Kong, it was nearly impossible to swim all the way back to sh.o.r.e, especially when there were a few girls in their group.
“Is that how the Nie family shows their hospitality by throwing their guests off the deck?” Qi w.a.n.gsun asked harshly.
“It doesn’t have to be like that. As long as you apologize to my friend, providing that he forgives you, you can still remain on the s.h.i.+p for one more night.” Nie Shunchen said with disdain written all over his face.
“I want to see him kneel before me and apologize!” Lu Zhengyu covered his injured face and struggled to his feet. He glared at Chen Fan with hatred burning in his eyes.
Chen Fan had used less than one-thousandth of his power and had already destroyed half of Lu Zhengyu’s face. Lu Zhengyu had never been a.s.saulted like this before. Even when he was fighting with his family member for the inheritance, no one had ever landed a finger on him. This was the first time he had ever slapped in the face in public. Words couldn’t describe his anger and eager for revenge.
“Kneel and apologize?”
Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and gave him a half-smile.
“That’s right. I will let the matter slide if you kneel down and apologize to my friend.” Nie Shunchen announced.
Flanked by Li Xinru, he had the support of all the rich and powerful men and women in the room. Plus, they were on his turf, he had rented the cruise s.h.i.+p for crying out loud. Nie Shunchen had never thought that he would end up losing the conflict. He was convinced that he could get away with killing a group of mainland college students by pulling some strings.