Chapter 147 - A Dramatic Entrance (1/2)

Chapter 147: A Dramatic Entrance

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Well, well! It looks like our Head Sergeant is still high on his horse as all inexperienced newbies are. Well, why don’t we just go back to our training instead of waiting for him like idiots?”

The bald soldier shouted.

The other soldiers shook their heads and were about to leave the training ground. Seeing this development, even Chu Minhui started to waver. What was the point of waiting for the jerk Head Sergeant when he was simply wasting their time?

Yue Jianqiu stood upright unflinchingly like a tall pine tree.

“Hey, what do you say to going into the woods and getting us some rabbits for dinner?” Tank suggested.

“Eagle-eyes is our best sharpshooter, we need to take him with us.” The stone-faced young man put in.

Eagle-eyes was an ordinary looking scrawny young man. What set him apart from the rest was his incredibly sharp vision. His deep-set eyes often glinted under the sunlight, making them look sharp enough to penetrate through a person’s mind.

“Why yes! Eagle-eyes won third place in the shooting compet.i.tions…” Even as Tank spoke, someone else shouted at the crowd: “Look! Someone is going to jump off the helicopter!”


Everyone threw their head back and look to the helicopter.

What they saw next would be permanently tattooed in their mind.

They watched as a human figure leapt out of the helicopter and barely a fraction of a second later, they heard a heavy thud and the man was already on the ground, right in front of them, and was unharmed.


The blaring sound was followed by a cloud of dust that rose to blot the sun. The paved earth trembled from the impact and even people who sat deep inside the facility noticed the strange ripples in their cups of water.


Disturbed by the trembling sensation, the officers in the base flocked out of buildings.

Those soldiers who gathered at the training ground were closest to the source of impact and they were rendered speechless by the development.

Among the clouds of dust, they could vaguely discern a human figure standing in the middle of the training ground with his hand linked behind him. He looked more like a timeless ancient statue rather than a living person. The cracked surface of the pavement had formed a spider-web-like pattern that projected itself outward from under the man’s feet. Whoever he was, his outrageous landing had created a large crater on the hard paved ground.

“Did you see that? He… he jumped right out of that helicopter.”

The brawny bald man was shocked.

“I saw that too, Tank.” The stone-faced young man swallowed hard and replied.

Everyone around the two, including Eagle-eyes, and the refined-looking young man, and even Yue Jianqiu who was so even-keeled that he might as well be impervious to shock were stunned and terrified by the turn of events. Chu Minhui rounded his eyes and looked at the man in utter disbelief.

“Is he made out of iron? He was a hundred meters above the ground, and ….and he just jumped right out.”

Tank stammered.

Everyone nodded to confirm his observation.

Then, as everyone looked horrified at the man in the dust, the figure moved. He slowly made his way out of the cloud of dust and into the daylight. Then, and only then, the crowd realized that the person who survived the impossible fall was only sixteen year old boy.

The boy wore a white casual outfit that contrasted with his dark hair. His skin is smooth and unmarred by imperfections, and his eyes glittered in the sunlight like two diamonds. Although his looks were average, he gave off a G.o.dly demeanor that made him look like an immortal.

“You again!”

Having recognized the boy’s face, Chu Minhui felt he was struck by lightning.

“Do you know him?”

The old soldier who was talking to him earlier asked.

Chu Minhui didn’t speak a word, but his hollowed look on his face had said it all. He felt his legs were about to give in.

“I think he is our new Head Sergeant.”

The refined looking young man pushed his up again and smiled wryly.

“The… new Head Sergeant?”