Chapter 110 - Commemorate My Immortal Enlightenment (1/2)

Chapter 110: Commemorate My Immortal Enlightenment

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

However, as a Dao-Reaching Level master, Bai Wuji didn’t give up. Instead, the sudden setback spurred his will to fight. Bai Wuji shouted hotly: “I don’t believe that you can be a grand master of Internal Force at such a young age.”

“Master Cui, NOW!”

As he re-started the spell, the fireball in his hand suddenly stretched on both sides and became a fiery dragon. The dragon slithered its flaming tongue in and out of its mouth as it withered toward Chen Fan.

Bai Wuji’s attack was an incredible display of strength that could only come from a late-stage Dao-Reaching Level master.

He had tamed the belligerent fire with his bare hands and wielded it as if it was one of his arms. After seeing Bai Wuji’s real power, both Granny Snake and Zhang Ben realized that Bai Wuji had been holding back his power. With such a high level of attainment, Bai Wuji could have killed them with ease.

“Such fire bending skill! Bai Wuji is worth his salt.”

Granny Snake gasped.

“Fine, fine. This fight is unavoidable ever since I already took the payment.”

The brawny bald man named Master Cui heaved a sigh and grunted under his breath. When he looked up again, poisonous fire danced in his eyes.

As he drew a large gulp of air and his body increased in size. He used to be one meter and ninety centimeters or so, but suddenly, his height grew to over two meters and ten centimeters. Veins covered his iron body, made him look like a vascular bull.

After decades of hard work, Master Cui had perfected his technique in combat.

His skin was so tough that even a blade could only leave a white mark on it.

Everyone watched as Master Cui stomped the ground like a giant, making the earth tremble. When the trembling was over, everyone was shocked to see that he had created two large depressions on the concrete pavement. Then, the hulking frame threw himself at Chen Fan with as much force as a semi truck at full speed.

The two disciples of Master Cui who had just achieved initial success also started to channel out their energy, preparing to attack at any moment.

Suddenly, the situation turned around on Chen Fan who was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with confidence just seconds ago.

“Watch out!”

Yu Wenjin let out a cry.

Everyone thought that Chen Fan looked scrawny and thin, his smooth unmarred skin on his cheek suggested he had never lived one day of rough and tumble. It was impossible for such a green babe to ward off the brutish attack of Master Cui.

“He is dead meat unless he really is a grand master of Internal Force.”

Zhang Ben remarked with a great measure of certainty.

Zhang Ben’s words uneased Yu Wenjin. She looked at Chen Fan concernedly.

However, she saw Chen Fan curled his lips into an airly smile, and then he extended both arms in front of him as if he was holding an invisible ball.

“What is that? Taichi?”

Even as Bai Wuji was speculating what he had just seen, the development took a dramatic turn that stunned him.

The firey snake threw itself at Chen Fan as if a toddler had seen his parent at the end of daycare. The three-meter or so long fire huddled tightly against Chen Fan’s chest as it was embraced in the crook of Chen Fan’s curled arms.

Chen Fan held fire as if he was holding the moon and the sun. With one twist of a thumb, Chen Fan sealed the firey energy within the little s.p.a.ce between his chest and his forearm.

The fire snake curled into a ball and rolled around at the command of Chen Fan’s fingers. It was as if Chen Fan was the fire bender that had given it life.

True Martial Thirty-Six Forms, first form, Skyfall Hammer!


Bai Wuji shouted.

He had never once lost his control over the fire he had summoned.

“Is this some kind of martial arts or Dharma Spells? How is this even possible?”

Bai Wuji murmured to himself as his eyes slowly lose focus.

The Skyfall Hammer took the best of both Dharma Spells and Martial arts and merged them into something new. Such immortal martial arts was beyond the mortal’s comprehension. It looked like a simple martial arts move, yet the magnitude of its power was on par with that of a Dharma Spell.


Master Cui stormed across the road and charged at Chen Fan like a raged bull. When he was close enough, Chen Fan gave the fireball a gentle push, sending it on a collision course with Master Cui.


Master Cui saw the attack coming; however, it was already too late.

With no time to evade, the best Master Cui could do was to forcefully charge up his energy and punch back at the fireball. The punch carried the momentum he had built up in the charge, and Master Cui was confident that it should be able to pulverize a mini-van.


When the fire and the fist collided, an explosion erupted, sending down a shower of sparks.

Everyone quickly covered their eyes instinctively for a fraction of a second, and then they hurried to see what had happened. In the bright flash, They saw a giant frame was sent flying back like a lifeless ragdoll. It landed on the pavement with a thud, crus.h.i.+ng the hard pavement underneath its ma.s.sive weight.


The two young disciples howled.

The hulking frame that got sent flying was Master Cui. By then, he had already returned to his original size. His arms bend outward unnaturally, and blood welled in all holes on his face. His chest area turned to a b.l.o.o.d.y mush, and no one was certain if he was still alive.

The place suddenly became pin-drop quiet.

In less than ten seconds, Bai Wuji had already lost a powerful fighter.

Chen Fan had only “borrowed” Bai Wuji’s Dharma Spells, condensed it into an energy ball before he hurled it at Master Cui. He didn’t even use a fraction of his full power.

“Do you believe me now?”

Chen Fan stood three meters away from Bai Wuji. He hitched both thumbs in his pants pocket and glanced at his opponent with a great measure of levity.

By then, everyone realized that he was a force to be reckoned with. Even the renowned Master Cui who had achieved phenomenal success, failed to withstand his attack. His power ought to be one of a kind even among grand masters of the Internal Force.

“When did Xiao Fan become so powerful?”

Yu Wenjin felt as if a weight on her mind was finally off. She covered her gaping mouth while staring at the boy incredulously. She couldn’t believe that he was the same person that had been friends with her ever since they were children.