Chapter 8 - Jiang Churans BFFs (1/2)
Chapter 8: Jiang Churan’s BFFs
Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations
Over the phone, Auntie Tang told him that it was not just any dinner; it was a dinner party for one of Jiang Churan’s girlfriends.
He wagered that he would just show up at the party and leave when no one was paying attention. So thinking, he dialed Jiang Churan’s number.
“h.e.l.lo? Is this Ran-ran? This is Chen Fan.”
“What is it?” Jiang Churan’s cold voice drifted out of the phone without any trace of enthusiasm.
Chen Fan continued, “Auntie Tang invited me to join your friend’s birthday party.”
“Ok. I am at the downtown Starbucks. Why don’t you come over?” It seems Jiang Churan had received word from her mother.
“Who’s that, Ran-ran?”
A girl in all Gucci and LV asked Jiang Churan curiously.
She was Jiang Churan’s WRB (white-rich-beautiful) girlfriend, Zhang Yumeng: The birthday girl.
There was another tall and glamorous girl sitting right next to Jiang Churan; both of them were Jiang Churan’s BFFs since childhood.
“Just a loser. He is my mom’s friend’s son. I have no idea what got into my mom’s mind, like, seriously? Guess what she had been doing? She wanted to set me up with that dude. Can you believe that? Me and a country hillbilly? Eew!” Jiang Churan put her phone away and said with a heavy frown.
“So, he has met your parents.” Zhang Yumeng jested. She was too curious not to press Jiang Churan with more questions, “How’s his look? Is he rich? Is he as good as my boy Yang Chao?”
Yang Chao was Zhang Yumeng’s boyfriend; he was tall and handsome, a charming captain of the school basketball team. His family owned the ‘Tiansheng Grand Hotel,’ one of the top five five-star-hotels in Chu Zhou City.
Although the basketball team captain never lacked admirers, he had always been very proud of being able to date the popular girl Zhang Yumeng.
“You are such a gold digger! Is money all you care about?” The tall and more distant looking girl rolled her eyes at Zhang Yuemeng.
“What’s wrong with that? I don’t date fat losers who are poor; you know,” Zhang Yumeng put her hands on her hips, elbows up and pointing out, as she shot back at the other girl.
“Fine, fine, we all know you have high standards” Jiang Churan put in. “His name is ‘Chen Fan,’ and he is from Si Shui County. He is from an average family and looked… ok, I guess? But my mom insisted that he is the Mr. Right because he is honest.”
“Honest? How much is that worth nowadays?” Zhang Yumeng burst out laughing.
The tall girl next to Jiang Churna shook her head and said in a serious voice, “Don’t listen to her. However, he does sound very much out of your league. Even if you think you like him, your relations.h.i.+p will be doomed. ”
“I didn’t say that I liked him. Stop worrying your pretty head about it, girls. I am just annoyed with my mom.” Jiang Churan said helplessly.
“If you don’t like him, maybe I can offer you a helping hand. I will teach him a lesson.” Zhang Yumeng snorted.
Jiang Churan’s rolled her eyes, and she felt so annoyed with her mother and her friends that she didn’t even know what to say.
After a while, they saw Chen Fan walking toward the Starstruck.
In 2007, when Starbucks first entered the Chinese market, it was extremely popular among the middle cla.s.s and white-collar workers. They would meet with their friends to spend a relaxing weekend afternoon.
Even at Starbucks and among her kind, Jiang Churan had caught many customers’ attention. Her beauty was exceptional even among a group of well educated white collar women.
The two girls that accompanied her were also of exceptional beauty. One was tall and glamorous, the other pet.i.te and cute. The three women had slowly become the center of attention at the coffee shop.
Therefore, it wasn’t hard for Chen Fan to spot Jiang Churan. He waved a hand at her and walked toward her table.
He sucked at talking to girls; however, he didn’t want to disappoint Auntie Tang and so he better press on.
“Hi.” Jiang greeted him back polity. However, she remained a distance away from Chen Fan.
Chen Fan noticed the girl with a hot body and a glamorous look did not even spare him a look as he approached their table. Carrying a cup of coffee, she peered out of the window but was looking at nothing. Her face lacked any emotion, but the message was clear: Do not talk to me.
“You are Chen Fan?” Zhang Yumeng looked around at him as disdain flickered in her eyes.
Her clothes, shoes, and the entire outfit was worth over a hundred thousand yuan. The purse she carried was the collector’s edition of LV. She was in a pink Chanel dress and a pair of shoes from Mauro Leone, which her father had bought for her from Milan.
Meanwhile, Chen Fan was in a pair of twenty yuan jeans and a five yuan t-s.h.i.+rt. The two stood face to face, looking like from two different worlds.
“Hey, dude! Do you know how many people wanted to date her? Ok, let me see: the super smart kid who already got admitted to Qin Hua University, the super rich one whose dad could buy half of the city and the one whose dad was going to be the new mayor! Guess who did she chose? NOT-YOU!” Zhang Yumeng lashed out at Chen Fan.
“Meng-Meng!” Jiang Churan glared at the girl, willing her to be quiet.
“Don’t worry; I am not interested in her. Her mom wanted me to come here to join her for a party.” Chen Fan said as he glanced at Jiang Churan.