Part 8 (1/2)
_5. When you call at any private residence, do not neglect to clean your shoes thoroughly._
_6. A gentleman should always remove his hat in the presence of ladies, except out of doors, and then he should lift or touch his hat in salutation. On meeting a lady a well-bred gentleman will always lift his hat._
_7. An invitation to a lecture, concert, or other entertainment, may be either verbal or written, but should always be made at least twenty-four hours before the time._
_8. On entering a hall or church the gentleman should precede the lady in walking up the aisle, or walk by her side, if the aisle is broad enough._
_9. A gentleman should always precede a lady upstairs, and follow her downstairs._
_10. Visitors should always observe the customs of the church with reference to standing, sitting, or kneeling during the services._
_11. On leaving a hall or church at the close of entertainment or services, the gentleman should precede the lady._
_12. A gentleman walking with a lady should carry the parcels, and never allow the lady to be burdened with anything of the kind._
_13. A gentleman meeting a lady on the street and wis.h.i.+ng to speak to her, should never detain her, but may turn around and walk in the same direction she is going, until the conversation is completed._
_14. If a lady is traveling with a gentleman, simply as a friend, she should place the amount of her expenses in his hands, or insist on paying the bills herself._
_15. Never offer a lady costly gifts unless you are engaged to her, for it looks as if you were trying to purchase her good-will; and when you make a present to a lady use no ceremony whatever._
_16. Never carry on a private conversation in company. If secrecy is necessary, withdraw from the company._
_17. Never sit with your back to another without asking to be excused._
_18. It is as unbecoming for a gentleman to sit with legs crossed as it is for a lady._
_19. Never thrum with your fingers, rub your hands, yawn or sigh aloud in company._
_20. Loud laughter, loud talking, or other boisterous manifestations should be checked in the society of others, especially on the street and in public places._
_21. When you are asked to sing or play in company, do so without being urged, or refuse in a way that shall be final; and when music is being rendered in company, show politeness to the musician by giving attention. It is very impolite to keep up a conversation. If you do not enjoy the music keep silent._
_22. Contentions, contradictions, etc. in society should be carefully avoided._
_23. Pulling out your watch in company, unless asked the time of day, is a mark of the demi-bred. It looks as if you were tired of the company and the time dragged heavily._
_24. You should never decline to be introduced to any one or all of the guests present at a party to which you have been invited._
_25. A gentleman who escorts a lady to a party, or who has a lady placed under his care, is under particular obligations to attend to her wants and see that she has proper attention. He should introduce her to others, and endeavor to make the evening pleasant. He should escort her to the supper table and provide for her wants._
_26. To take small children or dogs with you on a visit of ceremony is altogether vulgar, though in visiting familiar friends, children are not objectionable._
[Ill.u.s.tration: Children should early be taught the lesson of Propriety and Good Manners.]