Part 4 (1/2)
”Oh, don't worry, deary,” said her mother after she had watched her husband disappear in the thickening shadow of the woods. ”We might as well eat, for there's no telling when father'll be back.” They were not half through the meal before he came, and, as he took his seat at the table, he said with a deep sigh of relief: ”I'm afeard our York friends won't enjoy their lodgin's overmuch. The owls are round pretty thick to-night.”
”Well, I guess they've ben talking to you,” said Ruth, as her face lighted with a comprehension of his meaning.
”Can owls talk?” Martha asked, agape with wonder.
”Well, the old knowing ones. Owls are turrible knowing creatur's,” her father said.
The twilight possessing the woods had scarcely invaded the clearing when the surveyor and his party came to the house, bringing in blankets, provisions, guns, tools, and instruments, till the one small room was crowded with them and the uninvited guests. Felton and Graves made themselves offensively and officiously at home. The cook took possession of the fire, and set two frying-pans of pork sputtering grease upon the tidy hearth, to the disgust of the housewife, who sat with her husband and child in a dark corner. At last Felton brought forth a bottle of spirits from his leathern portmanteau and drank to Graves.
”Here's to your speedy installment in your rightful possessions. Now, help yourself, and give the men their tot.”
Graves stood filling his measure of grog in the tin cup, grinning with satisfaction, when a loud knock came on the door.
Without waiting to be bidden, a man of ma.s.sive mould entered the room.
He strode into the firelight, and, wheeling on the hearth, faced the company, his shadow filling half the room.
”Good evening, gentlemen. Good evening, Mr. Felton and Graves.”
The latter stood with the untasted dram half way to his gaping mouth, the other was as motionless, save as his face expressed successively astonishment, anger, and exultation.
”Colonel Ethan Allen,” he said at last, emphasizing the t.i.tle. ”Most happy to receive a call from so distinguished a person. A very fortunate meeting.” Then changing his tone of mock politeness to one of command: ”You are my prisoner. Men, lay hold of him! A hundred pounds are offered for his head! It is Ethan Allen! Lay hold of him, I tell you!”
There was a reluctant stir among the men. One advanced toward the corner near the fireplace where the guns were set. With deliberate celerity Allen drew his hands from the skirts of his coat, a c.o.c.ked pistol in each, and, with one of them, he covered the man skulking towards the guns.
”The first man that draws a pistol or raises a gun gets a bullet through his carca.s.s,” he said with authority.
At Allen's first words Seth had mounted the ladder and as quickly reappeared with his gun. The movement was seen in the dancing shadows, and he was covered by the other pistol, which was lowered as he was distinguished to be helping a woman and child to mount to the chamber.
”Down with your gun over there! Oh, it is our friend Beeman! All right!”
Then Allen called in a voice that made the pewter dishes ring on their shelves:
”Come in, men!”
The door swung violently open, and Job Carpenter, with all the arms-bearing men of the wide neighborhood, to the number of a dozen, came marching in, in Indian file, with rifle or smooth-bore at a trail.
In the rear was Nathan, unarmed, but eager to see all that should transpire.
Felton and Graves lost their bold demeanor, yet held their places, while their men slunk to the farther side of the room in dumb affright, save Jenkins, the cook, who, dodging this side and that of Allen's burly form, hovered near his frying-pans in a divided fear for his own safety and that of his pork.
”Keep every one of these men under close guard, my boys,” Allen commanded, ”especially these two chief offenders. Now, Mr. Felton, perhaps it is made plain to you that I am not your prisoner, and that the G.o.ds of the valleys are not the G.o.ds of the hills. Behold how riches take to themselves wings and fly away even before they are possessed. In witness whereof, consider the hundred pounds offered by your Governor for an honest man. No wonder he longs for the sight of one, with such a pack of thieves and land jobbers as he has about him.”
”An honest man?” cried Felton, trembling with rage. ”A ruffian! A rioter! A defier of law!” and he poured forth a torrent of opprobrious names, and a full measure of curses, till out of breath.
”Go on, Master Felton, go on,” said Allen, smiling benignly upon him.
”Ease yourself. Unless it be prayer, which you rarely employ, I doubt, there is nothing like good round cursing to relieve an overburdened heart. Upon occasion I avail myself of the remedy. Pray go on, or give your friend a chance. Mr. Graves, you have the floor,” but the man addressed only glowered savagely.