Part 43 (1/2)
p. 523: ”provoke the Viet Minh”: FRUS: Laos Crisis, FRUS: Laos Crisis, 734-35. 734-35.
p. 523: ”he might make a public statement”: Ibid., 741-42.
pp. 523-24: ”indicated both his support”: Ibid., 760-61.
p. 524: ”to maintain vis-a-vis”: Ibid., 758-60, 767.
p. 524: JFK-NSK messages: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 134-36. 134-36.
p. 524: RFK and Bolshakov: Guthman and Shulman, 258-59, 337; Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 152-53. 152-53.
p. 525: NSK message to JFK: RFK to JFK, June 19, 1962, Box 80, POF.
p. 525: The Times Times report and JFK response: Salinger to JFK, May 24, 1962, Box 65A, POF. report and JFK response: Salinger to JFK, May 24, 1962, Box 65A, POF.
p. 525: JFK hoped that Hanoi: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 543-46; Gibbons, 120-21. 543-46; Gibbons, 120-21.
p. 525: McNamara and U.S. optimism: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 546-56; Gibbons, 121-22; Neil Sheehan, 289-91; Shapley, 159-61. 546-56; Gibbons, 121-22; Neil Sheehan, 289-91; Shapley, 159-61.
p. 526: Taylor reported: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 660-63. Also Naftali, 660-63. Also Naftali, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 165, and Gibbons, 104-5. vol. I, 165, and Gibbons, 104-5.
p. 526: ”tremendously encouraged”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 655-57. 655-57.
p. 526: JFK told Thuan: Ibid., 667, 671-72.
p. 526: ”made clear”: Roswell L. Gilpatric OH. Also see Bird, 223; NSAM No. 182, Aug. 24, 1962, in FRUS: National Security Policy, 1961-1963, FRUS: National Security Policy, 1961-1963, 381-83; and David Kaiser, 139-40. 381-83; and David Kaiser, 139-40.
p. 526: McNamara's withdrawal plan: Gibbons, 125-26.
p. 527: ”thought very highly”: Guthman and Shulman, 46, 418, 421.
p. 527: ”symbolized the idea”: Halberstam, Best and Brightest, Best and Brightest, 264. 264.
p. 527: JFK himself said: Quoted in Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 402. 402.
p. 527: ”Men can't understand”: Bradlee, Conversations, Conversations, 230. 230.
p. 527: ”Why is it”: Halberstam, Best and Brightest, Best and Brightest, 269. 269.
p. 527: ”unnecessary trips”: Memo of the President's Instructions at the Laos/Vietnam Briefing, May 2, 1962, Box 320, NSF.
p. 527: ”formally involved”: Memo of JFK Meeting with Congressional Leaders, Feb. 21, 1962, Box 345, NSF.
p. 527: Concession to Joint Chiefs: Memo for Bundy, Oct. 4, 1962, Box 320, NSF.
p. 528: ”What can we do”: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 166. vol. II, 166.
p. 528: ”The closer one gets”: Quoted in Lawrence Freedman, 360-61.
p. 528: ”adjunct of a dictators.h.i.+p”: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 984. 984.
p. 528: The press: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 656, 661-62, 671-72. Also, Naftali and Zelikow, 656, 661-62, 671-72. Also, Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 165; C. V. Clifton to McGeorge Bundy, Mar. 6, 1962, Box 320, NSF. vol. II, 165; C. V. Clifton to McGeorge Bundy, Mar. 6, 1962, Box 320, NSF.
p. 528: Time Time's coverage: Henry Luce to JFK, Sept. 15, 21, 1962; JFK to Luce, Oct. 2, 1962, Box 31, POF.
p. 529: JFK sympathized: See Halberstam, chap. 11.
p. 529: Response to the Baldwin story: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 186-201. vol. I, 186-201.
p. 529: Directives about the press: Joe Alsop to Evelyn Lincoln, Oct. 3, 1962; ”Joe Alsop called,” n.d.; Alsop to JFK, Nov. 24, 1962; McGeorge Bundy to Alsop, Nov. 27, 1962, Box 27, POF. Sorensen, 360.
p. 530: JFK to NSK, Mar. 5, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 115. 115.
p. 530: JFK's numerous exchanges and differences with Moscow: Ibid., 362-65, 369-72, 401-3, 405-6, 411-14, 425-26, 438-41; Naftali, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 86-88, 162. Also see NSK, vol. I, 86-88, 162. Also see NSK, Khrushchev Remembers, Khrushchev Remembers, 536. 536.
p. 530: Public relations setback: Seaborg, 164-66; FRUS: Arms Control, FRUS: Arms Control, 510-14; JFK to Rusk and McNamara, July 19, 1962, Box 88, POF; Naftali, 510-14; JFK to Rusk and McNamara, July 19, 1962, Box 88, POF; Naftali, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 117. vol. I, 117.
p. 530: ”I just see”: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 47-51. vol. I, 47-51.
p. 531: ”Domestic policy”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 426. 426.
p. 531: ”Creative governments”: Schlesinger to Orvil Dryfoos, July 5, 1962, with a note to JFK, July 5, 1962, attached, Box 65A, POF.
pp. 531-32: JFK's proposals and response to the Soviets: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 649-50, 652-55; Seaborg, 167-71. 649-50, 652-55; Seaborg, 167-71.
p. 532: JFK's search for a Berlin formula: Lawrence Freedman, 112-16. Also see conversations with Adzhubei in FRUS: Soviet Union, FRUS: Soviet Union, 356-60; 356-60; FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962, 780-84; and JFK-NSK exchanges in 780-84; and JFK-NSK exchanges in FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 81-84, 92-95, 118-26. 81-84, 92-95, 118-26.
p. 532: ”Matters relating to”: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 133 and 137-47. 133 and 137-47.
p. 532: ”consistent failure”: Ibid., 143.
p. 532: Incidents at the Wall: Lawrence Freedman, 118-19.
pp. 532-33: NSK's fears and Bolshakov conversation with RFK: RFK to JFK, Mar. 16, 1962, Box 80, POF; Salinger, 248; Fursenko and Naftali, 155, 185.
p. 533: NSK's response: Fursenko and Naftali, 185-86, and Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 512. 512.
p. 533: Conversation with Udall: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1962-1963, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1962-1963, 308-10. 308-10.
pp. 533-34: Sorensen told Dobrynin: FRUS: Cuba, 1961-62, FRUS: Cuba, 1961-62, 1045-47. 1045-47.
p. 534: JFK's view of NSK: Guthman and Shulman, 27-28, 311. Sulzberger, 808-13.
p. 534: Thompson told JFK: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 270. vol. I, 270.
Chapter 16: To the Brink-and Back
p. 535: For an up-to-date review of the missile crisis literature, see Mark J. White, ”New Scholars.h.i.+p on the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Diplomatic History, Diplomatic History, Winter 2002, 147-53. Winter 2002, 147-53.