Part 41 (1/2)

p. 470: ”I know that”: Lincoln Diary, n.d., Box 4, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL.

p. 471: ”He and I continued”: Sorensen, 294.

p. 471: ”He was tired”: Lincoln Diary, May 18, 1961, Box 2, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.

p. 471: ”So much depends”: ”JFK on Presidency,” Box 23, David Powers Papers, JFKL.

p. 471: ”less tense”: Memorandum for the Files, Aug. 23, 1961, Box 479, Averell Harriman Papers, LC.

p. 471: ”Do you think”: RFK interview, Oct. 23, 1961, Box 2, RFK Personal Papers, JFKL.

p. 471: Medical problems in Aug. 1961: Dr. Janet Travell medical records, JFKL.

p. 472: The lectern: Janet Travell to Evelyn Lincoln, July 10, 1961, Box 67, POF.

p. 472: Diet: Charles Bartlett to JFK, n.d., Box 28, POF.

p. 472: Dr. Janet Travell's care: RFK to George McGovern, June 26, 1961, Box 2, RFK Personal Papers. Also see Travell, 5-7, 358.

pp. 472-73: JFK's back problems and treatment: Dr. Janet Travell OH; Dr. George Burkley OH; Parmet, JFK, JFK, 120-24; Richard Reeves, 242-44, 273-74; Leamer, 544-45. For the quotes describing JFK's improvement, see Travell medical records. 120-24; Richard Reeves, 242-44, 273-74; Leamer, 544-45. For the quotes describing JFK's improvement, see Travell medical records.

p. 473: Kenneth O'Donnell to Dr. Travell and Dr. Burkley, April 10, 1962, doc.u.ment provided by Virginia P. Wilson, Travell's daughter.

p. 473: ”so totally inadequate”: Elizabeth Carpenter OH, LBJL.

p. 474: ”As little as possible”: Richard Reeves, 154.

p. 474: ”I don't think”: Ca.s.s Canfield OH, Columbia University.

p. 474: ”sorry for Jackie”: Hersh, 238.

p. 474: Jacqueline Kennedy to William Walton, June 8, 1962, Box 1, William Walton Papers, JFKL.

pp. 474-75: Jacqueline's spending: Pierre Salinger OH; Parmet, JFK, JFK, 109-10; Bradlee, 109-10; Bradlee, Conversations, Conversations, 118-19. 118-19.

p. 475: JPK's illness: Parmet, JFK, JFK, 124-25. 124-25.

pp. 475-76: Kennedy's womanizing: A number of books in recent years have catalogued Kennedy's s.e.xual escapades, but none more fully and probably more accurately than Hersh's Dark Side of Camelot Dark Side of Camelot. As scholars Ernest May and Philip Zelikow wrote in an otherwise persuasive critical a.s.sessment of the book, ”Hersh has acc.u.mulated new evidence that Kennedy's womanizing became increasingly more abandoned and more reckless as he became older, more famous, and more powerful. Hersh has ama.s.sed convincingly detailed testimony to this effect from numerous confidantes, four Secret Service agents talking on the record, and many others, some of it b.u.t.tressed by contemporaneous FBI records.” Ernest R. May and Philip D. Zelikow, ”Camelot Confidential,” Diplomatic History, Diplomatic History, Fall 1998, 642. Also see Giglio, 267. Fall 1998, 642. Also see Giglio, 267.

p. 476: The nineteen-year-old: Barbara Gamarekian OH, to which she gave me access, including 17 pages blacked out at the JFKL.

p. 476: He told Macmillan: Horne, 290.

p. 476: Mary Meyer: Parmet, JFK, JFK, 305-7. 305-7.

p. 476: ”Mary would be rough”: Bradlee, Conversations, Conversations, 54. 54.

p. 476: ”heard stories about”: Bradlee, A Good Life, A Good Life, 216-17. 216-17.

p. 477: Jacqueline Kennedy's response to the affairs: Confidential source.

p. 477: ”This is the girl”: Barbara Gamarekian OH.

p. 477: Keeping JFK's staff informed: Hersh, 390 n.

p. 477: The story about JFK's married aide and press hypocrisy: Gamarekian Interview, April 19, 2001.

p. 477: Press sleeping around: Barbara Gamarekian, ”My Turn: History in the Making,” Newsweek, Newsweek, June 16, 1997. June 16, 1997.

p. 478: JFK called Sidey to the White House: Time, Time, Feb. 23, 1962; Hugh Sidey OH; Richard Reeves, 287-88. Feb. 23, 1962; Hugh Sidey OH; Richard Reeves, 287-88.

p. 478: On Marilyn Monroe: Richard Reeves, 315-16; and see a Village Voice Village Voice clipping, attached to Schlesinger to JFK, May 31, 1962, Box 65A, POF. clipping, attached to Schlesinger to JFK, May 31, 1962, Box 65A, POF.

p. 478: JFK's relations with the media: Salinger, 34-35, 49-50, 121, 124-25, 127, 141-42.

p. 478: ”You can't go”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 279.

p. 479: After Hoover made clear: ”Judith E. Campbell, a.s.sociate of Hoodlums,” Mar. 20, 1962, JEH O&C, FBI microfilm. Richard Reeves, 288-90.

p. 479: Telephone calls: May and Zelikow, ”Camelot Confidential,” 643, n. 2.

p. 479: Have JFK ”by the b.a.l.l.s”: Richard Reeves, 288-90.

p. 479: Some historians: May and Zelikow, ”Camelot Confidential,” 652-53.

p. 479: Vietnam as a priority: Ibid., 652.

p. 480: ”took less time”: Richard Reeves, 291.

p. 480: h.e.l.ler and Martin: James Tobin Memo, Aug. 28, 1961, Box 6, Walter W. h.e.l.ler Papers, JFKL.

p. 480: JFK instructions to h.e.l.ler, Bell, and Dutton: Notes on conversations with JFK, Sept. 2, 1961, Box 6; Sept. 5, 1961, Box 5, h.e.l.ler Papers. Evelyn Lincoln to Fred Dutton, Sept. 5, 1961, Box 62; Dave Bell to Life Life Editor, Sept. 8, 1961, Box 70, POF. Editor, Sept. 8, 1961, Box 70, POF.

p. 480: Kennedy's courting of business: Meeting with JFK, Oct. 17, 1961, Box 6, h.e.l.ler Papers.

p. 481: Economic worries: JFK to Sen. Joseph Clark, Aug. 7, 1961; James Tobin to Sec. Fowler, Sept. 6, 1961, Box 73, POF; meetings with JFK, Oct. 17, 19, 1961, Box 6, h.e.l.ler Papers.

p. 481: ”upward price”: Bernstein, 134-36.

p. 481: ”'I know everyone'”: Sorensen, 457-58.

p. 481: For an excellent summary of the balance-of-payment problem, see Naftali, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 385-88. vol. I, 385-88.

p. 481: ”The pressures to grasp”: h.e.l.ler to JFK, Nov. 28, 1961, Box 29, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.

p. 481: ”cloud on the horizon”: James Tobin Memo, Aug. 28, 1961, Box 6, h.e.l.ler Papers.

p. 482: JFK request for reports on gold losses: Lincoln Diary, Oct. 3, 1961, Box 3, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.

p. 482: Draconian reforms: Memo of meeting with JFK, Oct. 17, 1961, Box 6, h.e.l.ler Papers.