Part 35 (1/2)
p. 322: ”a plethora of specifics”: Louis Harris to JFK, Jan. 14, 1961, Box 30, POF.
p. 322: ”Didn't you get the word?” New York Times, New York Times, Jan. 21, 1961. Jan. 21, 1961.
p. 322: On JFK's pills: Lincoln Diary, Jan. 2, 4, 11, 16, 20, 1961, Lincoln Papers.
p. 322: ”My G.o.d”: Lincoln Diary, Jan. 20, 1961, Lincoln Papers.
p. 322: ”excellent” health: New York Times, New York Times, Jan. 21, 1961. Jan. 21, 1961.
p. 323: ”the picture of health”: Ibid.
p. 323: ”He looked like”: Lincoln Diary, Jan. 20, 1961, Box 4, Lincoln Papers.
p. 323: ”grace under pressure”: Mary McGrory, Was.h.i.+ngton Evening Star, Was.h.i.+ngton Evening Star, Jan. 20, 1961. Jan. 20, 1961.
p. 323: On Frost and JFK: Stewart Udall OH.
p. 324: The Inaugural speech: Sorensen, 269-73. Ted Sorensen told me that JFK wanted the speech to defuse rather than intensify the Cold War: Interview, Feb. 25, 2002. As one sample of the advice to JFK, see Louis Harris to JFK, Jan. 14, 1961, Box 30, POF.
p. 324: On the length, see New York Times, New York Times, Jan. 21, 1961. Jan. 21, 1961.
p. 324: ”going over and over”: Lincoln Diary, Jan. 20, 1961, Box 4, Lincoln Papers.
pp. 325-26: Inaugural Address: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 1-3. 1-3.
p. 326: ”fine, very fine” and the other quotes are in the New York Times, New York Times, Jan. 21, 1961. Jan. 21, 1961.
p. 326: ”You have truly”: Emmet J. Hughes to JFK, Jan. 23, 1961, Box 30, POF.
p. 326: Krock told Kennedy: Arthur Krock OH.
p. 327: ”impressed [n]or stirred”: The Reporter, The Reporter, Feb. 2, 1961, 10. Feb. 2, 1961, 10.
p. 327: ”disturbed”: Evelyn Lincoln to JFK, n.d., 1961 (”Doug Cater called. Wanted me to bring this editorial to your attention, since you were disturbed over Ascoli's editorial on your inauguration speech”). Box 7, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.
p. 327: As good as Jefferson's: Parmet, JFK, JFK, 82. 82.
p. 327: Burns told Jack: Burns told me this.
p. 327: JFK on Jefferson: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 347. 347.
p. 327: Public response to the Inaugural and to JFK: Gallup, 1707-8.
Chapter 10: The Schooling of a President
p. 328: ”Well, because”: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 15-16. 15-16.
p. 329: The House: White, Making, 1960, Making, 1960, 361-62. 361-62.
p. 329: On the Rules Committee: Bernstein, 227-28.
p. 329: ”letting their judgments”: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 11. 11.
p. 329: ”Bulls.h.i.+t, buddy”: Richard Bolling OH, Columbia University.
p. 330: Executive Order: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961,10.
p. 330: Expending political capital: JFK to Sen. A. Willis Robertson, Feb. 7, 1961, POF.
p. 330: On Weaver: Robert C. Weaver OH; Parmet, JFK, JFK, 77-78. 77-78.
pp. 330-31: On the CEEO and LBJ, see Dallek, Flawed Giant, Flawed Giant, 11-12. 11-12.
p. 331: On the Coast Guard and the Cabinet: Bernstein, 52-58.
p. 331: First black amba.s.sador to a white nation: Sheldon Stern to Author, April 19, 2002.
p. 331: ”It may be proper”: JFK to Mike Feldman, Feb. 16, 1961, Box 63, POF.
pp. 331-32: Civil Rights Commission: Wofford, 130-33; Bernstein, 50-51; Richard Reeves, 59-63.
p. 332: ”Look, Father”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 60.
p. 333: ”We take office”: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 19-20. 19-20.
p. 333: ”With the seven percent”: Robert Nathan OH.
p. 333: On interest rates and Martin: Bernstein, 131-32.
pp. 333-34: Feb. 2 message: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 41-53. 41-53.
p. 334: ”second-stage”: Walter h.e.l.ler to JFK, Mar. 17, 1961, Box 73, POF.
p. 334: ”The Secretary of Treasury”: Gridiron speech, Mar. 11, 1961, Box 61, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.
p. 334: But liberal economists: Paul Samuelson to JFK and CEA, Mar. 21, 1961, ibid.
p. 334: ”Kennedy never thought”: Leon Keyserling OH, Columbia University.
p. 334: ”The financial program”: CEA, Memo: ”The Administration's Financial Program Thus Far,” April 6, 1961; h.e.l.ler to JFK, May 27, 1961, Box 73, POF.
pp. 334-35: Administration proposals being enacted: Parmet, JFK, JFK, 97. 97.
p. 335: The polls: Louis Harris to JFK, ”A Word About This Report,” Mar. 22, 1961, Box 105, POF; Gallup, 1708, 1715-16.
p. 335: ”new, young”: Newsweek, Newsweek, Mar. 13, 1961. Mar. 13, 1961.