Part 31 (1/2)

p. 229: ”terrible shapelessness”: Quoted in the New York Times, New York Times, Sec. 4, p. 21, May 16, 2000. Sec. 4, p. 21, May 16, 2000.

p. 229: Speaking invitations: Martin and Plaut, 462; O'Donnell and Powers, 129.

p. 229: some Ma.s.sachusetts newspapers: Lynn Sunday Telegram-News, Lynn Sunday Telegram-News, July 14, 1957; July 14, 1957; Boston Globe, Boston Globe, July 29, 1957. July 29, 1957.

p. 229: Democratic state chairman: New York Times, New York Times, Nov. 16, 1958. Nov. 16, 1958. Chicago Daily News Chicago Daily News poll of 1,220 delegates: Box 25, David Powers Papers, JFKL. poll of 1,220 delegates: Box 25, David Powers Papers, JFKL.

p. 230: Democratic governors: Edward M. Edwin to JFK, Aug. 14, 1959, Box 549, PPP.

p. 230: ”very smart”: Gallup, 1623-24.

p. 230: ”Month after month”: William V. Shannon in the New York Post, New York Post, Nov. 11, 1957. Nov. 11, 1957.

p. 230: ”clothes and hair-do”: New York Times, New York Times, Oct. 10, 1958. Oct. 10, 1958.

p. 230: ”on how to win”: Ibid., Nov. 10, 1958.

p. 230: ”looked at him”: Peter Lisagor OH.

pp. 230-31: For Nixon's nomination prospects, see Gallup, 1602, 1607, 1616, 1625, 1631, 1641.

p. 231: For Eisenhower's popularity, see ibid., 1586, 1589, 1596-97, 1603, 1609, 1615, 1618, 1625, 1632, 1639.

p. 231: For Democratic-Republican matchups, see ibid., 1597, 1607, 1618-19, 1622, 1642, 1647-48; and Louis Harris, ”An a.n.a.lysis of a Trial Pairing of Vice President Richard Nixon vs. JFK,” Oct. 1957, and ”A Study of Public Opinion on Candidates in Eight West Coast Cities,” Feb. 1959, Box 819, PPP.

p. 231: Gridiron speech: Mar. 15, 1958, Box 1025, PPP.

p. 231: JFK's standing among Democrats, See Gallup, 1588, 1590, 1601, 1607, 1613, 1617, 1622-23, 1630, 1649.

p. 231: His standing with congressional Democrats: Parmet, Jack, Jack, 506. 506.

pp. 231-32: ”We've always been”: Interview with JFK, Ralph G. Martin Papers, Boston University.

p. 232: ”I'm not interested”: Newton Minow OH, Columbia University.

p. 232: ”If I don't make it”: Interview with JFK, Martin Papers.

p. 232: ”Catholic-baiting”: Quoted in Martin and Plaut, 448. Also see Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style, The Paranoid Style, 19-23. 19-23.

p. 232: Twenty-four percent: Gallup, 1605-6.

p. 232: ”Kennedy seemed too cool”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 14. 14.

p. 233: ”the effects upon this country”: Memo, July 12, 1959, Box 123, Katie Louchheim Papers, LC.

p. 233: ”youngsters he had summoned”: White, Making, 1960, Making, 1960, 48. 48.

p. 233: Jack publicly denied: Face the Nation, Face the Nation, Mar. 30, 1958, and Feb. 22, 1959, Box 779, PPP. Mar. 30, 1958, and Feb. 22, 1959, Box 779, PPP.

p. 233: ”dodged the McCarthy issue”: Quoted by John Madigan on Meet the Press, Meet the Press, Mar. 30, 1958, Box 779, PPP. Mar. 30, 1958, Box 779, PPP.

p. 233: ”not sure Kennedy”: AP dispatch, May 8, 1958, Box 32, POF.

p. 233: TV appearance: ABC's College News Conference, New York Times, College News Conference, New York Times, Dec. 8, 1958. Dec. 8, 1958.

pp. 233-34: ”father has been spending”: JFK to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 11, 1958, Box 32, POF.

p. 234: ”gladly so state”: Eleanor Roosevelt (ER) to JFK, Dec. 18, 1958, ibid.

p. 234: ”accept the view”: JFK to ER, Dec. 29, 1958. Also ER to JFK, Jan. 6 and 20, 1959; JFK to ER, Jan. 10 and 22, 1959; and ER telegram to JFK, Jan. 29, 1959, ibid.

p. 234: Spent an estimated $1.5 million: Doris Goodwin, 793.

pp. 234-35: ”You do what you think” and other quotes: Wofford, 37-39.

p. 235: ”knew instinctively,” and O'Neill and Prendergast: Collier and Horowitz, 297-98, 646-47.

p. 235: ”very vigorous” and ”'I was so G.o.dd.a.m.n mad'”: David Lawrence OH.

p. 235: Childs's column and the plane: Parmet, Jack, Jack, 512. 512.

p. 235: ”It's not the Pope”: McCullough, 970. Also see ”A vote for Jack is a vote for father Joe,” in annotated ms. of Paul B. Fay, ”The Pleasure of His Company,” Paul B. Fay Papers, JFKL.

p. 236: ”the Catholic issue”: Quoted in Parmet, Jack, Jack, 469-70. 469-70.

p. 236: Stevenson-Minow conversation: Minow OH; also see William Attwood OH, William Benton OH, and William McCormick Blair Jr., OH, all at Columbia University.

p. 236: Conversation with Steele and promises to remain neutral: Parmet, Jack, Jack, 470-71. 470-71.

p. 236: ”I don't think he'd be”: Barbara Ward Jackson OH.

p. 236: ”Do you think”: Face the Nation, Face the Nation, Mar. 30, 1958, Box 799, PPP. Mar. 30, 1958, Box 799, PPP.

p. 236: ”independence from”: James M. Burns to JFK, Nov. 1, 1959, Box 129, POF.

pp. 236-37: He believed that his votes: Face the Nation, Face the Nation, Mar. 30, 1958, Box 779, PPP. Also see JFK interview, Martin Papers, and prenomination campaign speeches for 1958-60 in the PPP. Mar. 30, 1958, Box 779, PPP. Also see JFK interview, Martin Papers, and prenomination campaign speeches for 1958-60 in the PPP.

p. 237: ”The key thing”: Wofford, 36-37.

p. 237: JFK also gave voice: Though Burns and JFK had their differences about some of what Burns included in his book, there was substantial cooperation between them. See James M. Burns to JFK, Nov. 1, 1959, Box 129, POF.

pp. 237-38: ”mixed voting record” and other quotes: Burns, 266-71.

p. 238: ”his campaign ident.i.ty”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 17-18. 17-18.

p. 238: ”This, I suppose”: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 203-4. 203-4.

p. 239: ”comprehensive housing”: Burns, 268-73.

p. 239: As in Ma.s.sachusetts: O'Donnell and Powers, 130.