Part 26 (1/2)
p. 104: On the development and availability of DOCA by 1937, see Medvei, 476-78.
p. 104: ”getting along well”: JPK to Paul Fay, Mar. 26, 1945, Paul B. Fay Papers, JFKL.
p. 104: ”he looked jaundiced”: Quoted in Hamilton, 680.
p. 104: ”so bad”: JFK to Billings, Feb. 20, 1945, NHP.
pp. 104-5: On his health from May 1945 to November 1946, see Hamilton, 687, 703, 712, 721-22, 768-69, 793-94.
p. 105: ”gastro-enteritis”: Navy Medical History, JFK, entries for Aug. 3, 4, 5, 1945, Box 11A, PP.
p. 105: For the June 1946 medical crisis, see Blair, 560-62.
p. 105: On JFK's negligence about his medication, see Dr. Elmer C. Bartels Interview, n.d., NHP.
p. 105: ”slow atrophy”: Dr. Dorothea E. h.e.l.lman to Joan and Clay Blair, Mar. 31, 1977; and Dr. Elmer C. Bartels Interview, NHP. On Eunice Kennedy and whether JFK's Addison's disease was a primary or secondary form, I am grateful for the counsel of Dr. Wayne Callaway, a Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., endocrinologist in a conversation on April 30, 2002.
p. 106: ”much impressed”: JK [Joe] Jr. to JFK, Aug. 10, 1944, Box 4A, PP. For the background to Joe's military service, see Doris Goodwin, 683-84.
p. 106: The mission and its dangers: Davis, 104-6.
p. 106: ”intending to risk”: JK Jr. to JFK, Aug. 10, 1944, Box 4A, PP.
p. 106: ”If I don't come back”: Quoted in Doris Goodwin, 688.
p. 107: The U.S. Air Force report, Aug. 14, 1944, JFKL.
p. 107: The 2001 explanation: William G. Penny to John F. Kennedy Library, Aug. 14, 2001, JFKL.
p. 107: ”You know how much”: Quoted in Doris Goodwin, 693.
p. 108: ”defined his,” ”Forever in his,” and ”I'm shadowboxing”: Quoted in Doris Goodwin, 698-99.
p. 108: ”The pattern of life”: KKH to JFK, Oct. 31, 1944, Box 4A, PP.
p. 108: ”The news of”: KKH to Family, Feb. 27, 1945, Box 4A, PP.
p. 108: ”Luckily I am”: KKH to Billings, Nov. 29, 1944, Box 4A, PP.
p. 108: ”His sense of”: Quoted in Sorensen, 14.
Chapter 4: Choosing Politics
p. 111: ”The desire to enhance”: Doris Goodwin, 500.
p. 112: ”in the next generation”: Collier and Horowitz, 75; and also 82.
p. 112: ”for people to take”: See Memo ”About Nov. 10, 1941,” in Speech and Book File, Nov. 11, 1941-Jan. 23, 1942; also Speech and Book Material, Oct. 1941-Jan. 1942. Both in Box 11, PP.
p. 112: ”I never thought”: JFK to Billings, Feb. 12, 1942, NHP. Also Memo, Feb. 14, 1942, Speech and Book Material, N.Y. office, 1937-1943, Box 11, PP; JFK to JPK, Feb. 25, 1942, Box 4A, PP; and JFK to KK, Mar. 10, 1942, also Box 4A, PP.
p. 113: ”spent most of his time”: Quoted in Blair, 191, and Hamilton, 543.
p. 113: ”He made us all very conscious”: Quoted in Hamilton, 629.
p. 113: ”Let's Try an Experiment”: In box of JFK Articles, 1941-1949, JFKL.
p. 114: For the response to JFK's article, see Blair, 364-65; Parmet, Jack, Jack, 128-30; Hamilton, 688. 128-30; Hamilton, 688.
p. 114: ”labor was going to be”: Quoted in Blair, 365-67.
p. 114: For JFK's newspaper work, see Blair, 371-72; Parmet, Jack, Jack, 131-32. Also see Louis Ruppel to Dr. Paul O'Leary, April 23, 1945, Box 11, PP, demonstrating JPK's part in arranging the a.s.signment. 131-32. Also see Louis Ruppel to Dr. Paul O'Leary, April 23, 1945, Box 11, PP, demonstrating JPK's part in arranging the a.s.signment.
p. 114: ”But if he's going”: JPK to KK, May 1, 1945, Box 4A, PP.
p. 115: They received good value: Blair, 371-76; Hamilton, 692-95.
p. 115: ”dressed for a black-tie evening”: Krock, 350.
pp. 115-16: The dispatches are in a box containing JFK Articles, 1941- 1949, JFKL. [”Cannot be overcome completely”: April 3, 1945; ”a skeleton”: May 4, 1945; ”the world organization that will come”: May 7, 1945.] They are also in POF, Box 129.
p. 116: ”Things cannot be forced”: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 88. 88.
p. 116: On England: May 28, June 24, July 10, 1945, articles in JFK Articles, 1941-1949, JFKL.
pp. 116-17: For JFK's travels with Forrestal, see Millis and Henderson.
p. 117: ”the plane doors opened”: Blair, 387.
p. 117: ”I never thought at school:” JFK Tape 39: ”Memoir entry concerning entrance into politics,” Oct. 1960, Recordings, JFKL. On possible motives for the recordings, see Timothy Naftali, ”The Origins of 'Thirteen Days,'” Miller Center Report, Miller Center Report, The University of Virginia, vol. 15, no. 2 (Summer 1999). I am indebted to Naftali for helping me clarify the date of the 1960 recording. The University of Virginia, vol. 15, no. 2 (Summer 1999). I am indebted to Naftali for helping me clarify the date of the 1960 recording.
p. 117: ”When the war is over”: Fay, 152.
p. 118: ”I got Jack” and ”It was like being”: Blair, 356.
p. 118: ”Dad is ready”: Fay, 152.
p. 118: ”G.o.d! There goes”: Collier and Horowitz, 172-73.
p. 118: ”Yes. In fact” and ”didn't want to”: Blair, 356-57.
p. 118: ”said he thought”: Quoted in Blair, 367.
p. 118: ”I take it that you”: Billings to JFK, Jan. 1, 1946, Box 4A, PP.
p. 118: ”I am returning”: JFK to Billings, Feb. 20, 1945, NHP.
p. 118: ”I am certain”: George St. John Jr. to Rose Kennedy, Aug. 22, 1945, Choate Collection: Outline of Kennedy Letters, Box 1, PP.