Part 23 (1/2)

p. 31: Arrogance: Damore, 20-21, 36-41.

pp. 31-32: Indifference to money: Ralph Horton OH; James Rousmaniere interview in NHP.

p. 32: ”They really didn't have”: Collier and Horowitz, 62.

p. 32: ”Jack, I sent for you”: Smith, 161.

p. 32: ”Mind your own business”: Boston Globe, Boston Globe, Nov. 19, 1964. Nov. 19, 1964.

p. 33: Jack's admission to Choate: Hamilton, 84, 88.

pp. 33-34: JFK medical record, including Rose Kennedy's card file on JFK's childhood illnesses; JFK undated letters to ”Mother” and ”Dad” in Box 1, PP; Doris Goodwin, 309-312; Hamilton, 87-88.

p. 34: ”probably very homesick”: ”Notes on John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Canterbury Attendance” provided by the school, NHP.

p. 34: ”a mild cold”: Secretary to Mrs. Kennedy, Nov. 24, 1931; also see exchanges between Rose Kennedy and Mrs. St. John for Jan. 18, n.d., 19, 20, 21, 22, 1932, Box 1, PP.

p. 34: ”quite a cough”: Jan. 23, 25, 1932, Outline of JFK Choate Letters, Box 1, PP; JPK to Mr. St. John, Dec. 3, 1931, and Clara St. John to Mr. Ma.s.sie and to Mrs. Kennedy, Feb. 8, April 28, 1932, NHP.

pp. 34-35: ”flu-like symptoms” and ”Jack's winter term”: Quoted in Hamilton, 98. Also see Secretary to Mrs. Kennedy, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, 17, 18, Mar. 3, 9, 10, Apr. 13, 1933; Rose Kennedy to Mrs. St. John, Jan. 17, Mar. 9, 1933; Mrs. St. John to Mrs. Kennedy, Jan. 23, 1933; Mrs. St. John to Paul Murphy, Jan. 30, 1933; Paul Murphy to Mrs. Kennedy, Jan. 28, 1933, Outline of JFK Choate Letters, Box 1, PP.

p. 35: On his weight: George St. John to Mr. Maher, quoting JPK, Oct. 10, 1933, NHP.

p. 35: ”We are still puzzled”: Mrs. St. John to Mrs. Kennedy, Feb. 6, 1934, NHP.

p. 35: ”I hope with all my heart”: Mrs. St. John to Jack, Feb. 5, 1934, NHP.

p. 35: ”It seems that I was”: JFK to Billings, Feb. 1934, JFKL. Also see Mrs. St. John to Jack, Feb. 8, Mar. 6, 1934; George St. John to JPK, Feb. 8, 1934, NHP; George Steele to Masters, Feb. 14, 1934; Secretary to JPK, April 25, 1934, Outline of JFK Choate Letters, Box 1, PP; Maurice ”Maury” Shea OH.

p. 35: ”one of the 'big boys'”: Clara St. John to Rose F. Kennedy, Oct. 7, 1931, NHP.

p. 35: Rose had already signaled: In letter to George St. John, July 3, 1931, NHP.

p. 36: ”Jack sits at”: G. St. John to JPK, Oct. 20, 1931, NHP.

p. 36: Rat Face: Meyers, 15.

p. 37: Jack told Billings: Doris Goodwin, 465-66.

p. 37: ”stressed to his children”: Ibid., 351.

p. 37: ”Jack was sick,” ”Why don't you,” and ”Everybody wants to”: Hersh, 16.

p. 37: ”very frame”: Quoted in Hamilton, 358-59.

p. 37: His schoolwork continued: JFK Choate School Records, Box 2, PP.

p. 37: ”what concerned us”: Rose Kennedy, 176-77.

p. 38: ”conspicuously failed”: Quoted in Hamilton, 107.

p. 38: Information Please: Information Please: Horton OH. Reading the Horton OH. Reading the New York Times: New York Times: Meyers, 15; Horton OH. On Churchill, Kay Halle OH. Meyers, 15; Horton OH. On Churchill, Kay Halle OH.

p. 38: ”most likely to succeed”: Horton OH.

p. 38: ”I'd like to take”: John J. Maher Report of JFK, in Meyers, 14.

p. 38: ”I can't tell you”: JPK to G. St. George, Nov. 21, 1933; JPK to JPK Jr., Nov. 21, 1933; JPK to G. Steele, Jan. 5, 1935, NHP.

pp. 38-39: The Muckers episode is best recounted in Parmet, Jack, Jack, 34-38; Doris Goodwin, 486-89; Thomas C. Reeves, 42-43; and Hamilton, 119-27. 34-38; Doris Goodwin, 486-89; Thomas C. Reeves, 42-43; and Hamilton, 119-27.

p. 39: For Tinker on St. John's anti-Catholicism, see Sheldon Stern to author, Mar. 25, 2002. Also, Meyers, 17; Parmet, Jack, Jack, 33. 33.

p. 40: ”the longer I live”: Meyers, 15.

p. 40: ”I never saw a boy”: G. St. John to JPK, Nov. 24, 1933, NHP.

p. 40: ”Jack is one”: G. St. John to JPK, Feb. 8, 1934, NHP.

p. 40: ”never lectured”: Meyers, 16.

pp. 40-41: ”My G.o.d”: LeMoyne Billings recounted this to Doris Goodwin, 487-88.

p. 41: ”To Boss Tweed”: Horton OH.

p. 41: ”a little wild”: Doris Goodwin, 467.

p. 41: ”If I were their age”: Rose Kennedy, 172-73.

p. 41: ”Jack has a clever”: Meyers, 15.

p. 41: Harvard College:'s Report on Applicant, Box 2, PP.

pp. 41-42: Princeton decision: Rose Kennedy, 201. For the most detailed description of this interlude between fall 1935 and summer 1936, see Hamilton, 139-64.

p. 42: ”Exam today”: JFK to Billings, Jan. 27, 1937, LBP.

p. 42: ”cram school”: Torbert H. Macdonald OH. JFK's Harvard records, including tutor's report, are in Box 2, PP.

p. 43: On JFK at Harvard: Lawrence Lader, ”Jack Kennedy at Harvard: A Fellow Student Tells About,” which includes the quotes from the coach and the contemporary about Joe, Box 2, PP; also see Doris Goodwin, 505-6.

p. 43: ”espoused their causes”: Lasky, 74.

p. 43: ”You are certainly”: JFK to Billings, Nov. 9, 1936, NHP.

p. 43: The state of the university is described in Keller, chap. 1.

p. 44: Galbraith on Joe Jr.: Galbraith, A Life, A Life, 53. 53.

p. 44: ”When I become”: Lasky, 75.