Part 10 (1/2)
And the arbitrament of the day of the Last Judgment is made to rest wholly, neither on belief in G.o.d, nor in any spiritual virtue in man, nor on freedom from stress of stormy crime, but on this only, ”I was an hungered and ye gave me drink; naked, and ye clothed me; sick, and ye came unto me.”
175. Well, then, the first thing I want you to notice in the parable of the Prodigal Son (and the last thing which people usually _do_ notice in it), is--that it is about a Prodigal! He begins by asking for his share of his father's goods; he gets it, carries it off, and wastes it. It is true that he wastes it in riotous living, but you are not asked to notice in what kind of riot; he spends it with harlots--but it is not the harlotry which his elder brother accuses him of mainly, but of having devoured his father's living. Nay, it is not the sensual life which he accuses himself of--or which the manner of his punishment accuses him of. But the _wasteful_ life. It is not said that he had become debauched in soul, or diseased in body, by his vice; but that at last he would fain have filled his belly with husks, and could not. It is not said that he was struck with remorse for the consequences of his evil pa.s.sions, but only that he remembered there was bread enough and to spare, even for the servants, at home.
Now, my friend, do not think I want to extenuate sins of pa.s.sion (though, in very truth, the sin of Magdalene is a light one compared to that of Judas); but observe, sins of pa.s.sion, if of _real_ pa.s.sion, are often the errors and backfalls of n.o.ble souls; but prodigality is mere and pure selfishness, and essentially the sin of an ign.o.ble or undeveloped creature; and I would rather, ten times rather, hear of a youth that (certain degrees of temptation and conditions of resistance being understood) he had fallen into any sin you chose to name, of all the mortal ones, than that he was in the habit of running bills which he could not pay.
Farther, though I hold that the two crowning and most accursed sins of the society of this present day are the carelessness with which it regards the betrayal of women, and the brutality with which it suffers the neglect of children, both these head and chief crimes, and all others, are rooted first in abuse of the laws, and neglect of the duties concerning wealth. And thus the love of money, with the parallel (and, observe, _mathematically commensurate_ looseness in management of it), the ”mal tener,” followed necessarily by the ”mal dare,” is, indeed, the root of all evil.
176. Then, secondly, I want you to note that when the prodigal comes to his senses, he complains of n.o.body but himself, and speaks of no unworthiness but his own. He says nothing against any of the women who tempted him--nothing against the citizen who left him to feed on husks--nothing of the false friends of whom ”no man gave unto him”--above all, nothing of the ”corruption of human nature,” or the corruption of things in general. He says that _he himself_ is unworthy, as distinguished from honorable persons, and that _he himself_ has sinned, as distinguished from righteous persons. And _that_ is the hard lesson to learn, and the beginning of faithful lessons. All right and fruitful humility, and purging of heart, and seeing of G.o.d, is in that. It is easy to call yourself the chief of sinners, expecting every sinner round you to decline--or return--the compliment; but learn to measure the real degrees of your own relative baseness, and to be ashamed, not in heaven's sight, but in man's sight; and redemption is indeed begun. Observe the phrase, I have sinned ”_against_ heaven,” against the great law of that, and _before_ thee, visibly degraded before my human sire and guide, unworthy any more of being esteemed of his blood, and desirous only of taking the place I deserve among his servants.
177. Now, I do not doubt but that I shall set many a reader's teeth on edge by what he will think my carnal and material rendering of this ”beautiful” parable. But I am just as ready to spiritualize it as he is, provided I am sure first that we understand it. If we want to understand the parable of the sower, we must first think of it as of literal husbandry; if we want to understand the parable of the prodigal, we must first understand it as of literal prodigality. And the story has also for us a precious lesson in this literal sense of it, namely this, which I have been urging upon you throughout these letters, that all redemption must begin in subjection and in the recovery of the sense of Fatherhood and authority, as all ruin and desolation begin in the loss of that sense. The lost son began by claiming his rights. He is found when he resigns them. He is lost by flying from his father, when his father's authority was only paternal.
He is found by returning to his father, and desiring that his authority may be absolute, as over a hired stranger.
And this is the practical lesson I want to leave with you, and all other working men.
178. You are on the eve of a great political crisis; and every rascal with a tongue in his head will try to make his own stock out of you.
Now this is the test you must try them with. Those that say to you, ”Stand up for your rights--get your division of living--be sure that you are as well off as others, and have what they have!--don't let any man dictate to you--have not you all a right to your opinion?--are you not all as good as everybody else?--let us have no governors, or fathers--let us all be free and alike.” Those, I say, who speak thus to you, take Nelson's rough order for--and hate them as you do the Devil, for they _are_ his amba.s.sadors. But those, the few, who have the courage to say to you, ”My friends, you and I, and all of us, have somehow got very wrong; we've been hardly treated, certainly; but here we are in a piggery, mainly by our own fault, hungry enough, and for ourselves, anything but respectable: we _must_ get out of this; there are certainly laws we may learn to live by, and there are wiser people than we are in the world, and kindly ones, if we can find our way to them; and an infinitely wise and kind Father, above all of them and us, if we can but find our way to _Him_, and ask Him to take us for servants, and put us to any work He will, so that we may never leave Him more.” The people who will say that to you, and (for by _no_ saying, but by their fruits, only, you shall finally know them) who are themselves orderly and kindly, and do their own business well,--take _those_ for your guides, and trust them; on ice and rock alike, tie yourselves well together with them, and with much scrutiny, and cautious walking (perhaps nearly as much back as forward, at first), you will verily get off the glacier, and into meadow land, in G.o.d's time.
179. I meant to have written much to you respecting the meaning of that word ”hired servants,” and to have gone on to the duties of soldiers, for you know ”Soldier” means a person who is paid to fight with regular pay--literally with ”soldi” or ”sous”--the ”penny a day”
of the vineyard laborers; but I can't now: only just this much, that our whole system of work must be based on the n.o.bleness of soldiers.h.i.+p--so that we shall all be soldiers of either plowshare or sword; and literally all our actual and professed soldiers, whether professed for a time only, or for life, must be kept to hard work of hand, when not in actual war; their honor consisting in being set to service of more pain and danger than others; to life-boat service; to redeeming of ground from furious rivers or sea--or mountain ruin; to subduing wild and unhealthy land, and extending the confines of colonies in the front of miasm and famine, and savage races.
And much of our harder home work must be done in a kind of soldiers.h.i.+p, by bands of trained workers sent from place to place and town to town; doing, with strong and sudden hand, what is needed for help, and setting all things in more prosperous courses for the future.
Of all which I hope to speak in its proper place after we know what offices the higher arts of gentleness have among the lower ones of force, and how their prevalence may gradually change spear to pruning-hook, over the face of all the earth.
180. And now--but one word more--either for you, or any other readers who may be startled at what I have been saying, as to the peculiar stress laid by the Founder of our religion on right dealing with wealth. Let them be a.s.sured that it is with no fortuitous choice among the attributes or powers of evil, that ”Mammon” is a.s.signed for the direct adversary of the Master whom they are bound to serve. You cannot, by any artifice of reconciliation, be G.o.d's soldier, and his.
Nor while the desire of gain is within your heart, can any true knowledge of the Kingdom of G.o.d come there. No one shall enter its stronghold,--no one receive its blessing, except, ”he that hath clean hands and a pure heart;” clean hands that have done no cruel deed,--pure heart, that knows no base desire. And, therefore, in the highest spiritual sense that can be given to words, be a.s.sured, not respecting the literal temple of stone and gold, but of the living temple of your body and soul, that no redemption, nor teaching, nor hallowing, will be anywise possible for it, until these two verses have been, for it also, fulfilled:--
”And He went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought. And He taught daily in the temple.”
Page 21.--_Expenditure on Science and Art._
The following is the pa.s.sage referred to. The fact it relates is so curious, and so ill.u.s.trative of our national interest in science, that I do not apologize for the repet.i.tion:--
”Two years ago there was a collection of the fossils of Solenhofen to be sold in Bavaria; the best in existence, containing many specimens unique for perfectness, and one, unique as an example of a species (a whole kingdom of unknown living creatures being announced by that fossil). This collection, of which the mere market worth, among private buyers, would probably have been some thousand or twelve hundred pounds, was offered to the English nation for seven hundred: but we would not give seven hundred, and the whole series would have been in the Munich museum at this moment, if Professor Owen[A] had not, with loss of his own time, and patient tormenting of the British public in the person of its representatives, got leave to give four hundred pounds at once, and himself become answerable for the other three!--which the said public will doubtless pay him eventually, but sulkily, and caring nothing about the matter all the while; only always ready to cackle if any credit comes of it. Consider, I beg of you, arithmetically, what this fact means. Your annual expenditure for public purposes (a third of it for military apparatus) is at least fifty millions. Now seven hundred pounds is to fifty million pounds, roughly, as seven pence to two thousand pounds. Suppose, then, a gentleman of unknown income, but whose wealth was to be conjectured from the fact that he spent two thousand a year on his park walls and footmen only, professes himself fond of science; and that one of his servants comes eagerly to tell him that an unique collection of fossils, giving clue to a new era of creation, is to be had for the sum of sevenpence sterling; and that the gentleman who is fond of science, and spends two thousand a year on his park, answers, after keeping his servant waiting several months, 'Well, I'll give you fourpence for them, if you will be answerable for the extra threepence yourself till next year.'”