Part 29 (1/2)
There was kindness, help, sympathy in the big man's voice, and Septimus, though the challenge caused him agonies of shyness, did not find it in his heart to resent Sypher's logic.
”I suppose every man whom she befriends must feel the same towards her.
Don't you?”
”I? I'm different. I've got a great work to carry through. I couldn't lie down for anybody to walk over me. My work would suffer--but in this mission of mine Zora Middlemist is intimately involved. I said it when I first saw her, and I said it just before she left for California. She is to stand by my side and help me. How, G.o.d knows.” He laughed, seeing the bewildered face of Septimus, who had never heard of this transcendental connection of Zora with the spread of Sypher's Cure. ”You seem to think I'm crazy. I'm not. I work everything on the most hard and fast common-sense lines. But when a voice inside you tells you a thing day and night, you must believe it.”
Said Septimus: ”If you had not met her, you wouldn't have met Hegisippe Cruchot, and so you wouldn't have got the idea of Army blisters.”
Sypher clapped him on the shoulder and extolled him as a miracle of lucidity. He explained magniloquently. It was Zora's unseen influence working magnetically from the other side of the world that had led his footsteps towards the Hotel G.o.det on that particular afternoon. She had triumphantly vindicated her a.s.sertion that geographical location of her bodily presence could make no difference.
”I asked her to stay in England, you know,” he remarked more simply, seeing that Septimus lagged behind him in his flight.
”What for?”
”Why, to help me. For what other reason?”
Septimus took off his hat and laid it on the chair vacated by Hegisippe, and ran his fingers reflectively up his hair. Sypher lit another cigar.
Their side of the little street was deep in shade, but on half the road and on the other side of the way the fierce afternoon sunlight blazed. The merchant of wine, who had been lounging in his dingy s.h.i.+rt-sleeves against the door-post, removed the and wiped the table clear of the spilled tea. Sypher ordered two more bocks for the good of the house, while Septimus, still lost in thought, brought his hair to its highest pitch of Struwel Peterdom. Pa.s.sers-by turned round to look at them, for well-dressed Englishmen do not often sit outside a _Marchand des vins_, especially one with such hair. But pa.s.sers-by are polite in France and do not salute the unfamiliar with ribaldry.
”Well,” said Sypher, at last.
”We've been speaking intimately,” said Septimus. He paused, then proceeded with his usual diffidence. ”I've never spoken intimately to a man before, and I don't quite know how to do it--it must be just like asking a woman to marry you--but don't you think you were selfish?”
”Selfish? How?”
”In asking Zora Middlemist to give up her trip to California, just for the sake of the Cure.”
”It's worth the sacrifice,” Sypher maintained.
”To you, yes; but it mayn't be so to her.”
”But she believes in the thing as I do myself!” cried Sypher.
”Why should she, any more than I, or Hegisippe Cruchot? If she did, she would have stayed. It would have been her duty. You couldn't expect a woman like Zora Middlemist to fail in her duty, could you?”
Sypher rubbed his eyes, as if he saw things mistily. But they were quite clear. It was really Septimus Dix who sat opposite, concentrating his discursive mind on Sypher's Cure and implicitly denying Zora's faith. A simple-minded man in many respects, he would not have scorned to learn wisdom out of the mouths of babes and sucklings; but out of the mouth of Septimus what wisdom could possibly proceed? He laughed his suggestion away somewhat bl.u.s.teringly and launched out again on his panegyric of the Cure.
But his faith felt a quiver all through its structure, just as a great building does at the first faint shock of earthquake.
”What made you say that about Zora Middlemist?” he asked when he had finished.
”I don't know,” replied Septimus. ”It seemed to be right to say it. I know when I get things into my head there appears to be room for nothing else in the world. One takes things for granted. When I was a child my father took it for granted that I believed in predestination. I couldn't; but I did not dare tell him so. So I went about with a load of somebody else's faith on my shoulders. It became intolerable; and when my father found out he beat me. He had a bit of rope tied up with twine at the end for the purpose. I shouldn't like this to happen to Zora.”
This ended the discussion. The landlord at his door-post drew them into talk about the heat, the emptiness of Paris and the happy lot of those who could go into villeggiatura in the country. The arrival of a perspiring cabman in a red waistcoat and glazed hat caused him to retire within and administer to the newcomer's needs.
”One of my reasons for looking you up,” said Sypher, ”was to make my apologies.”
”Yes. Haven't you thought about the book on guns and wondered at not hearing from me?”