19 Old Shop (1/2)

Feng Xue'er felt that the one month journey to the North Island was extremely pleasant.

They had to stop on numerous small islands on their journey, but Hei Wang was in a hurry to reach the North Island so he did not cause 'much' trouble on these islands, making the journey extremely peaceful.

Strangely, Hei Wang did not take advantage of Feng Xue'er on this journey which was very astonishing considering his wolfish nature, but Feng Xue'er was thankful that Hei Wang was busy.

Everyday, Hei Wang would take some time to observe the non attribute Elixir crystals they had and separated each one of them into different batches.

Hei Wang was so meticulous in his job that he spent almost one third of their journey on separating the 15,000 non attribute Elixir crystals they had into various groups.

'Is he in love the crystals now? Did he swing the wrong way?' For some reason, Feng Xue'er felt extremely good.

”What is this North Island you speak of?” Feng Xue'er asked little Fish. They could already see the North Island on the horizon, but from the distance, the island still looked like a dot.

”The North Island? Umm! I don't know much about it. All I know is that the north island is thousand times larger than our island, and the island is overseen by a grade 3 level 15 Spirit!” Little fish answered while munching on a fish that Hei Wang had recently caught for her.

As little Fish mentioned, the North Island was huge. In fact, It was so huge that it's size was comparable to the planet Rumina.

When their boat stopped at the island's dock, even though she had imagined the exact size from Little Fish's description, Feng Xue'er's mouth still gaped into an big O, overwhelmed by the actual size of the island.

But Hei Wang and Little fish acted indifferent and threw disdainful expressions towards Feng Xue'er making her feel like she was a noob.

”2 crystals for each person!” A Level 5 spirit guard who was assigned with collecting the entry fee came up to their boat and ordered coldly.

Hei Wang smiled and passed 6 crystals to Little Fish, who passed them to the spirit guard.(crystals = Non Attribute Elixir Crystals)

Surprisingly, the guard smiled at Little Fish and returned three crystals back. He also gave her three silver coloured badges and smiled gently once more before returning to his post. He did not forget to take a few backward glances towards little Fish though.