Part 16 (1/2)

Wellesly laughed in an embarra.s.sed way and Ellhorn went on: ”Now, just see how things turn out. There's been another war over in Las Plumas and we-all have been fightin' you and your interests and the cattle company and the Republicans for all we were worth. They arrested Emerson again on that same old murder fake, to say nothin' of me for bein' drunk and disorderly, which I sure was, and there was h.e.l.l to pay for two days. They tried to take Emerson out of town, and Tom and me held up the train they had him on. I buffaloed the engineer while they took care of Daniels and Halliday, and then we pulled our freight. And here we ride up to the ranch, fugitives from justice, just barely in time to save you-all.”

Wellesly laughed. ”I am very glad you did it. My only regret is that you didn't break jail several days earlier.”

”I don't know whether or not you-all understand the position I take about that Whittaker case,” said Mead. ”I reckon likely you think I break jail every time you get me in just out of pure cussedness. But I don't. I do it because I think you-all haven't any reason but pure cussedness for puttin' me in. I consider that you haven't any right to arrest me on mere suspicion, and I shall keep on resistin' arrest and breakin' jail just as long as you fellows keep on tryin' to run me in without any proof against me. Why, you don't even know that Will Whittaker's dead! Now, Mr. Wellesly, I'll make a bargain with you.”

Mead's eyes were fastened on Wellesly's with an intent look which gripped the invalid's attention. Wellesly's eyelids suddenly half closed and between them flashed out the strips of pale, brilliant gray.

”All right, go on. I must hear it before I a.s.sent.”

”It is this: I won't ask you to have any evidence that I had a hand in the killing of Will Whittaker, if he is dead. But whenever you can prove that he is dead and show that he died by violence, I give you my word, and my friends here, Tom Tuttle and Nick Ellhorn, will add theirs to mine, I give you my word that I'll submit quietly to arrest and will stand trial for his murder. But unless you can do that I shall keep on fightin' you till kingdom come!”

Tuttle and Ellhorn nodded. ”He's right!” they exclaimed. ”We'll stick to what he says.”

Wellesly considered Mead's challenge in silence for a moment. He was wondering whether this was the courage of innocence or whether it was mere bluffing audacity. It was very like the former, but he decided that it must be the latter, because he was quite convinced that Mead had killed Whittaker.

”Of course,” he said, ”after what you have done for me here--you have saved my life and showed me the greatest kindness and generosity--I can not allow any further proceedings to be taken against you, if I can prevent them, which is not--”

”Oh, hang all that!” Mead interrupted with a gesture of irritation. ”I don't expect and don't want anything we have done just now to make any difference with your feelings toward me, or change the policy of the Fillmore Cattle Company. And I don't want it to influence the actions of the Republicans in Las Plumas, either. We didn't do it for that purpose, and I'm not buying protection for myself that way. What we did was the barest humanity.”

”No, Mr. Wellesly,” Nick Ellhorn broke in, ”you needn't have it on your conscience that you must be grateful to us, because if we hadn't saved you the Republicans over in Plumas would have said that we killed you. We sure had to save you to save our own skins.”

There was a general laugh at this, and Mead added quietly: ”As it was my men who were to blame for your condition, I suppose I would have been, in a way, responsible.”

Tuttle rose and began walking about uneasily. ”When are we goin' to start after 'em, Nick?” he said.

”I'm ready whenever you are.”

”All right. To-morrow morning, then.”

Wellesly looked up in surprise. It was the first word he had heard from either of the three concerning his captors, and he was startled by the calm a.s.surance with which Tom had taken it for granted that he and Nick would ”go after 'em.” ”You two won't go alone!” he exclaimed.

”We're enough,” Tuttle replied, a grim, expectant look on his big, round face.

”You bet we are!” added Nick. ”If they see Tom and me comin' they'll know they've got to give up. They've seen us shoot, and that scrub, Haney, has got some sense, though I reckon Jim would be just fool enough to get behind a rock and pop at us till we blowed his brains out.”

”Oh, I say, now! This is a foolhardy scheme! Let them go, and if they come out of there alive we'll get hold of them somehow. It would be dangerous to the last degree for you two alone to attempt to bring them out across that desert.”

”Don't you worry,” said Nick. ”We ain't 'lowing to bring 'em out.”

The next morning Tuttle and Ellhorn, with two loaded pack horses, set out on their journey to the Oro Fino mountains, where they felt sure the two kidnappers would still be engaged in their hunt for the lost Winters mine. Mead had already sent word to the Fillmore ranch that Wellesly was at his house and that some one might meet them at Muletown that afternoon and carry him on to Las Plumas.

When the two men parted they looked each other in the eyes and shook hands. Wellesly began to acknowledge his debt of grat.i.tude. Mead cut him short.

”That's all right, Mr. Wellesly,” he said, ”but I don't want you to think for a minute that I expect this little affair to make any difference in our relations. In the cattle business I still consider you my enemy, and I propose to fight you as long as you try to prevent what I hold to be just and fair dealing between the Fillmore Company and the rest of us cattle raisers. We still stand exactly where we did before.”

Wellesly smiled admiringly. ”Personally, I like your pluck, Mr. Mead, but, if you will pardon my saying so, I think it is very ill-advised.

I'll frankly admit that you've beaten us this year at every turn. But you can't keep up this sort of thing year after year, against the resources and organization of a big company. The most distinctive commercial feature of this period is the constant growth of big interests at the expense of smaller ones. It is something that the individual members of a big concern can't help, because it is bigger than they are. Our stock-holders will undoubtedly wish to enlarge their holdings and increase their profits, and I, being only one of a number, can have no right to put my personal feelings above their interests. You ought to see that the result is going to be inevitable in your case, just as it is everywhere else. The little fellows can't hold their own against the big ones. I am telling you all this in the most friendly spirit, and I a.s.sure you it will be to your interest to take my advice and compromise the whole matter. I'll guarantee that the Fillmore people will meet you half way, and I am sure it will cost you less in the long run.”

As he listened to Wellesly the good-natured smile left Mead's face, his lips shut in a hard line, and the defiant yellow flame, the light of battle, which his friends knew to be the sign that he would fight to the death, leaped into his eyes. He stared into Wellesly's face a moment before he spoke.

”Compromise! I've got nothing to compromise! I reckon that means that you want my two water holes and grazing land that join yours! Well, you can't have them! But if you want any more fight over this cattle business you can have all you want, and whenever you want it!” And he turned on his heel and walked away. ”I reckon they would like me to compromise,” he said to himself. ”It would be lots of money in their pockets, and holes in mine. It's a pity that a man with Wellesly's grit should be such a hog!”