Part 14 (1/2)
Three weeks later Lord Badgery was aroused from his usual after-luncheon somnolence by the arrival of a telegram. The message was a short one.
”Found.--SPODE.” A look of pleasure and intelligence made human Lord Badgery's clayey face of surfeit. ”No answer,” he said. The footman padded away on noiseless feet.
Lord Badgery closed his eyes and began to contemplate. Found! What a room he would have! There would be nothing like it in the world. The frescoes, the fireplace, the mirrors, the ceiling.... And a small, shrivelled old man clambering about the scaffolding, agile and quick like one of those whiskered little monkeys at the Zoo, painting away, painting away.... f.a.n.n.y Kemble as Belvidera, Hector and Andromache, or why not the Duke of Clarence in the b.u.t.t, the Duke of Malmsey, the b.u.t.t of Clarence. ... Lord Badgery was asleep.
Spode did not lag long behind his telegram. He was at Badgery House by six o'clock. His lords.h.i.+p was in the nineteenth-century chamber, engaged in clearing away with his own hands the bric-a-brac. Spode found him looking hot and out of breath.
”Ah, there you are,” said Lord Badgery. You see me already preparing for the great man's coming. Now you must tell me all about him.
”He's older even than I thought,” said Spode. ”He's ninety-seven this year. Born in 1816. Incredible, isn't it! There, I'm beginning at the wrong end.”
”Begin where you like,” said Badgery genially.
”I won't tell you all the incidents of the hunt. You've no idea what a job I had to run him to earth. It was like a Sherlock Holmes story, immensely elaborate, too elaborate. I shall write a book about it some day. At any rate, I found him at last.”
”In a sort of respectable slum in Holloway, older and poorer and lonelier than you could have believed possible. I found out how it was he came to be forgotten, how he came to drop out of life in the way he did. He took it into his head, somewhere about the 'sixties, to go to Palestine to get local colour for his religious pictures--scapegoats and things, you know. Well, he went to Jerusalem and then on to Mount Lebanon and on and on, and then, somewhere in the middle of Asia Minor, he got stuck. He got stuck for about forty years.”
”But what did he do all that time?”
”Oh, he painted, and started a mission, and converted three Turks, and taught the local Pashas the rudiments of English, Latin, and perspective, and G.o.d knows what else. Then, in about 1904, it seems to have occurred to him that he was getting rather old and had been away from home for rather a long time. So he made his way back to England, only to find that everyone he had known was dead, that the dealers had never heard of him and wouldn't buy his pictures, that he was simply a ridiculous old figure of fun. So he got a job as a drawing-master in a girl's school in Holloway, and there he's been ever since, growing older and older, and feebler and feebler, and blinder and deafer, and generally more gaga, until finally the school has given him the sack. He had about ten pounds in the world when I found him. He lives in a kind of black hole in a bas.e.m.e.nt full of beetles. When his ten pounds are spent, I suppose he'll just quietly die there.”
Badgery held up a white hand. ”No more, no more. I find literature quite depressing enough. I insist that life at least shall be a little gayer.
Did you tell him I wanted him to paint my room?”
”But he can't paint. He's too blind and palsied.”
”Can't paint?” Badgery exclaimed in horror. ”Then what's the good of the old creature?”
”Well, if you put it like that....” Spode began.
”I shall never have my frescoes. Ring the bell, will you?”
Spode rang.
”What right has Tillotson to go on existing if he can't paint?” went on Lord Badgery petulantly. ”After all, that was his only justification for occupying a place in the sun.”
”He doesn't have much sun in his bas.e.m.e.nt.”
The footman appeared at the door.
”Get someone to put all these things back in their places,” Lord Badgery commanded, indicating with a wave of the hand the ravaged cases, the confusion of gla.s.s and china with which he had littered the floor, the pictures unhooked. ”We'll go to the library, Spode; it's more comfortable there.”
He led the way through the long gallery and down the stairs.
”I'm sorry old Tillotson has been such a disappointment,” said Spode sympathetically.
”Let us talk about something else; he ceases to interest me.
”But don't you think we ought to do something about him? He's only got ten pounds between him and the workhouse. And if you'd seen the black-beetles in his bas.e.m.e.nt!”