Part 16 (1/2)

It really was wonderful how quickly Letty had filled a place in the simple home life, and how happy she had been. No word or look had ever reminded her that she was a poor little outcast; every one had welcomed her with loving kindness.

”Grandmother,” Jane had said one evening when she was saying her prayers, very soon after Letty's arrival, ”I think Letty must be 'our sister in heaven.' You know the Bible says that everybody is brother and sister in heaven and that is what Letty must be to us.” And as such Jane had taken her into her loving child's heart.

Letty was sorry to leave Sunnycrest; it was so lovely, so quiet and peaceful. But she loved and admired Mrs. Hartwell-Jones so extremely that she would have been glad to go anywhere with her. There were lessons to be studied every day, to prepare for the glorious prospect of school in the autumn, and little drives to take about the countryside.

Then it was understood, before Mrs. Hartwell-Jones left Sunnycrest, that the twins were to come into the village nearly every afternoon for a tea-party, and grandmother was to come with them as often as she could.

And the very next day after Mrs. Hartwell-Jones's departure, Jane proposed a visit. Grandmother thought it too soon, but Jane and Christopher were urgent.

”I think we ought to go, to see if Mrs. Hartwell-Jones got home all right and how her lame foot is,” remarked Jane in a grown-up tone.

”Don't you think it would be polite, grandmother?”

”And maybe she'll have some jolly little apple turnovers, like she gave us once,” added Christopher.

So grandmother gave her consent; Joshua brought round the comfortable big carryall and grandmother and the twins got in, Jane carrying Sally, dressed in her best. Christopher got on the front seat with Joshua, to discuss the prospect of Jo Perkins being allowed enough time off to join the baseball nine. Christopher had counted on seeing Billy Carpenter in the village. Billy lived next door to Mr. Parsons, but he was nowhere to be seen, nor answered Christopher's shrill whistle.

”I'm going on up to the post-office with Josh,” said Christopher as his grandmother and Jane descended. ”I'll be back before you get started on the party.”

”You will have to walk back, Kit,” replied his grandmother. ”Joshua is going to have the horses shod.”

”Oh, I don't mind a little walk like that,” answered Christopher loftily. ”Besides, if Bill's there he'll probably give me a lift back on the step of his bicycle.”

Christopher thought it likely that Billy Carpenter was at the post-office helping his father with the letters, and that by going on there he would not only see his chum but would miss all the ”how do you do's” and small talk at Mrs. Hartwell-Jones's, arriving in time for the real pleasure of the occasion-the tea-party.

Jane stood still a moment at the gate and watched the carriage drive off a bit regretfully. She knew that Christopher wanted to see Billy Carpenter and she felt a little forlorn.

”We won't have the party until you get back, Kit,” she called after him.

Then she turned to her grandmother, her lip quivering a little. ”Do you suppose Kit likes that Carpenter boy better than me, grandmother?”

”Of course not, Janey, dear, but-boys will be boys, you know, and girls girls.”

”But Kit didn't use to care for boys.”

”Well, he's getting older,” replied grandmother vaguely.

Mrs. Hartwell-Jones must have been expecting company, for little Anna Parsons ran out of the front door to meet them, and led them around the corner of the house, where a wide, shady expanse of velvety lawn invited rest. Mrs. Hartwell-Jones sat in an easy chair placed on a rug, and other chairs were grouped nearby, while the sight of a low, white-covered table would have done Christopher's heart good, it was so loaded down with goodies.

”Where is Kit?” was Mrs. Hartwell-Jones's first question, echoed by Letty.

Grandmother explained that he had gone for the mail and would be back directly. Then she sat down beside Mrs. Hartwell-Jones and discussed the question of boys in general and Kit in particular, while Letty told the story of ”Thistledown” over again for Anna Parsons' benefit, the children taking frequent peeps at Mrs. Hartwell-Jones in the meantime and wondering how she could have thought it all out. After which she told parts of ”Prince Pietro,” a story she and her little neighbor Emma Haines had been very fond of, and she wondered if Mrs. Hartwell-Jones had written that, too.

In the meanwhile Christopher drove merrily on with Joshua to the post-office, at the other end of the village, his tongue wagging at its usual nimble rate. As they reached the post-office he gave a sudden shrill whistle that made Joshua put his hand over the ear nearest to Christopher's mouth.

”For the land's sake!” he exclaimed. ”Do you want to make me plumb deaf, boy?”

An answering whistle, followed by a whoop, sounded from inside the building and Billy Carpenter darted out.

”Hi, Bill, bring the mail with you,” called Joshua. ”Here you, Kit, you go in and get it, and get Mrs. Hartwell-Jones's too. You might as well take hers to her, as you're going right back there.”

”Not right back,” objected Christopher, scrambling down over the front wheel.

”Yes, right back,” repeated Joshua sternly, as the horses started to go on. ”Mind you go directly back to your grandma and the girls,” he called over his shoulder, right into the listening ear of Billy Carpenter.