Part 13 (1/2)
”Yes, it certainly would be wonderful. But there is not much likelihood of that, dear. There are a great many Joneses in the world.”
”Yes, it seems to be a very popular name. But, grandmother, when shall we know surely, if Letty is coming back?”
”I think it is pretty certain,” replied grandmother with a smile. ”Mrs.
Hartwell-Jones had about made up her mind before she started, and Mrs.
Drake will not have very much to say against Letty, if we are to believe Mr. Drake's account. The child will be a great help to Mrs.
Hartwell-Jones, with her lame ankle.”
Jane was gathering up the scattered of bright colored silk.
”I think I won't sew any more just now, grandmother, if you will 'scuse me. I want to go out to the gate and watch for them to come back.”
Outside the sitting-room door she met the boys. Her superiority in having been confided a secret made her very amiable, and when she saw that Billy Carpenter carried a puppy, she forgot her injury in examining the ball of fur to decide which puppy it was. But she kept one eye on the gate and presently tumbled the puppy back in to Billy's arms and ran off toward the driveway with a shout.
Bill was not expecting the burden at that moment and the fat puppy fell yelping to the ground. But Jane did not turn round.
”What in the world!” e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Christopher, who had never before seen Jane deaf to cries of distress.
”Perhaps she feels bad about your giving away the pup,” suggested Billy, picking up the whining little beast.
The two boys bent over the puppy to see if its fall had injured it and neither of them noticed the approach of the pony carriage, again being driven, to Jane's unspeakable joy, by Letty.
The arrival of Letty at Sunnycrest was the herald of many happy days. Of course Mrs. Hartwell-Jones gave grandmother all the particulars of her interview with Mrs. Drake, but the mere fact that Letty was there satisfied the twins; they carried her off to the orchard, completely contented at the new turn events had taken.
”Here's where we play fairies,” said Jane, leading the way to the orchard. ”This is t.i.tania's throne-this mound with the grapevine twisted into a seat. Kit made it for me. Isn't he clever? He plays with me, too; sometimes he's Oberon and sometimes he's Puck. He's funniest when he's Puck.”
”I said something to Bill Carpenter about Puck to-day, and he thought I meant a funny paper,” exclaimed Christopher scornfully. ”Just fancy not knowing about Puck!”
”I'm afraid I don't know,” said Letty shyly, her face getting very red at the thought of these children knowing so much more than she did. ”Was he a fairy?”
”Oh, yes, and there's a play about him in the house. Will you read us the story?”
”Some time,” replied Letty hesitatingly, doubtful if she could read well enough. She had not progressed very much in her lessons during these past three years.
”Do you know any stories?” asked Jane, settling herself comfortably upon t.i.tania'a throne.
”I-I make up stories sometimes to myself and-and songs.”
”Oh, do you sing?” put in Christopher. ”What sort of songs? Sing us one, that's a good girl.”
”I only know two or three songs with tunes to them. I'll sing them for you some time, but not now. I must go see if Mrs. Hartwell-Jones needs me.”
”Everything Mrs. Drake could tell me was satisfactory,” Mrs.
Hartwell-Jones was saying to grandmother. ”Letty's mother, it seems, must have been a very unusual woman, a 'real lady' Mrs. Drake called her.”