Part 4 (1/2)
The robot dog's head rose as if he was listening for something. 'There is danger,' he said.
The Doctor made a derisive noise. 'You are a nervous old hen. There's nothing here.' He looked momentarily caught out. Then he waved a triumphant finger at Romana. 'There. I admitted I was wrong.'
'By accident.'
'Don't go around criticizing me for not admitting when I'm wrong if you're not prepared to admit you were wrong about me not admitting I was wrong,'
he said.
'Master, Mistress, danger,' repeated K9. 'My sensors detect a minute release of gases a.s.sociated with low-level sub-atmospheric travel.'
'Interesting,' said the Doctor, looking about the horizon.
'But hardly dangerous, is it?'
'Gases a.s.sociated with offensive rockets, Master,' pointed out K9. 'Suggest you and the Mistress take immediate cov-'.
There was a shattering blast from the sky, directly above them, it seemed.
Romana ducked instinctively, and offered no resistance to the Doctor's strong hand when it pushed her protectively to the ground.
She looked up and saw a small black lozenge-shaped craft zooming down through the clouds in a spiral pattern. 'It's an escape capsule, isn't it?' she shouted.
'Too big,' the Doctor replied. 'And moving too smoothly. A one-seater pod, I'd say. Which means it's heading for some sort of settlement.' He shot her an accusing look.
'I admit I was wrong,' she said.
As if to quash all doubt on this, a second capsule appeared. Its descent took it in the opposite direction to that of its predecessor.
K9 spoke. 'Rockets are approaching.'
The words were barely out of his voicebox when a missile streaked across the sky. It was long and white with red fins along its sides and a pointed snout. It was difficult to tell from which angle it had been fired. Its target was the first pod, which was moving confidently if not speedily the other way. The implication was obvious. 'This is a war zone.'
For a moment, as missile and pod came closer, it appeared the attack would be a success. Romana braced herself for the din of impact. Then the missile shot past the capsule, spluttered feebly, and fell, its tail-ports leaving a trail of white vapour. It burnt up as it went, its painted sides blistering and cracking away. K9's warning had been precipitate: there was a distance of, she estimated, ten miles between their position and the danger area. She watched the descent without pa.s.sion, her mind more concentrated on the calculation of its velocity and likely payload than on the spectacle it presented.
The Doctor nudged her. 'Cover your ears,' he called. His fingers were already in his.
Romana obeyed. It seemed unlikely that the explosion was close enough to harm their hearing, but then the Doctor, having experienced more than his share of explosions in a long life, was an expert.
There was a dull whump and a slight vibration. Romana squinted at the impact site. 'Has it gone off properly?' The Doctor did not reply. She pulled his finger from his ear. 'Has it gone off properly?'
It was K9 who replied. 'Affirmative, Mistress. My sensors report that the full quant.i.ty of trinitrotoluene stored in the projectile's nosecone has ignited.'
'Trinitrotoluene?' queried Romana. 'Against a capsule like that?'
The second pod was now almost out of view, its final descent concealed by a bank of craggy rocks to their left. Just before it vanished completely another missile appeared, fired from the other side, and with a slightly different design, but following much the same course as the first. This time it was nowhere near the target. Its brief career consisted entirely of getting halfway across the sky and then plummeting with a similarly unimpressive thud and crash. It was, thought Romana, a bit like watching an amateur pyrotechnic display.
'Somebody's a very, very bad shot', said the Doctor.
'Even if they'd been bang on target trinitrotoluene wouldn't so much scratched those pods,' said Romana. She folded her arms. 'It's puzzling.'
'What is?'
'The disparity in the technologies suggests a type F invasion scenario,' she began.
'That and the design,' put in the Doctor. 'Invaders prefer the lozenge look.
I've never understood why.'
'But the planet itself argues against that thesis, being barren and unprofitable,' Romana concluded.
The Doctor shrugged. 'Perhaps the invaders just have tenebrous tastes.
Haven't you heard of chacun a son gout?' chacun a son gout?'
Romana wrinkled her nose. 'I tried it once and I didn't like it. What's your opinion, K9?'
'Invasion hypothesis most likely. However, my logic circuits refute the Doctor Master's contention that this invasion is aesthetically motivated.'
'Well, of course they do,' grumbled the Doctor. 'It was a joke. One day I'm going to update that idiom bank of yours, K9.' He turned to Romana. 'This place could just be a rung on the ladder of somebody's conquests. They're attacking it because they can, not because of any inherent value.'
She was doubtful. 'Somebody's prepared to defend it.'
'Yes. Interesting, isn't it?' He moved closer and whispered, 'I think we ought to stay and find out what's what, eh?'
Romana said playfully, 'We could always just go back to the TARDIS and clear out.'
'Don't be silly. Where would that get us?'