Part 7 (1/2)
”No,” she said doubtfully. ”Do you mean be like Aunt Janet?”
”G.o.d forbid! No, not like Aunt Janet. You'll see when you come to it, Marcella. But remember that the nearest most of us ever get to the perfect Trinity is a thing of shreds and patches. People don't manage to be perfect.”
”Christ?” ventured Marcella.
”No. He was brain and spirit without a body.”
”Why, doctor, how about when He fasted in the wilderness--and the pain on the cross?”
”Bodily pain is much easier to bear than bodily desire, Marcella. Your poor father would have found it easier to be crucified than to bear his longing for whisky. And Aunt Janet--ask her.”
”She wouldn't tell me.”
”No, I suppose she wouldn't. When she was young she saw a man she wanted. And he was a man she couldn't have. Until she got dead as she is now I expect she'd have thought crucifixion a thing easier to bear. No, there's no one perfect. All we are, any of us, is either a soul or a body or a brain developed at the expense of all the rest. We get great holes torn in us, just as if wolves had been clawing at us. And it's the body that makes the most dreadful tears. Most people don't see this. You see, the body's hungers are the most appeasable--and being the most appeasable one can't see why they shouldn't be yielded to.”
He stopped talking as they drove into the main street of Pitleathy, and while he was with his patient at a little house in the middle of the street Marcella sat thinking. Loose ends of his talk floated about in her grasping mind and she collected them to make him fasten them down when he came back.
”Do you know, doctor, you've muddled me,” she said as they turned homewards in the teeth of the wind.
”I'm sorry for that, Marcella. You'd better forget what I've said.
Sitting alone so much I talk to myself, and I forgot I was talking to a bit la.s.sie like you. Forget things you don't understand.”
”And then get more puzzled later on, when they crop up?” she said. ”No.
I want you to tell me, now. I want to know, now, why mother was ill--and why Jean and I have headaches.”
”Your mother was ill through an accident,” he said gravely. ”I don't wish to talk about that. And as for Jean and you--well, it's what we expect of women. Man has made his women-folk invalids.”
”Doctor!” she gasped.
”Women are always getting ill more or less. Their natural place in the scheme of things makes them weaker. In the beginning of things they were in a dangerous world; as the vehicle of the new life it was not well that they should take their place amidst the same dangers as the men. Otherwise the race might have died out. So they were adapted by nature to a softer life. Their brains are smaller, their nerves more sensitive. If they'd been made as strong as men, physically, nothing would have kept them from fighting and exploring and getting killed.”
”But--but--how awful! And you mean I'll have headaches and things always because I'm a woman?”
”Because you're a woman and, to quote your Professor, biologically important. Important to the race, that is--not intrinsically important.
To keep you out of dangers and hards.h.i.+ps--and mischief,” he said, chuckling as he watched her indignant face.
”Well, then I won't be a woman! Coddled! I never heard anything so disgusting! Doctor, I'm going to be a Siegfried, a John the Baptist!
I'm going to be a man!”
The doctor laughed loudly and told her to wait awhile, when she would laugh at this Marcella who was so eager, so impatient now.
That conversation marked an epoch for Marcella. To use the doctor's phrase, it made her shake hands with her body. His medicine cured the neuralgia, though it would probably have cured itself now that the strain of her father's illness was over. But the headaches persisted right on until the springtime, bringing gusts of impatience and strange demands and urgencies that made her begin to get tired of the farm and Lashnagar and set her feet longing to be away on strange roads.
One sunny dawn she came down to the beach and, throwing off her clothes, ran across the strip of s.h.i.+ngle, and then, with rapture in the softness of the air after the sharp bite of winter and spring mornings, she flew as if on wings over the yellow sand and into the water that was sliding in gently, almost motionlessly. She danced in the little lazy waves.
They seemed playmates to-day, though usually they fought and buffeted her; she had her usual swim out to the islet where the fishermen kept their nets and it seemed very splendid just to be alive. Then she swam back to the sh.o.r.e where her clothes lay in a little heap, and it occurred to her that she had brought no towel.