6 Uzumaki and seals (1/2)

”I see you've woken up, mind explaining why you were trying to sneak into my house” – Mito

As I regained consciousness, I was met with a death stare from Mito. I looked to the side, only to see that Minato was still cozily in dreamland, which meant Mito was able to focus solely on me. I figured, she had already seen through our intention, at least somewhat, so I decided to tell the truth… at least some of it.

”Uhm, you see Uzumaki-sama, we happen to be fans of seals, thus, knowing the Uzumaki are renowned for their skills in seal work, we decided to go and see if this compound had anything cool… also we didn't know there were anyone living here” – Me

Mito continued to glare at me with a raised eyebrow. Seeing the look on her face, it was obvious that she didn't believe me, knowing I wasn't telling the whole truth.

”And the real reason?” – Mito

I sighed

”Well we were learning sealing from hokage-sama, but just last week, we finished everything he could teach us, so I told Minato I knew someone who is really skilled at using seals, who would be able to teach us if we could convince her” – Me

Mito didn't glare at me anymore, but instead looked at us with interest, and a slight expression of surprise on her face.

”You're saying you and him, seven-year-old boys, knows sealing at the same level as Hiruzen?” - Mito

”Yes?” – Me

”Then do you know how seal masters are graded?” – Mito

They didn't really elaborate on that in the original story, so the only rank I know is seal master, though I don't have anything to compare it to. Hiruzen didn't tell us his rank, so I literally have no idea how good I really am, especially compared to the Uzumaki.

”No, the hokage didn't tell us his rank, so the only rank I know is seal master” – Me