2 New family (1/2)

As I regained consciousness, I couldn't see a thing, ironic when you think about it, but never the less, I couldn't feel much either. I could sometimes feel what felt like feet hitting me mainly in the stomach. Outside of that I could hear some womanly grunt and something squeezing against me. Logic tells me I'm getting born, but I guess everyone starts their life that way. It also explains my lack of sight and the numbness of my body.

”Come on push! PUSH MISS! The second one is almost out” -???


”I can see the head, just a little more” -???


At that moment I felt the liberating feeling of being born. It was weird, like really weird, and slimy. The sticky fluid slowly dripping for your body was not pleasant in the least. No, it was fucking awful. no one, and I mean NO ONE, should ever go through that and remember it. On the positive side though, l learnt a few things. One; I have a twin, two; being a baby sucks, and three it FUCKING HURTS being born, might as well squeeze my intestines out mother... I left that train of thought as the nurse handed me to my mother along with my twin.

”Miss, it's two healthy boys, what shall their name be?” - nurse

”The oldest has such beautifully calm blue eyes, like the still water of a harbor, and shining golden blond hair, like his father. I shall name him Minato. The youngest one looks like his brother, but his eyes are look fierce and intelligent, he has my eyes, but his father's hair. I hope he will become an admirable shinobi one day, so I shall name him Yoshio” - Mother

”Indeed miss, he has your eyes, I will congratulate you clan. Today you gained two healthy young masters” - Nurse

I'm not really sure the, assumed to be nurse, meant with that, but at that moment I could hear the door open. It was a little hard due to my brothers crying, and with what little my eyes could see, I saw a blurry image of a tall man with blond hair, some kind of green garment over his upper body, and black pants. I could also see the nurse inspecting me and realized I hadn't cried at all. As such I began crying as well, just as the figure reached us.

”How are my little babies?” - ???

”They are fine and healthy, Arashi-sama, but you wife has fainted, so I will have to ask you to take the babies, and get out of here so we can examine her - Nurse

”Nothing is wrong with her right? You've got this under control, right?” - Arashi

You could hear the worry in the voice of Arashi, who I guess he is my father. Well I was kind of worried too, losing you mother right after birth isn't really the start I wanted, yet as I was getting carried out of the room by another nurse, with my father holding Minato, I could faintly hear screams of ”we are losing her” in the background, while my father wore a painful expression.

”Nurse, I had agreed to let my wife name the children. Since she carried them, I felt it was only fair, but I have yet to be told what my boys are called?” - Arashi

”The older one on your right arm was named Minato, since your wife felt his eyes was still like the water in a harbor, and the younger one on your left are was named Yoshio, because of his fierce looking eyes, and your wife's hope that he will become a skilled shinobi” - Nurse 2

”I see, Minato and Yoshio, fine names worthy of the clan heir and his brother” - Arashi

It wasn't after that another man came running towards my father with a serious look on his face, interrupting the small talk mt father was having with the nurse, after which my father reluctantly was forced to hand us over to the nurse as the man addressed him.