Part 26 (1/2)

Both laughed mockingly, and Salome made an impatient gesture.

”Enough of this farce; let us on to the next act in the comedy. Listen, dear sister: it was I who sent Constantius here. When I decided to take the throne of Khauran, I cast about for a man to aid me, and chose the Falcon, because of his utter lack of all characteristics men call good.”

”I am overwhelmed, princess,” murmured Constantius sardonically, with a profound bow.

”I sent him to Khauran and, once his men were camped in the plain outside and he was in the palace, I entered the city by that small gate in the west wall-the fools guarding it thought it was you returning from some nocturnal adventure---”

”You h.e.l.l-cat!” Taramis' cheeks flamed and her resentment got the better of her regal reserve.

Salome smiled hardly.

”They were properly surprised and shocked, but admitted me without question. I entered the palace the same way and gave the order to the surprised guards that sent them marching away, as well as the men who guarded Constantius in the south tower. Then I came here, attending to the ladies-in-waiting on the way.”

Taramis' fingers clenched and she paled.

”Well, what next?” she asked in a shaky voice.

”Listen!” Salome inclined her head. Faintly through the cas.e.m.e.nt there came the clank of marching men in armor; gruff voices shouted in an alien tongue, and cries of alarm mingled with the shouts.

”The people awaken and grow fearful,” said Constantius sardonically.

”You had better go and rea.s.sure them, Salome!”

”Call me Taramis,” answered Salome. ”We must become accustomed to it.”

”What have you done?” cried Taramis. ”What have you done?”

”I have gone to the gates and ordered the soldiers to open them,”

answered Salome. ”They were astounded, but they obeyed. That is the Falcon's army you hear, marching into the city.”

”You devil!” cried Taramis. ”You have betrayed my people, in my guise!

You have made me seem a traitor! Oh, I shall go to them---”

With a cruel laugh Salome caught her wrist and jerked her back. The magnificent suppleness of the queen was helpless against the vindictive strength that steeled Salome's slender limbs.

”You know how to reach the dungeons from the palace, Constantius?” said the witch-girl. ”Good. Take this spitfire and lock her into the strongest cell. The jailers are all sound in dragged sleep. I saw to that. Send a man to cut their throats before they can awaken. None must ever know what has occurred tonight. Henceforward I am Taramis, and Taramis is a nameless prisoner in an unknown dungeon.”

Constantius smiled with a glint of strong white teeth under his thin mustache.

”Very good; but you would not deny me a little-ah- amus.e.m.e.nt first?”

”Not I! Tame the scornful hussy as you will.” With a wicked laugh Salome flung her sister into the Kothian's arms, and turned away through the door that opened into the outer corridor.

Fright widened Taramis' lovely eyes, her supple figure rigid and straining against Constantius' embrace. She forgot the men marching in the streets, forgot the outrage to her queens.h.i.+p, in the face of the menace to her womanhood. She forgot all sensations but terror and shame as she faced the complete cynicism of Constantius' burning, mocking eyes, felt his hard arms crus.h.i.+ng her writhing body.

Salome, hurrying along the corridor outside, smiled spitefully as a scream of despair and agony rang shuddering through the palace.

2. The Tree of Death

The young soldier's hose and s.h.i.+rt were smeared with dried blood, wet with sweat and gray with dust. Blood oozed from the deep gash in his thigh, from the cuts on his breast and shoulder. Perspiration glistened on his livid face and his fingers were knotted in the cover of the divan on which he lay. Yet his words reflected mental suffering that outweighed physical pain.